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Messages - Wise fool

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
General Discussion / Re: General Spellbook Rules
« on: May 06, 2014, 09:56:15 AM »
Howdy.  Fellow Newb here.  ;)

I've found a ton of spellbook builds and advice on this forum.  Just pick a mage that you like, search for that mage and look through the topics of people submitting their spell books for critiques.  You'll also find information about what each mage is relatively weak at and how to adjust for that.  You can get a feel for what the typical spell loadouts are for creatures, enchantments, etc....

Of course, you don't have to do any of that, but I found doing research very rewarding.  If you only have one of the basic set, you won't be able to have all the 'auto includes' Aylin recommended in each spell book, particularly if you play the alternate rules for more than two players at a time.  They're not required for you to have fun, but if you ever play against established players, even at a local gaming store, you'll want to bring a book that has those things.  You can play the four suggested spell books (apprentice or advanced) that are listed in the core rulebook and you'll have a fine time. 

General Discussion / Re: Mage Wars Mondays - Episode 1
« on: May 05, 2014, 10:17:27 AM »
Picked the Beastmaster because I looked through all the starter decks, noticed he had no answer for ranged attacks and figured he'd be the most challenging.  My wife picked the Priestess because she had a unicorn....  The priestess and her unicorn pasted my forest army the first two times I played.  The first game I tried swarming and found that level 1's are quite easy to kill.  The next game, between Aegis and the *&^% unicorn and heal spells I couldn't kill anything!  I got close, within 4 life points of winning, but couldn't close the deal. 

I still like the Beastmaster for thematic reasons.  And I like underdogs.  Not that the Beastmaster is necessarily an underdog when played by someone other than me. ;)  I did manage to win with the Beastmaster against the wizard, but only because my wife panicked when the Tegu rotted her and she forgot she could teleport away from my beasties. 

Off topic / Re: The new guy
« on: April 30, 2014, 04:09:07 PM »

Haha greetings Wise Fool! It is nice to meet a fellow new person. I don't believe there is a faux pas in acting willy nilly (At least I don't think there is). I do that occasionally myself. I just figured I would intro myself before I started posting so other mages could know a little about my background.

Is Mage Wars your first game involving a board?

I played chess avidly as a kid.  Loved Stratego and Axis and Allies back in the day.  Love MtG although I stink at it.  I'm a fan of Arabian Nights and Space Alert.  Our house is filled with board games, but Mage Wars is my current favorite.

Off topic / Re: The new guy
« on: April 30, 2014, 03:24:29 PM »
Welcome, Death.  I meant welcome to you, the person identifying yourself as Death, not that I welcome my own death....  You know what, welcome From Above!

I am also new to the game and the boards, but just started posting willy nilly without introducing myself.  Is that a faux pas?   

Frequently Asked Questions / Re: Hydro immunity/acid
« on: April 30, 2014, 07:46:46 AM »
Good to know, thanks for the replies!

Frequently Asked Questions / Hydro immunity/acid
« on: April 29, 2014, 02:51:32 PM »
Is acid a subtype of water school? 

If so, if a creature is hydro immune, does that mean it is also acid immune?

I looked but couldn't find an answer in the FAQs. 

(Sorry if my looking sucked.  Also sorry if the question is already obviously answered in the rules.)


Strategy and Tactics / My thought on Seedling Pods
« on: April 28, 2014, 08:07:42 PM »
Howdy!  I'm new to the game and new to the boards, but I'm definitely hooked on MW!  Even though I've played a total of 3 games, I thought I'd take the opportunity to shoot my big mouth off.  Seriously though, I love the amount of discussion this game generates. 

The contrarian in me wants to find uses for cards that are maligned, and I had a thought about seedling pod.  The knock against them is they don't generally live long enough to earn back the mana you burned in creating them.  To which I say... so what?  You'd burn 2+2 mana on a block to stave off an attack on your mage, but you won't spend a measly two mana (2 with a leaf ring) on a spell that may save you some mana in the long run and in exchange you might get to summon a creature on a later turn (a full action) for what cost you a quick action?  If my opponent is wasting time stepping on seedling pods that's time they're not stepping on my mage.  Sure, there's the psychological pain of losing the mana that stacks on them if it doesn't make it to round 3, but isn't that really just bait?  And if they're not squashed, you've traded a quick action for a full round action if you do manage to summon something.  This is just an idle theory for now (one which I plan to test next chance I get).

Just wanted to say, I think this is a really great forum.  I've never seen the game of Go compared to another board game before, nor have I seen such in an in depth comparison involving the Art of War with another board game.  I hope Mage Wars continues to prosper in the future.

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