Arcane Wonders Forum

Mage Wars => Spells => Topic started by: Borg on August 13, 2016, 04:29:43 AM

Title: Getting the most out of the Wispwillow Amulet
Post by: Borg on August 13, 2016, 04:29:43 AM
To make the best use of this spell, I figure you need two copies of them, ( thus to keep SBP's down, best used by a Wizard ) and a Battle Forge.

Let the BF cast it, costing your mage only 2 net mana, gain 1 mana off it the following 5 turns, thus net gain 3 mana, leave one counter on it so it's not destroyed, then let the BF bring out your second Amulet and put the first back in your Spellbook ... repeat ...

So, you can gain more than 6 mana out of 1 Wispwillow Amulet and it gives your BF something to do all game long.

I think I'll have to build me a Wizard book next ;)
Title: Re: Getting the most out of the Wispwillow Amulet
Post by: Boocheck on August 13, 2016, 07:17:38 AM
I open with Arcane Ring and Wispo amulet. My next turn is Forge and Harmonize (reveal). But my Wizz is defensive one and with promo card like staff of storms, i need time to gather Storm tokens :)

I am not sure, if using two amulets are necessary. Just having one and gaining mana for 6 turns seems enough. With forge, it could work. But then i ask myself, why not to cast mana crystal. It still gets discount from Arcane Ring :)
Title: Re: Getting the most out of the Wispwillow Amulet
Post by: DaveW on August 14, 2016, 01:04:42 AM
I highly suggest that you consider not harmonizing the forge, if that is the idea. They are fragile and tend to draw hate from the opponent as soon as they hit the board. Turn 2 also is not a bad time to start thinking about your armor another defensive measure
Title: Re: Getting the most out of the Wispwillow Amulet
Post by: Boocheck on August 14, 2016, 02:00:59 AM
Well, thats the thing. If i paint that big red target marker on my forge, it means, that i can somewhat predict, what will my oponent do. Wall, Teleport trap, Suppresion Orb etc.