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Messages - rpavlicek

Pages: [1]
Rules Discussion / Knockdown Clarification
« on: January 20, 2013, 02:35:26 PM »
Knockdown says the creature is incapacitated until the start of its next action phase. Does this mean the one coming up or the one after? (a common usage in normal English, but less clear in a strict rule context)

I assume that means, as soon as it action phase starts during the round it is no longer incapacitated? The usefulness of this spell would be to ...knock down a flying creature after its action phase is incomplete so all of your melee creatures may attack it? This means it would not prevent it from taking its normal action when it comes time...

Rules Discussion / Lair + Ring of Beasts
« on: January 20, 2013, 02:06:12 PM »
When a creature is summoned via the Lair, does the 1 mana discount apply from the ring of beasts? I would assume not since it is not cast by the Beast Master.

Rules Discussion / Priestess "gain 1 life" ability
« on: January 20, 2013, 01:52:58 PM »
the priestess has an ability that lets her gain 1 life after casting a holy spell (incantation?)

If she is at maximum life does her life increase? Since it doesn't say "heal", it seems unclear...

Rules Discussion / Pixie Familiar
« on: January 20, 2013, 01:51:11 PM »
The pixie familiar card says it can only be used to cast Enchantments.

Does this mean it can only use mana to play the enchantment? Or can it use its mana to reveal enchantments as well? If so, can it only reveal enchantments originally cast from the pixie?

Pages: [1]