Thanks for the quick reaction!
I agree but marked for dead is a bonus for increasing attack power, but I actually agree on taking it out because I don't really need extra attack power. This was just a extra thing to quickly damage the opponent mage and result is dead off opponent mage in 2 rounds (even against temple priest it happened 2/3).
I was testing the marked for dead and the damage barrier. My calculations where that I needed something against swarms, but mordoks obelisk is also a hard counter against swarms. Since winning can only be done by killing the opponent mage, I included the circle of lightning. I am not yet convinced about it so it is possible that I would change it but then again it is also good against beatdown, big creature rush, ...
I want to include a battle forge for testing because it gives me an extra action to buff myself (but this at the expense off a quick action and 8 mana). Off course then I will include more buff cards like armor, ... But now my focus is on preventing damage with the ability of the forcemaster, the 2 forcefields and if necessary the scimitars but most often I use the 3 dice attack.
I also agree on armor: even if they can penetrate my defenses, a solid rate of armor does the trick. It goes well with the battle forge but again my focus was on preventing damage but I get the point
As for Psi-Orb: I don't really like it, maybe I could include it with the battle forge but still then I am not convinced. I don't have that many cards simultaneous on the field with high upkeep costs. Mind control gets a lot of dispels or I use mordoks obelisk, don't pay upkeep, and the creature is gone. I almost every game have scimitar which is 1 upkeep (no problem). Forcefield is pricy but it also have already stopped 3 attacks, which is the same mana for 3 blocks with the ability to negate unavoidable attacks.
I don't use invisible stalker that much. I use it against big creature builds and solo-mage beatdown but even then, battle furry is awesome with the attack power I have. So I am hesitating to take him out but he is just to cool :d.
My experience tells my that is don't need extra positioning control with the force master. The force pull is so amazing in positioning control. That in combo with cheetah speed, I think it is sufficient.
I get what you say about the expensive hurl boulder. It would cost me 7 (1 channeling of thoughtspore). I don't use it every turn and it is mostly to scare the opponent and use it when he comes to close to my thoughtspores and to finish creatures. But then my problem (in my opinion) is that I don't use that thougthspore efficiently because the best way to use the thougthspore is to use the bind spell almost every round (I think). What do you think about that?
I don't like the idea of invisible fists because its a 0-1 spell. I rather be at a distance because thoughtspores are easily killed and their support means a lot especially the one with the battle fury!
Thanks again for the good reactions and I always appreciate tips/feedback/...