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Messages - Zuberi

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Rules Discussion / Re: Chant of Rage movement
« on: January 27, 2018, 12:38:46 PM »
Two things that will help you manipulate Chant of Rage though.

1. Hinderance and other movement impairing effects. If your creature CAN'T perform the mandatory requirement, then it is free to do whatever action it wishes.

2. Other Mandatory effects. If the creature has two competing mandatory action requirements, then its owner gets to choose which one to obey. So things like Blood Lust and Siren's Call can be useful here.

General Discussion / Re: What you think are the schools from this Mage?
« on: January 24, 2018, 08:05:24 PM »
i would rule out the mind school.

The Image is from her.

Has it been confirmed that she is a Mage? That parent image has art from a bunch of different arcane wonders products. Maybe she's from a different game. Still, I like the speculation about what schools she'd have. Kinda wanna do similar speculation for the other characters in that image, even the ones we know aren't Mages, lol. Like what schools would the Sheriff of Nottingham have? lmao.

But that's off topic. I like the idea that she's a dragon knight and agree with Pritoos that she may have alternate training like the Siren does. So maybe she's trained in Fire and Dragons? Maybe Fire + Level 3 War + Dragons.

Rules Discussion / Re: 8 mana + Crumble VS Harshforge Plate + rune
« on: January 22, 2018, 04:52:15 AM »
You are completely correct. During the Pay Cost step, you only pay 8 mana. Then during the Resolve Spell step, you resolve the effects in the order they appear on the card. So you first gain 2 mana, and then you destroy the equipment. When you go to destroy the equipment (after having gained the two mana) you must pay 2 mana due to the Rune in order to succeed at the destruction.

So, yeah, you've got it 100% right.

Rules Discussion / Re: Staff of Storms + Area Attacks
« on: January 21, 2018, 04:17:16 AM »
Does this mean that you could remove one in the Roll Dice step of the Chain Lightning's first attack, and then another for the Roll Dice step of the second attack and so on?

Absolutely. I feel obligated to remind people though that it has been ruled for Chain Lightning that any modifiers to the attack dice of one Chain Lightning attack do not carry over or affect subsequent attacks. I assume everyone already knows this, but thought I'd mention it just in case. This is covered in detail in the supplement.

Rules Discussion / Re: Staff of Storms + Area Attacks
« on: January 20, 2018, 07:12:53 PM »
You only get the bonuses (both the extra attack dice and the bonus to the effect die) for the attack in which the tokens are removed. Just the one attack roll. This actually doesn’t have to be the first attack though, since removing the tokens to activate the ability is optional.

Rules Discussion / Re: Theft of Life
« on: January 20, 2018, 07:06:31 PM »
Seems right to me too, DaveW.

Rules Discussion / Re: Daze and attack spells.
« on: January 18, 2018, 05:35:24 AM »
Follow the steps.

1. Declare Spell
2. Pay Costs (here is where you pay for the spell)
3. Counter Spell
4. Resolve Spell (here is where an attack is generated leading to the attack steps)

1. Declare Attack
2. Pay Costs (you've already paid for the spell, but if something makes you pay for the attack, such as a Suppression Cloak, then you must pay that cost now).
3. Roll to Miss (here is where you resolve the Daze condition)

Remember that a crucial key rule in Mage Wars is that nothing is ever retroactive. You can not ever affect the past. Thus, if you simply follow the steps, it will help you figure out questions like this. Since the Daze is resolved after costs have been paid, it is incapable of affecting the cost. You've already paid by that point and that's that.

General Questions / Re: Blind Enchantment and Daze makers
« on: January 17, 2018, 11:21:47 AM »
Actually, you resolve the Daze effects during the Roll to Miss step, not the Declare Attack Step. This was changed in the 4th edition of the game. Prior to that, there was no Roll to Miss step, so you back then you would resolve Daze during the Declare Attack Step, but now Roll to Miss exists. This is actually very important, as the 4th edition also created a new step for Paying Costs. Thus, if you resolved Daze during the Declare Attack Step and you missed, you would avoid having to pay any costs required by the attack (cause you'd then skip that step). That's just not allowed. You HAVE to pay for your attack, even if it ends up missing.

You would indeed still have to succeed on both rolls though.

