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Topics - fas723

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General Discussion / Is Mage wars about to fade out?
« on: May 05, 2016, 11:04:46 AM »
I know similar topics have been discussed before, but I just need to ask the forum this question again.
When Mage wars was once release I has completely struck by its mechanics and game play. I volunteered for ambassador and started to teach the game to as many people I could. Quite soon expansions were released and the game was at BGGs hotlist.

Today I don’t see that spark any more.
It is not just that it was now ages since (in my mind) a proper expansion has been released. (Promises was made, and redrawn, but still no new release dates for new mages. Battle ground and Academy are far from as good as the base game, and the cards from the last sets have gone in circles.) It more the feeling I get around the whole game and AW.

Look at the forum. It is not nearly as many people or posts in here as it once was.
The most popular topics are "How would you change Mage Wars" & "Is it loosing popularity".
Spolier and news for the new academy card are nowhere to be found.
Mr Scott Morris has left the ship.
Cards like Dawnbreaker’s Chosen and the community card are long forgotten.
What I can read Octagon are missing a decent player pool.
No new videos from the amazing Arcane Duels guys.
The App has not got a single update since it was released.

These are just a few examples. Personally my interest has gone from thrilled to moderate about this game. Most of my gaming bodies will choose 10 games over this today and it has become harder and harder for me to get this to the table. Previously the Mage wars stuff was an instant buy from me, but now I start to think my collection is done.

What is your feeling? Is Mage wars about to fade out?

General Discussion / How to pronounce Slavörg
« on: August 23, 2015, 03:38:58 PM »
I have noticed in various videos, mainly from Arcane Duels (awesome job guys!), that there is a very American pronunciation of Slavörg.
I don't know if he is a well famous fantasy creature out there already, but since he got a special character in his name which only can be found in the Scandinavian countries (and actually in Turkey as well) I, as a Swede, will try to make things correct.  :)

There are three parts in the name that needs a bit of explanation:
1. a
2. ö (which actually is only found in Swedish since this: "ø" is the letter in Norway and Denmark)
3. g

The "a" should be a long vowel. Like in the British-english tomato.

The hardest part.  :)
"Ö" is a character with a sound you can find in the end of the english word "saboteur".
Click the speaker button to here it.
Here you can also see the the Swedish word uses "ö" in it.

The word for "Island" in Swedish is actually "Ö". So here is it in its pure form:
Click the speaker button again.

The "g" is not as in George, which to me sound more like an "j".
It is a "g" rather like in "guantanamo" (sorry, couldn't find a better example)

There we go. No more Slavv-jo-rg or Slav-o-rj, but Slavörg.
Hope you agree and find it interesting.  :)

General Discussion / How good is quick cast as a creature trait?
« on: June 25, 2015, 05:32:54 PM »
As of today the only ceature that can be qc is the Tartaree. In general a quite weak creature and not a very common play what I have seen. And then we have the Beastmaster ability to qc level 1 creatures that is one of the most powerful abilities of all mages. So how valuable is the qc trait for a creature?

What if you had the chance to change any creature into having the qc trait, and pay for it by removing another trait it currently had. Is there any such deal you wouldn't make? Could you name one creature that you would keep as is in favour of not having the qc trait (with the expenses of one other trait)?

Example: Would the Hydra be considered more or less powerful if it didn't had trippel strike and was able to be qc instead?

Spells / Card idea: Meditate
« on: June 07, 2015, 03:40:17 PM »
Name: Meditate
Type: Incantation
Target: Mage
Action: Ful
Range: 0-0
Cost: X
Text: X is target mage base channeling. Next channeling phase target mage will channel its current channeling plus 2 one additional time.

While I'm waiting for more Domination spoliers I sitting here thinking about cards I would like to see. Here is something for those who likes Harmonize, Mana flower/crystal and amulet. You will gain mana, but loose tempo. But look out for Syphones...
Would you play it if it was available?

Spells / Why must spawnpoints always have channeling?
« on: June 03, 2015, 04:44:14 PM »
One thing I have been thinking about is why AW always add channeling to the spawnpoints? Is this a must?
I would really like to see a general spawnpoints that could be used by any mage and cast any creature that had a reduced casting cost due to no channeling.

