Mage Wars > Strategy and Tactics

Burst damage problems

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Or just Stagger, which is super effective because it covers Melee, Range and Spell attacks and stays until the end of the creatures next activation.

After a couple of games in Academy core I feel the only winning strategy might be to leave the creatures of the opponent alone and just hit the mage as frequently and as hard as you can.

This seems to favor builds where just 1 or 2 creatures are being created, subsequently buffed with melee +X, and then they hit the mage and the game ends soon.

To counter that, you'd have to be very defensive, which leaves you with no time to become offensive. You can only delay your demise.

It feels as if the game is over too soon.

So you end up with 2 similar builds fighting eachother: 2-3 buffed creatures hitting the other mage.

Does somebody have a build that does not do that and still has a chance?

Sailor Vulcan:

--- Quote from: Donovan on August 18, 2016, 02:49:33 PM ---After a couple of games in Academy core I feel the only winning strategy might be to leave the creatures of the opponent alone and just hit the mage as frequently and as hard as you can.

This seems to favor builds where just 1 or 2 creatures are being created, subsequently buffed with melee +X, and then they hit the mage and the game ends soon.

To counter that, you'd have to be very defensive, which leaves you with no time to become offensive. You can only delay your demise.

It feels as if the game is over too soon.

So you end up with 2 similar builds fighting eachother: 2-3 buffed creatures hitting the other mage.

Does somebody have a build that does not do that and still has a chance?

--- End quote ---

Really? I've played academy quite a bit on octgn when it first became available to play on there, and I've played at least several games of academy against my sisters and one of my friends in real life. While it's important to attack the mage, most good decks are going to want to attack creatures too. Attack spells are expensive mana wise, and if you put on some armor and regen and use some healing it can be hard to make it stick. And if you summon creatures to guard you it's harder for them to hurt your mage. I suspect that you guys are playing the game wrong somehow. You know that pest trait works different in academy than arena right?

In any case, I've made some academy decks already that are different from what you describe and they seem to work fine. I'll post them later.

@donovan: thanks I know.

@coshade: we just build a deck before we play and remove them afterwards, so they did not really matter.

@vulcan: we are not playing the rules wrong.  ;)

In general I think I just played mgheddon wrong during the first 3 games. I replayed him earlier today and this time it went a lot better. He gives a huge offense but you are in the open during the beginning of the game so you really need to combine him with a solid defence which I did not do. I also think you could really make good use lf the protective 1 time use enchantments like donovan mentioned. I just think its a bad Arena habit if mine to think they are not worth as much. In academy they are much better. (Shorter game, little unavoidable, ...)

In general, I wanted to combine offence with that sealed demon, but he makes you vulnerable. That and she played well and had some luck..  :P

Also, I would really like to houserule the first and last quickcast back in, but as you can imagine, she does not agree!  :D

Sailor Vulcan:

--- Quote from: Halewijn on August 20, 2016, 04:00:23 PM ---@donovan: thanks I know.

@coshade: we just build a deck before we play and remove them afterwards, so they did not really matter.

@vulcan: we are not playing the rules wrong.  ;)

In general I think I just played mgheddon wrong during the first 3 games. I replayed him earlier today and this time it went a lot better. He gives a huge offense but you are in the open during the beginning of the game so you really need to combine him with a solid defence which I did not do. I also think you could really make good use lf the protective 1 time use enchantments like donovan mentioned. I just think its a bad Arena habit if mine to think they are not worth as much. In academy they are much better. (Shorter game, little unavoidable, ...)

In general, I wanted to combine offence with that sealed demon, but he makes you vulnerable. That and she played well and had some luck..  :P

Also, I would really like to houserule the first and last quickcast back in, but as you can imagine, she does not agree!  :D

--- End quote ---

I think the issue with the lack of quick cast phases could be solved with enchantments like second chance. Second chance effectively gives you +1 quick actions, so revealing it at end of upkeep before the action phase would be a lot like a quickcast phase. Except that there is only one thing you can do with second chance and that is reviving a creature when it dies. I think we just need more enchantments that effectively give +1 quick actions that do other things.

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