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Alternative Play / Re: Alternative board shapes and sizes.
« on: February 22, 2013, 03:59:33 AM »
I have a relatively large dry erase grid mat for D&D that I might try to use for other kinds of boards, and even draw extra walls like you said. All you have to do is draw the board shape you want, and erase it later. This could also help to create a board with larger squares for more room on each space.

Alternative Play / Alternative board shapes and sizes.
« on: February 01, 2013, 01:25:17 AM »
Des Arcane Wonders plan on releasing other kinds of boards? 4x4 for more even 4 player matches, or 2x6 for faster games?
Even different board shapes might be interesting, like x shaped boards with an open space in the middle for 4 player games, or a generally octagon shaped board would work for large 8 player games, though 4 of the sides would be jagged on a board like that.
I realize a custom board is easy to make yourself, but would this kind of board be allowed for organized games?
A set of square tile board pieces that can be arranged in a variety of patterns would be a great option for custom board shapes.

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