Let's say an average spawnpoints today is about 10-12 mana. A flower, Harmonize or amulet is 5-6.
What about this card then:
- Conjuration, spawnpoints.
- Full action, 5 mana.
- Can cast any creature in deployment.
- 6 health, 2 armor.
- Trippel novice (3 sp for everyone)

Would you play this card?

Rules Discussion / Force bash into the same zone
« on: May 23, 2015, 12:43:54 PM »
Yesterday when I played a question about Force bash came up that I couldn't answer.
Is it possible to Force bash a creature into the edge of the arena (dealing 3 dies damage), thus leting the creature remain in the zone, and then let other creature in that same zone get slam?
Looking at the wording at the card this should be possible in my opinion, but seems quite powerful.

League / Tournament Play / Essen 2014
« on: July 02, 2014, 07:29:38 AM »
After some long discussions last year AW unfortunately decided to not go official to Essen, just travel there and check if the fair was something for AW in 2014.
Have you considered this yet? Booth, Tournament, ect?
As ambassador in Sweden I would gladly help out during the fair if you guys need and decide to participate.

Strategy and Tactics / Dice vs Armor table
« on: January 20, 2014, 03:11:14 PM »
After some requests I made a Die vs. Armor table where you can see how much expected damage you will deal depending on your amount of dice vs. the amount of armor.

Tables in here always look strange. I hope you can read it. I have put it in here for you who don't want to download it. If you like to print the table I made an ok looking tab in Excel suitable for this which you can bring to your games. In there where you also find the calculation. You find it here:


It is quite hard to write large tables right into the forum, so please let me know if you find any errors. The printable version should be fine though, so it is safe.

The table show the expected value in a normal distribution based on the amount of dice vs. your opposing armor. The two columns next to each "my" are one standard deviation, "sigma", up and down from the expected value. When you read the table "my" will represent the most likely result and within +/- 1 "sigma" you have a 68.2% hit rate.

Note that resiliant can be interpreted as infinit armor. In this table you can use armor levle 9 to simulate this as long as the amount of dice do not exceeds 7 4. EDIT: It should be 4 dice not 7. Table updated with Resilient and Incorporeal.


                1                    2                    3          
   Armor      μ-σ      μ      μ+σ      μ-σ      μ      μ+σ      μ-σ      μ      μ+σ   
   0      0,18      1,00      1,82      0,85      2,00      3,15      1,59      3,00      4,41   
   1      -0,08      0,67      1,41      0,38      1,44      2,51      0,97      2,30      3,62   
   2      -0,26      0,50      1,26      0,06      1,11      2,16      0,54      1,81      3,09   
   3      -0,26      0,50      1,26      -0,04      1,03      2,09      0,32      1,61      2,90   
   4      -0,26      0,50      1,26      -0,08      1,00      2,08      0,21      1,52      2,83   
   5      -0,26      0,50      1,26      -0,08      1,00      2,08      0,19      1,50      2,82   
   6      -0,26      0,50      1,26      -0,08      1,00      2,08      0,18      1,50      2,82   
   7      -0,26      0,50      1,26      -0,08      1,00      2,08      0,18      1,50      2,82   
   Resil      -0,26      0,50      1,26      -0,08      1,00      2,08      0,18      1,50      2,82   
   Incorp      -0,14      0,33      0,80      0,00      0,67      1,33      0,18      1,00      1,82   
                4                    5                    6          
   Armor      μ-σ      μ      μ+σ      μ-σ      μ      μ+σ      μ-σ      μ      μ+σ   
   0      2,37      4,00      5,63      3,17      5,00      6,83      4,00      6,00      8,00   
   1      1,64      3,20      4,76      2,37      4,13      5,90      3,13      5,09      7,04   
   2      1,10      2,59      4,08      1,74      3,43      5,12      2,43      4,31      6,19   
   3      0,79      2,26      3,73      1,32      2,97      4,62      1,92      3,74      5,56   
   4      0,60      2,09      3,58      1,05      2,70      4,35      1,57      3,37      5,16   
   5      0,51      2,03      3,54      0,90      2,57      4,25      1,35      3,16      4,97   
   6      0,48      2,00      3,53      0,83      2,52      4,21      1,22      3,06      4,90   
   7      0,47      2,00      3,53      0,80      2,51      4,21      1,16      3,02      4,88   
   Resil      0,47      2,00      3,53      0,79      2,50      4,21      1,13      3,00      4,87   
   Incorp      0,39      1,33      2,28      0,61      1,67      2,72      0,85      2,00      3,15   
                7                    8                    9          
   Armor      μ-σ      μ      μ+σ      μ-σ      μ      μ+σ      μ-σ      μ      μ+σ   
   0      4,84      7,00      9,16      5,69      8,00      10,31      6,55      9,00      11,45   
   1      3,93      6,06      8,18      4,76      7,04      9,32      5,60      8,03      10,46   
   2      3,16      5,22      7,28      3,93      6,16      8,38      4,73      7,11      9,49   
   3      2,57      4,56      6,55      3,27      5,42      7,57      4,00      6,31      8,62   
   4      2,14      4,09      6,03      2,76      4,85      6,95      3,42      5,66      7,91   
   5      1,85      3,79      5,74      2,40      4,47      6,54      2,99      5,19      7,39   
   6      1,66      3,63      5,59      2,15      4,23      6,32      2,68      4,87      7,07   
   7      1,56      3,55      5,54      1,99      4,10      6,21      2,47      4,69      6,91   
   Resil      1,48      3,50      5,52      1,84      4,00      6,16      2,21      4,50      6,79   
   Incorp      1,09      2,33      3,58      1,33      2,67      4,00      1,59      3,00      4,41   

