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Topics - Paleblue

Pages: [1]
Spells / Quicksand VS Spiked Pit
« on: July 23, 2013, 12:18:04 AM »
I'm curious what you guys think about these two cards. Both are great thematically and both are very similar in terms of effect, but it seems to me that Quicksand is better.

Reason I think this is that Quicksand is more likely to lock down a creature for longer + it is easier to use (Spike Pit needs someone to walk into it). In addition the Trap could be hit with seeking dispel / have an unintended creature walk into it. The only thing I'am not sure is if you can teleport out of the "stuck" condition the same way you can teleport out of Quicksand.

Cost wise Spike Trap would be better on higher level creatures whereas Quicksand is more effective vs mid to low level (although killing a high level creature would make it very effective).

What are your guys thoughts on these two cards?

Rules Discussion / Flying out of quicksand?
« on: February 24, 2013, 09:32:50 PM »
An issue came up the other day when we where playing the new expansion, can a creature who is trapped in quicksand gain flying and therefore the quicksand is removed? The restrained keyword states that a creature who has flight loses it as long as they are within quicksand, I was inclined to think that even if it gained flying it would be still stuck because the restraint was an on going effect.

General Discussion / Cards from the core set in the expansion?
« on: January 21, 2013, 02:36:15 AM »

Just a quick question, will cards from the core set be included in the warlord / forcemaster expansion? For example simple spells like block or dispel.

Reason I ask is I have been considering getting some core tomes, just want to make an educated buying decision.

Thanks and great game by the way!

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