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Great report!

I agree with zot on both the mage and and ritual accounts.

Mage wand needs a change in my eyes. As zot said, it forces you to build a certain way or just lose to the wands.

And I hate ritual. It makes the cost of investing in a spawnpoint virtually nothing. 

Terrific write up gents. I especially like this line " Farkas’ Druid manages to put Ben’s Siren into the Thornlasher dis-assembly line".

Great write up puddnhead!  I think zot's finals thoughts are on point.  I’m not entirely in same boat on the ritual.  It is strong and I think Druid and necro can take advantage of it the most, even wizard has a good advantage with it being in school.  Three of the top tier mages getting a bump is not great, but all schools could theoretically use the card to gain a boost.   I do think similar to meditation amulet it does a similar thing except the speed up factor is definitely better.  But like these builds it can be outmatched by more aggressive play.    Zots build was a perfect counter to Ritual and if not for the book of undead spawnpoint, I think his book would have dominated at Gencon. So certain builds do have a slight advantage I feel. I don't think it is broken but mana economy and the boost to three of the strongest mages in MW  does not help balance in the game.   

My Favorite moments in matches at Gencon!!!!

The flying Kralathor snatch pull across the board with the thornlashers was one of my favorite moments. I got all snatches to get one big attack from a beefed up overgrowthed plant monster on the siren was awesome!!!!  Other highlights in my matches.  I played falcon precision to one shot susroko which was awesome in fighting off an aggressive Joktari.
And in sharks match my kralathor was about to get lit up by mort, brute, and a skeletal knight, I put eagle wings on kralathor for the save to keep the pressure on his Necro.  The teleport force push to have final bash on necro was also a fortunate choice to seal me the win.   Finally losing my treebond vine tree turn 3 or 4 and putting up a fight against Zots buffed up warlord was also a great challenge and it was a close match.   Very fun matches with really great opponents.   Thanks Arcane Duels for hosting the tournament!!!!

   I meant by worst matchup for my book facing the libro-ritual was going to be more of a challenge, than any other ritual build. I still felt confident about facing the necro build. but just knew it would pose the most challenge.

   my thought on ritual is that it is just a bit too efficient. does not need a lot of change, but something. I think it should cost 5 mana, and grant 8 back. or something like that where you have to manage your mana differently. that alone could impact when it gets used so much to where you cannot just super ramp up a gaggle of large creatures.

  anyway it was a great event playing some great matches.


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