Spells / Most efficient creature 3
« on: December 08, 2013, 12:21:42 PM »
See next post for explanation.

Ranked creatures:

         Name      True Cost      Calc Cost      Diff Cost      Index   
   1      Blue Gremling      7      10,01      3,01      1,43   
   2      Dwarf Panzergarde      11      13,82      2,82      1,26   
   3      Tataree      6      8,77      2,77      1,46   
   4      Gargoyle Sentry      11      13,61      2,61      1,24   
   5      Ichthellid      9      11,52      2,52      1,28   
   6      Guardian Angel      12      14,39      2,39      1,20   
   7      Kralathor, The Devourer      16      18,18      2,18      1,14   
   8      Ludwig Boltsorm      13      15,16      2,16      1,17   
   9      Earth Elemental      20      22,15      2,15      1,11   
   10      Psylok      8      10,08      2,08      1,26   
   11      Ravenous Ghoul      13      15,05      2,05      1,16   
   12      Asyrian Cleric      5      7,05      2,05      1,41   
   13      Whirling Spirit      12      14,02      2,02      1,17   
   14      Thunderift Falcon      6      7,91      1,91      1,32   
   15      Flaming Hellion      13      14,78      1,78      1,14   
   16      Darkfenne Hydra      16      17,74      1,74      1,11   
   17      Deathfang      8      9,68      1,68      1,21   
   18      Necropian Vampiress      16      17,63      1,63      1,10   
   19      Emerald Tegu      9      10,60      1,60      1,18   
   20      Screech Harpy      11      12,54      1,54      1,14   
   21      Dire Wolf      12      13,52      1,52      1,13   
   22      Gray Angel      12      13,43      1,43      1,12   
   23      Mana Leech      8      9,42      1,42      1,18   
   24      Firebrand Imp      5      6,36      1,36      1,27   
   25      Darkfenne Bat      5      6,35      1,35      1,27   
   26      Bitterwood Fox      5      6,33      1,33      1,27   
   27      Shaggoth-Zora      8      9,22      1,22      1,15   
   28      Zombie Crawler      4      5,00      1,00      1,25   
   29      Dark Pack Slayer      13      13,92      0,92      1,07   
   30      Thornlasher      7      7,89      0,89      1,13   
   31      Dwarf Kriegsbiel      11      11,78      0,78      1,07   
   32      Spitting Raptor      11      11,77      0,77      1,07   
   33      Orc Butcher      8      8,69      0,69      1,09   
   34      Timber Wolf      9      9,64      0,64      1,07   
   35      Skeletal Minion      5      5,58      0,58      1,12   
   36      Goblin Builder      5      5,55      0,55      1,11   
   37      Tarok, the Skyhunter      13      13,54      0,54      1,04   
   38      Goblin Bomber      8      8,46      0,46      1,06   
   39      Iron Golem      13      13,43      0,43      1,03   
   40      Venomous Zombie      7      7,40      0,40      1,06   
   41      Vine Snapper      7      7,23      0,23      1,03   
   42      Zombie Minion      7      7,20      0,20      1,03   
   43      Skeletal Sentry      8      8,18      0,18      1,02   
   44      Acolyte of the Bog Queen      5      5,16      0,16      1,03   
   45      Makunda      17      17,12      0,12      1,01   
   46      Sosruko, Ferret Companion      7      7,09      0,09      1,01   
   47      Grey Wraith      10      10,05      0,05      1,00   
