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Messages - HeatStryke

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Rules Discussion / Re: Staff of Stoms. What does "you" mean
« on: October 07, 2014, 10:07:43 PM »
Silly people translating for me.  :P

But yeah, my typing got ahead of my memory.  ::)

Your effectively canceling it by moving the target. Moving breaks targeting, it's how spells work, and how attacks work.

Since you can't exactly stack effects, the closest you can get would be to simply apply stock targeting rules.

It's a corner case, where if an automated attack is about to happen simultaneously with a teleport effect the automated attack fails.

Either way it works it'll feel awkward, but since the targeting rules favor canceling the attacks it makes it more consistent. (Caltrops probably ought to have melee range anyway)

Rules Discussion / Re: Staff of Stoms. What does "you" mean
« on: October 07, 2014, 07:30:58 PM »
Source is simply the point the targeting takes place from.

Bonuses derive from the attacker and the target. The attacker's bonuses (if they don't fall off like Ranged) remain with the attack, the bonuses from the target (see +Lightning) will vary and not carry over from attack to attack.

From the FAQ:

Similarly, an attack fails and is canceled, if either of the following occur before the Apply Damage and Effects step of an attack :
1. The target of the attack is no longer a legal target, or
2. The source or target of the attack moves (e.g. by being Pushed or Teleported away), even if the move was to a location where the spell was still in range. (In the case of a Teleport, this applies even if the teleport was into the same zone).

If the target of a spell or attack moves, it disrupts the targeting and the attack is canceled.

Rules Discussion / Re: Is flipping the qc marker part of the casting step?
« on: September 30, 2014, 12:04:52 AM »
Flipping an Action or QC marker is one of two things: either a cost or a side effect of taking an action.

In either case it doesn't happen as an independent event, it's just part of casting a spell or taking an action.

Note: As soon as you activate a creature and flip its action
marker, your opponent can reveal any hidden enchantments
(see “Revealing Enchantments” on page 18). You must give
your opponent a chance to reveal his enchantments before
you decide which action you want to take with your

The marker acts like a cost. The moment you pay it the action starts and enchantments cannot be revealed until the first step ends.

It basically would break down like this.

  • Previous action ends, active player decides if he want's to take a QC action or reveal something
  • inactive player makes the same decision, if he choses to do something his opponent can't do anything until the next opportunity.

An action ends when it's finished resolving. Move actions end when you finish moving. Attacks end after the last attack finishes, etc. etc. Then starting with the active player both players get chances to do something.

Rules Discussion / Re: War sledge sweeping attack with only 1 enemy in zone
« on: September 20, 2014, 11:15:46 PM »
People are simply over thinking this.

It is safe to assume a rule is mandatory unless it explicitly says otherwise. You use an attack with Piercing you get the bonus. You don't choose if you WANT the bonus.

Rules Discussion / Re: Triple strike?
« on: August 26, 2014, 02:53:17 PM »
eh. this is what I get for reading my notes when I'm half awake.

I referred to it as an additional strike as it bypasses damage barrier and counterstrike and is still part of the same attack, so I over simplified things. You probably would still not perform step 1 as your not retargeting; but that's open to interpretation.

The Attack Sequence is steps 1-8. The Attack Action is the over arching action that causes any and all attack sequences to occur.

The Attack Action is what causes +X Melee to only work on the first attack. The current wording on Battle Fury says at the "end of the attack action" indicating that it happens after all the Sweeping strikes.

Rules Discussion / Re: Triple strike?
« on: August 26, 2014, 01:48:40 AM »
I simply said step 5 because it gets treated as an additional strike, so it would kind of have to go back there to be treated as one. (the computer programmer in me likes things consistent, no matter how odd)

Rules Discussion / Re: Triple strike?
« on: August 25, 2014, 05:36:34 PM »
Given the way Battle Fury is currently worded, we can make a few assumptions.

When you go to perform an attack you begin an Attack Action. This covers any attacks that would be generated during said action.

Each Attack follows an Attack Sequence. The sequence is the mechanical order of things you do during an Attack.

The way this interaction breaks down is:

First you declare your attack by announcing you are using your Full Action to use a Quick Attack (part of Whirling Strike's cost).

You perform all 3 of Whirling Strike's attacks.

After the final attack, the Attack Action attempts to end. Battle Fury then triggers to this event, causing it's attack to occur, backing up to either Step 5 if attacking the same target as the third Whirling Strike, or going back to Step 1 if it's a new target.

You only get the basic quick attack from BF as Whirling Strike is "Once this turn"

While there is no "End of Attack Action" step, there has to be a point where the Attack Action ends. That event is sufficient to trigger Battle Fury.

Rules Discussion / Re: Enchantment on wrong target
« on: August 24, 2014, 08:49:40 PM »
The rules clearly state you discard the enchantment without effect.

if they did it by accident it's a mistake and the rules remedy it.

if they are doing it on purpose then they are cheating and should be dealt with accordingly.

Cheating is actively breaking rules for an advantage, you really can't accidentally cheat.

World and Lore / Re: Male Dwarves vs Female Dwarves?
« on: July 21, 2014, 11:01:46 PM »
Admittedly most of the fantasy dwarves I've been exposed too either avoid the subject of females or show them without beards. D&D, WoW and I *believe* Warhammer (not 100% on that one) all fall this way.

If only because its easier for a person to instantly recognize it as female simply by silhouette.

It's sort of the same reason many humanoid races follow typical appearance, then you don't confuse anyone either way.

This is especially true if you broaden the target audience. A hardcore fantasy fan might have no issue with the concept, but if you look at what most people are exposed to I'd expect they'd have an easier time identifying them if they're beardless.

World and Lore / Re: Male Dwarves vs Female Dwarves?
« on: July 21, 2014, 06:08:12 PM »
Easier way to tell. Female dwarves don't have beards.  ::)

Rules Discussion / Re: Does the wizard have to reveal elemental training.
« on: December 08, 2013, 06:14:24 PM »
If training wasn't used as part of deckbuilding I'd be more sympathetic. While to a certain extent you must assume that your opponent's deck is legal, there is a limit. This isn't Magic, the deckbuilding rules are far more flexable and training is an important part of that.

Beyond that, fairness is a valid argument. Every other mage has their training as a known quality. Having the Wizard not announce their training is a notable advantage. Honestly as any pre-match procedure both Mages should announce class and training.

Rules Discussion / Re: Does the wizard have to reveal elemental training.
« on: December 07, 2013, 10:38:52 PM »
The mechanical oddities of facedown enchantments aside, a mage's training is fundamental to the legality of his spellbook. This is not even a function of the play mechanics.

 It is absolutely necessary that your opponent can at least be sure your spellbook is legal. Without the Wizard announcing his training it is impossible to do this.

World and Lore / Re: Issues with The Dark School
« on: November 27, 2013, 02:08:42 AM »
As an aside. The source of the magic may be focused on good or evil, what the Mage does with it is not. A Warlock could summon an Angel, it doesn't make the Angel evil nor does it always mean the Warlock was good.

Mortals get the advantage of Moral ambiguity.

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