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Malazan Book of the Fallen

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Who else read this magnificent epic series and how do you rank it compared to other series ?

If you could recommend a series to me what would it be ?

It seems you just Recommend a book for me :)

I just restart my reading of Discworld series so i will definetly look up for your book :)

Enjoy the series, Boocheck, you can look forward to an incredible reading experience.
Book 1 "Gardens of the moon" is a good introduction to the series,
Book 2 "Deadhouse Gates" and book 3 "Memories of ice" are absolute high points who will leave an impression you will not soon forget ... I'll let you discover the others yourself ;)

Its a great series, struggled to get into it at first, can be a little confusing at times with so much going on. especially when characters have names and nicknames and they get switched around, but definitely recommend it.

Thank's Borg. This sounds interesting, I will have a look at it.

To your question about a recommendation. It's not particularly new but I'm currently enjoying the "Locke Lamorra" Series from Scott Lynch. A thief story in a fantasy setting resembling 18th century and just a little bit of "magic" added. I found it very entertaining to read the various schemes and how they were carried out in the first installment "The Lies of Locke Lamorra". I'm currently in the middle of the second book which sets a different theme (Pirates :D) and which I also find very entertaining. A third novel has already been released.


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