   48      Steelclaw Grizzly      17      17,04      0,04      1,00   
   49      Brogan Bloodstone      15      14,95      -0,05      1,00   
   50      Galador, Protector of Straywood      16      15,95      -0,05      1,00   
   51      Skeletal Knight      13      12,85      -0,15      0,99   
   52      Togarah, Forest Sentinel      21      20,73      -0,27      0,99   
   53      Mort      16      15,69      -0,31      0,98   
   54      Feral Bobcat      5      4,57      -0,43      0,91   
   55      Devouring Jelly      13      12,55      -0,45      0,97   
   56      Goran, Werewolf Pet      15      14,51      -0,49      0,97   
   57      Goblin Grunt      4      3,40      -0,60      0,85   
   58      Royal archer      12      11,29      -0,71      0,94   
   59      Zombie Brute      11      10,13      -0,87      0,92   
   60      Samandriel, Angel of Light      21      20,08      -0,92      0,96   
   61      Highland Unicorn      13      12,03      -0,97      0,93   
   62      Cervere, The forest Shadow      15      13,96      -1,04      0,93   
   63      Plague Zombie      9      7,75      -1,25      0,86   
   64      Unstable Zombie      9      7,72      -1,28      0,86   
   65      Bridge Troll      13      11,69      -1,31      0,90   
   66      Sir Corazin, Bladmaster      16      14,63      -1,37      0,91   
   67      Mountain Gorilla      16      14,57      -1,43      0,91   
   68      Valshalla, Lightning Angel      21      19,54      -1,46      0,93   
   69      Knight of Westlock      13      11,46      -1,54      0,88   
   70      Moonglow Fearie      8      6,42      -1,58      0,80   
   71      Gorgon Archer      16      14,26      -1,74      0,89   
   72      Goblin Slinger      7      5,12      -1,88      0,73   
   73      Giant Wolf Spider      15      13,01      -1,99      0,87   
   74      Adramelech, Lord of Fire      24      22,00      -2,00      0,92   
   75      Redclaw, Alpha Male      16      13,97      -2,03      0,87   
   76      Malacoda      16      13,81      -2,19      0,86   
   77      Thorg, Chief Bodyguard      17      14,74      -2,26      0,87   
   78      Stonegaze Basilisk      12      9,67      -2,33      0,81   
   79      Skeletal Archer      11      8,48      -2,52      0,77   
   80      Fella, Pixie Familiar      12      9,03      -2,97      0,75   
   81      Invisable stalker      15      11,79      -3,21      0,79   
   82      Hugin, Raven Familiar      11      7,74      -3,26      0,70   
   83      Thoughtspore      8      4,56      -3,44      0,57   
   84      Grimson Deadeye, sniper      15      11,04      -3,96      0,74   
   85      Selesius, the East Wind      21      16,56      -4,44      0,79   

Spells / Togorah and Vigilant, why?
« on: November 28, 2013, 01:48:12 PM »
Have I got this right?

Vigilant gives the ability to the active creature to automaticly end its turn with a guard token on it?
Togorah got this ability, but only have one full action attack, which means no counterstrik with guard. So why Vigilant? It only makes him vulnerable... Is this supposed to be "negative" trait for him?

Rules Discussion / Rings together with Familiar
« on: May 23, 2013, 05:35:33 AM »
Please direct me to the appropriate topic if this has been answerd before.

