Mage Wars > Spellbook Design and Construction

My Academy Warlord


This is my Academy Warlord Spellbook. I have currently used 37/40 points and am looking for general feedback, as well as what I could use for those last three points. Thanks

2x Crumble
2x Disperse
2x Mend
2x Temple Sentry
2x Elven Soldier
1x Aurora Lucere, Dawnbreakers Chosen
1x Izimbila
1x Commanders Cape
1x Ivarium Halberd
1x Leather Belt
1x Leather Vest
1x Dig In
1x Press the Attack
2x Promotion
1x Focused Strike
1x Stalagmite

Wychwood Ironvine is a decent choice just watch out for Theft of Life. You're also using a bunch of holy creatures. It might be worth considering taking a Circle of Protection (taking out a mend most likely). The armor helps all your creatures, and you can probably always heal a sentry or Aurora.


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