General Questions / Re: Cassiel, Shield of Bim-Shella and Eye for an Eye
« on: January 17, 2018, 11:16:00 AM »
So, this might muck things up a bit, but for the sake of complete and accurate information, the "Holy Mage Only" restriction does prevent a few things other than just including it in your spellbook. Per the Supplement, this restriction prevents a non-Holy Mage from including the spell in their spellbook, casting the spell during the game, or controlling the spell during the game.

That said, Arkdeniz's answer is still correct. Familiars essentially check back with their Mage regarding Mage restrictions. Think of them as an extension of the Mage, casting the spell on behalf of their Mage. So, Holy Mage Only is not a problem for Cassiel. But the subtypes of Eye for an Eye are. She can't cast it because it's neither Healing or Protection.

Rules Discussion / Re: rise again
« on: January 16, 2018, 05:36:18 AM »
Drmambo23's answers are all 100% correct. If you read closely, you'll notice they don't say that it has to be revealed in response to any trigger, just that it has to be revealed before the creature is destroyed, e.g. before the damage and effects step, in order to actually function.

You certainly could reveal sooner than that if you wanted. But between the roll dice step and the damage and effects step is the absolute latest possible, because as soon as the damage is applied, the creature and the unrevealed enchantment both get destroyed, and an unrevealed enchantment has no effects.

On its own, you probably want to wait as long as possible before revealing. But you are absolutely right that other effects, like the Adramelech Warlock's Flame +1 ability, might give you a good reason for revealing sooner.

Rules Discussion / Re: Joseph Trublood - Healing
« on: January 15, 2018, 07:38:23 AM »
Just here to confirm that Exid is correct. It is a special ability, not an attack, and does NOT benefit from the Ranged +X trait.

Rules Discussion / Re: Glancing Blow reveal condition
« on: January 14, 2018, 06:23:23 PM »
Exactly. Those don’t actually have a Roll Dice step, but it could still confuse people who aren’t super familiar with the rules. Afterall, you ARE tolling dice. So specifying the attack requirement is unnecessary but helpful.

Rules Discussion / Re: Glancing Blow reveal condition
« on: January 13, 2018, 09:36:11 AM »
The requirement includes revealing it during the Roll Dice step. If that step doesn't occur, then the requirement hasn't occurred and you won't be forced to reveal.

It might be clearer if you skip ahead to after the comma. "You must reveal Glancing Blow at the beginning of the Roll Dice step." Well, that sounds crystal clear to me. If there's no Roll Dice step, then there's no reveal. The specification of "when this creature is attacked" may seem a bit unnecessary since there is no such thing as a Roll Dice step anyplace other than attacks, but I still think it helps. It tells us what action we should be looking out for. I might have moved it to the end of the sentence though: "You must reveal Glancing Blow at the beginning of the Roll Dice step, when this creature is attacked."

Either way, the result is the same. Yes, being attacked is part of the trigger, but so is processing the Roll Dice step. You can't fulfill the instructions without both happening.

Rules Discussion / Re: from accademy
« on: January 13, 2018, 04:30:58 AM »
Repulsion Field would trigger. But luckily, Fumble is optional so you can just choose not to reveal it.

Rules Discussion / Re: daze condtition
« on: January 10, 2018, 06:49:48 PM »
Yeah, the terminology can be a bit tricky. After you activate your creature, it has been activated and remains so until it's done acting. This whole time period in which it is active is called both its activation and its action phase.

Exid is completely correct that the condition falls off at the end of the creature's activation, i.e. the end of its action phase. Which is NOT immediately after it has been activated. This will happen regardless of what actions the creature actually takes. A common tactic is to just guard with the creature, because then you will still get to use its attack in the form of a counterstrike. If we're talking about a Mage, you will want to wait until after your action phase before quickcasting any attack spells, so that the Daze doesn't affect the attack spell.

If it helps, the terms can be loosely described as thus:
Activate = (verb) Describes flipping the creature's action marker. This is the first part of a creature's action phase.
Activated = (verb/adjective) Describes a creature whose action marker has been flipped and is now in their action phase.
Activation = (noun) Describes the entire process of flipping the action marker AND acting with the creature, making it synonymous with the creature's Action Phase (and less confusing if you just say Action Phase).

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