What if I have a ring that gives me a disscount to the mana cost, will my Familiary get the same discount?

League / Tournament Play / Essen 2013?
« on: May 07, 2013, 04:26:51 AM »
I read everyday about events in the US, and it makes me very envious. Isn't it time for you guys to travle to Europe  and arrange a tournament?

I'm not german (I would prefer if you come to Sweden), but if you would attend to the Spiel fair in Essen this year it would be awesome! It is as you know the main event of the year over here in Europe, where everyone gets together.

Please consider this and make your European fans really happy.
(Won't hurt if you also had some non-US promos ready by then  ;) )

Spells / Most efficient Creature 2
« on: February 24, 2013, 01:30:38 PM »
See next post for explanation.


Calculated cost = 0.38*Attack + 2.29*Armor^(1/2) + 0.45*Health + 1.74*Trait

Attack = max(Attack1 or Attack2) + 0,3*min(Attack1 or Attack2)

AttackX = Dies * [2*sum(AttackTrait)/max(AttackTrait)+1] * AttackType^(0.74)

Ranked creatures:

   Name      True Cost      Attack      Armor      Health      Trait      Calc Cost      Diff Cost      Index   
   1      Thunderift Falcon      6      1,90      0,00      2,22      5,31      9,43      3,43      1,57   
   2      Blue Gremling      7      2,85      2,29      3,11      1,82      10,07      3,07      1,44   
   3      Gray Angel      12      2,53      3,24      4,45      4,61      14,83      2,83      1,24   
   4      Ludwig Boltsorm      13      8,26      3,24      4,00      0,00      15,51      2,51      1,19   
   5      Earth Elemental      20      7,68      0,00      15,57      -0,84      22,41      2,41      1,12   
   6      Asyrian Cleric      5      1,27      2,29      2,67      0,70      6,93      1,93      1,39   
   7      Bitterwood Fox      5      1,90      0,00      2,22      2,52      6,64      1,64      1,33   
   8      Tarok, the Skyhunter      13      3,23      3,24      4,00      4,05      14,53      1,53      1,12   
   9      Flaming Hellion      13      6,24      3,24      4,00      0,84      14,32      1,32      1,10   
   10      Orc Butcher      8      2,53      2,29      4,45      0,00      9,27      1,27      1,16   
   11      Timber Wolf      9      2,53      3,24      4,45      0,00      10,22      1,22      1,14   
   12      Necropian Vampiress      16      6,33      3,24      6,67      0,98      17,22      1,22      1,08   
   13      Darkfenne Bat      5      1,65      0,00      1,78      2,80      6,22      1,22      1,24   
   14      Feral Bobcat      5      1,27      0,00      1,78      3,07      6,12      1,12      1,22   
   15      Dark Pack Slayer      13      4,30      3,24      6,23      0,28      14,05      1,05      1,08   
   16      Emerald Tegu      9      2,47      3,97      3,56      0,00      10,00      1,00      1,11   
   17      Mana Leech      8      2,20      2,29      3,56      0,84      8,89      0,89      1,11   
   18      Cervere, The forest Shadow      15      2,53      3,24      4,89      5,17      15,84      0,84      1,06   
   19      Sosruko, Ferret Companion      7      2,91      0,00      2,22      2,66      7,79      0,79      1,11   
   20      Psylok      8      3,54      0,00      3,56      1,68      8,78      0,78      1,10   
   21      Skeletal Sentry      8      2,53      0,00      4,89      0,98      8,40      0,40      1,05   
   22      Firebrand Imp      5      1,77      0,00      2,67      0,84      5,28      0,28      1,06   
   23      Dwarf Kriegsbiel      11      3,94      3,97      4,00      -0,70      11,21      0,21      1,02   
   24      Iron Golem      13      3,80      5,13      5,78      -1,54      13,17      0,17      1,01   
   25      Highland Unicorn      13      1,90      3,24      4,00      3,91      13,06      0,06      1,00   
   26      Whirling Spirit      12      5,06      0,00      5,78      1,12      11,96      -0,04      1,00   
   27      Darkfenne Hydra      16      8,11      2,29      6,67      -1,12      15,96      -0,04      1,00   
   28      Steelclaw Grizzly      17      5,94      3,97      6,67      0,28      16,86      -0,14      0,99   
