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Topics - Archwizard07

Pages: [1]
Spells / Good uses of Mindcontrol / Charm
« on: July 24, 2014, 10:53:32 AM »
So I really favor the idea of a heavy control forcemaster or potentially future siren, and wanted to find out if anyone had any good examples/stories of using mindcontrol or charm or even control/manipulation books to good effect?

Rules Discussion / Wildfire Imp & Teleport
« on: June 26, 2014, 08:23:28 AM »
So in reviewing the Wildfire Imp's teleport ability, am I correct in believing that it is without range or LoS limitations?

He can effectively teleport to any space in the arena if there is a burn marker?

Strategy and Tactics / How do YOU stop the early rush?
« on: June 18, 2014, 10:12:06 PM »
So I know that it is currently the fashion to play an early aggro style spellbook and rush the opposing mage as soon as possible, but that's not my style.

I prefer 4-5 rounds to really let my master plan unfold, which means I frequently need to find a reasonable way to hold off the early rush.

My favorite moves for rushing mages are

1) Walls - often expensive and sometimes quickly beaten down, but they can also buy me a round or two
2) Blocks - cheap, disenchantable, and side stepped by unavoidable attacks, but again they can buy a round

Even using my preferred methods, many games I am racing the "life clock" to get my game plan in motion and survive the initial onslaught, but hey, that's my style.

So how do you other spell slingers slow/halt the early rush?

General Discussion / Flavor over Function?
« on: June 13, 2014, 01:35:11 PM »
Now I like to win, I always try to win. That being said, I do like to create theme based spellbooks and will occasionally favor making something fun thematically over a high win percentage.

Anyone else like this? Got any examples of fun themed books?

Force Master's that don't solo rush but sit back and play the manipulation game?
Warlocks that roll heavy with curses have a favored Blood Reaper?

Strategy and Tactics / Spells you never leave home without?
« on: June 06, 2014, 03:45:37 PM »
Ok so other than the obligatory teleport/dispel are there any other spells that you include almost regardless of the mage you play?

For me there are two

- Poison gas cloud - the ability to hinder and deal direct poison damage to those who just want to sit is a great combo for me.

- Walls - the type depends on the mage but I love controlling the layout of the battlefield with walls and if a mage wants to expend actions tearing them down? All the better.

I include both in nearly any spellbook, what spells are cantrips for you?

Rules Discussion / Couple of rules questions.
« on: June 05, 2014, 08:48:36 AM »
So I did a very brief search and most likely didn't choose my wording right or I'm just being too lazy, either way I need some clarification on a couple of issues.

1) When I familiar casts an enchantment, can they pay the reveal cost if they do at the same time as the initial casting?

2) Can you use the same piece of equipment twice in the same round? IE. two castings of dispel from your wand, or two swings of a weapons quick attack?

Thanks in advance,

General Discussion / Where is everyone?
« on: June 04, 2014, 12:13:13 PM »
So I have been away for quite some time but I used to be a regular poster on these forums, however I've come back recently and it seems like there is barely anyone here.

Especially in the area of strategies and tactics....where is everyone? Is there another board somewhere that I don't know about...lol

Strategy and Tactics / Playing Keep Away
« on: January 08, 2013, 04:23:39 PM »
So I've played around 5 games or so and observed 2-3, and each time I feel like I learn something new or get a better grasp on the rules.

One of the key strategies that I have picked up on is shrewd use of initiative and spacing. Whether is be blasting away with Thunderbolt from 3 zones away as the mage or using fast,charging creatures as the Beastmaster, I find that knowing when to move forward or back is key for me. So I thought I'd open this up for some fun examples of using spacing to protect the mage or a creature and then punish your opponent.

I've been reading about struggling beastmasters lately so here is an example I saw used last night.

Beastmaster at one end of the arena, one space away is a fast (enchanted) mountain gorilla, two spaces from him is the enemy mage (a warlock, heavily geared with equip.) BM has the totems that ad +1 melee for charge and +1 pierce in play as well as the staff of beasts.

Quickcast staff of beasts to boost the gorilla by +2 more melee, then activate him to charge in adding +1 more. For +7 total melee! Sure the Lock can choose to stay there and duke it out with the gorilla (which lets the BM summon and enchant up another friend.) or he can start moving towards  BM (which is currently too far away for most spells and he is hindered by the gorilla limiting movement AND if he does move the ape charges in again for another hard hit while  BM continues to dance around the edges of the board, possibly laying tanglevine down or a wall to block LOS).

thoughts and or more distance based tactics?

Rules Discussion / Attack Spells
« on: January 07, 2013, 10:32:20 PM »
I just wanted to get some clarification on attack spells.

Are they subject to block, reverse magic, reverse attacks?

They are considered both an attack and a spell right?


Strategy and Tactics / Walls of FUNnel
« on: January 04, 2013, 10:11:55 PM »
So I am currently a big fan of walls and poison clouds to funnel my enemies right to me as a wizard launching might lightning spells down the funnel.

I am currently working out the details of a 1st or 2nd turn set up in which I teleport across the board 9 mana, step forward and cast extended wall of some type along the opponents starting space on his left side extending into the zone I now stand in.

backing up a step and casting poisong cloud into the previous space and then using the wizard spawnpoint to get out crippling basilisks to keep him there while I blast lightning down his throat.


« on: January 03, 2013, 05:33:27 PM »
Ok just want to be sure I am reading this correctly.

With teleport the target must be within 0-2 zones, but must the destination zone also be 0-2 spaces? And must it be in LOS?

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