   29      Brogan Bloodstone      15      6,07      4,59      4,89      -0,70      14,85      -0,15      0,99   
   30      Royal archer      12      5,51      2,29      4,00      0,00      11,80      -0,20      0,98   
   31      Goblin Grunt      4      1,90      0,00      1,78      0,00      3,68      -0,32      0,92   
   32      Goblin Builder      5      1,27      0,00      2,67      0,56      4,49      -0,51      0,90   
   33      Goblin Bomber      8      9,27      0,00      2,22      -4,19      7,30      -0,70      0,91   
   34      Sir Corazin, Bladmaster      16      4,54      2,29      5,78      2,66      15,27      -0,73      0,95   
   35      Goran, Werewolf Pet      15      3,28      3,97      5,34      1,54      14,13      -0,87      0,94   
   36      Valshalla, Lightning Angel      21      4,81      2,29      6,23      6,71      20,04      -0,96      0,95   
   37      Knight of Westlock      13      3,16      3,97      4,45      0,42      12,00      -1,00      0,92   
   38      Mountain Gorilla      16      2,53      3,24      7,12      2,10      14,99      -1,01      0,94   
   39      Thorg, Chief Bodyguard      17      3,16      4,59      5,34      2,80      15,88      -1,12      0,93   
   40      Goblin Slinger      7      2,94      0,00      2,67      0,00      5,61      -1,39      0,80   
   41      Redclaw, Alpha Male      16      3,16      3,97      5,34      2,10      14,57      -1,43      0,91   
   42      Samandriel, Angel of Light      21      6,01      2,29      6,23      5,03      19,56      -1,44      0,93   
   43      Adramelech, Lord of Fire      24      8,53      3,97      6,23      3,63      22,36      -1,64      0,93   
   44      Fella, Pixie Familiar      12      1,52      0,00      2,67      6,15      10,34      -1,66      0,86   
   45      Hugin, Raven Familiar      11      0,95      0,00      2,22      6,15      9,32      -1,68      0,85   
   46      Moonglow Fearie      8      1,77      0,00      2,22      1,68      5,67      -2,33      0,71   
   47      Malacoda      16      3,80      3,97      5,78      0,00      13,55      -2,45      0,85   
   48      Gorgon Archer      16      6,53      2,29      5,78      -1,12      13,49      -2,51      0,84   
   49      Stonegaze Basilisk      12      3,25      3,24      4,45      -2,10      8,84      -3,16      0,74   
   50      Selesius, the East Wind      21      4,52      2,29      5,78      5,03      17,63      -3,37      0,84   
   51      Invisable stalker      15      3,80      0,00      3,11      4,19      11,10      -3,90      0,74   
   52      Thoughtspore      8      0,63      0,00      3,11      -0,42      3,33      -4,67      0,42   
[td]   53   [/td]     [td]   Grimson Deadeye, sniper   [/td]     [td]   15   [/td]     [td]   3,74   [/td]     [td]   2,29   [/td]     [td]   4,00   [/td]     [td]   0,00   [/td]     [td]   10,04   [/td]     [td]   -4,96   [/td]     [td]   0,67   [/td]

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Soft play board (arena)
« on: January 12, 2013, 08:12:40 AM »
After been playing this game since it arrived I have now figured out the worst thing with it is (don't get me wrong the game is awesome!)

It is the box size and that it is so heavy and "bulky" to carry aound. Why does it have to be like that? Since the board is so big, which it needs to be. If the board would be able to shrink somehow the box could have been made substaitialy smaller.

I would say this is the main reason why this game isn't played as much as it would be otherwise in our play group.

So, I would really encourage you to look into the possibility to release some kind of soft play board that just could be rolled up (like a cool scroll  :P ).

Rules Discussion / AOE & Range improvments
« on: November 21, 2012, 02:34:42 PM »
Read about this somewhere in this forum, but want to have a official statment if it is correct or not.

What I remeber is that Range improvments, like Hawk Eye does not improve spells like Fire ring or Fire storm (or any other AOE spell either)?
Does this apply even towards Fire shaper ring for the above spells?


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