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Messages - sdougla2

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 54
Rules Discussion / Re: Ranged Attack vs Wall bordering same zone
« on: July 12, 2015, 01:19:40 PM »
There is always a way to put more logic into something.

Spells / Re: Highland Unicorn uses
« on: July 12, 2015, 01:16:17 PM »
Highland Unicorn is a little awkward for a number of reasons. For 13 mana, 9 life and 2 armor isn't that good. Sure, regenerate 2 is nice, but mostly on a creature that is harder to focus down in the first place. In addition, the charge +2 is at odds with the regenerate aura. You can fix that with enough additional investment, but is the total package really worth 23 mana to you? That's still only a 5 dice attack.

My feeling is that holy avenger is a good use for Highland Unicorn, since it already has the armor you need, but it needs a bit more health. If I were going to use it in a Straywood BM spellbook, I would make it my pet for much the same reason. Those are the 2 uses for it I see at the moment.

Rules Discussion / Re: Same armor for swapping
« on: July 11, 2015, 01:46:49 PM »
You wouldn't be switching equipment in the case of Dissolve, you'd just be replacing the equipment that got destroyed.

Rules Discussion / Re: Ranged Attack vs Wall bordering same zone
« on: July 10, 2015, 10:43:51 PM »
Or, better yet, it's both at once.

Rules Discussion / Re: Same armor for swapping
« on: July 10, 2015, 10:40:28 PM »
It works on equipment if you will be swapping out the equipment. You can't have 2 Mage Wands or 2 Ring of Beasts equipped, but you could play a second one and target the same slot and switch out the cards. There have been discussions of using a Battleforge to swap out wands in order to effectively change the spell more action efficiently.

General Discussion / Re: Test your Skills... Steelclaws!
« on: July 08, 2015, 07:36:09 PM »
Goblin Grunt has more ways of gaining armor through other support, doesn't have pest, can gain elusive with the new goblin legend, and has an additional die of attack. That all being said, I haven't been that impressed with them myself in the past mostly because playing level 2-4 creatures has been so much better for the Warlord than playing level 1 creatures. With the new goblin legend I'm tempted to try something with Goblin Grunts though.

I don't know that you can make a lot of assumptions about your opponent's book off of seeing a Cub. They may just use one to knock off guard markers, which seems to be a reasonable use for them. Seeing a Matriarch will reveal a lot more than seeing a Cub. Particularly for a Straywood Beastmaster, you would probably want to play Matriachs first, and then play Cubs later for a bear midrange strategy.

General Discussion / Re: Test your Skills... Steelclaws!
« on: July 08, 2015, 04:11:27 PM »
I feel like the Steelclaw Cub in particular is going to open up more options for the Straywood Beastmaster. It's going to make Animal Kinship and Call of the Wild stronger, as well generally strengthening the Beastmaster's swarm options. I also like the idea of a Straywood Beastmaster with 6 cubs and 4 matriarchs. That way playing a Steelclaw Cub can give you a significant damage boost that your opponent doesn't really want to dedicate resources to attacking. Of course, this type of strategy encourages you to concentrate on a limited number of zones, so I kind of doubt it will be a good idea in Domination in most cases.

What does minor creature mean? Level 1 or 2?

General Discussion / Re: Test your Skills... Steelclaws!
« on: July 08, 2015, 03:33:18 PM »
Piercing from Tooth & Nail and Lion Savagery would affect the second strike, so it would still have piercing +5. It's just with things like Piercing Strike where piercing only affects the first strike. That's actually one of the selling points for Lion Savagery.

General Discussion / Re: Test Your Skills... Shrink!
« on: July 02, 2015, 11:22:31 PM »
But it's not an illegal target. Pest doesn't prevent you from targeting the creature with pest, it just makes it so that you can attack something else, removing the targeting restriction that guard normally imposes.

Mages / Re: Who's the hardest Mage to get right?
« on: July 02, 2015, 11:14:57 PM »
I tried a Johktari Beastmaster Lair build over a year ago. I don't know if that build met your criteria for a Johktari Beastmaster that plays the way she was designed to be played. I didn't talk about it as much as I could have on here, and the thread started with a Straywood Beastmaster build that I transitioned into a Johktari Beastmaster build.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Thoughtspore success stories
« on: July 02, 2015, 04:30:33 PM »
A Warlock can also just run 6 Flameblasts if you have the cards for it. It only costs 6 spellbook points, and that way you don't have to spend an action and 5 mana to play the Elemental Wand.

Battle Fury will be more useful in Domination, since ranged attacks cannot be use to touch orbs.

Overall, Battle Fury is better the stronger your base creatures. With Adramelech, Lord of Fire, Battle Fury is pretty strong regardless of format. With a bunch of Firebrand Imps, not so much. It's more situational than Flameblast, but also potentially stronger with the right creatures. It's okay with Galvitar, but I would honestly stick with attack spells, and it's not good enough to justify putting on a Thoughtspore partially because of the timing. Quick casting it right before you attack is the way you want to play it, but casting it with Thoughtspore gives your opponent a chance to respond. Before the errata, the extra power offered by Battle Fury made it the strongest offensive option for a Thoughtspore, but since the errata it's just not efficient enough to make up for the timing issue.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Thoughtspore success stories
« on: July 02, 2015, 01:54:13 PM »
There was an errata to Battle Fury so that it now counts as part of the same attack action and does not benefit from melee +X bonuses that affected the first attack. As such, the second attack would only be 4 dice normally, though you could do something like reveal a Bear Strength after the first attack in order to boost the second attack to 6 dice.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Domination Strategy Speculation
« on: June 29, 2015, 09:29:16 PM »
Against an orb rush, you can try to kill the enemy mage, steal their orbs, or orb rush yourself. For a Wizard's Tower based orb rush in particular, the Wizard should fall behind in actions that can actually capture orbs fairly rapidly, so if you can use your action advantage to steal their orbs away, you should be in a reasonable position. As for how easy or hard that is, I'd have to try it.

I've been considering what kinds of openings I think would be strong. One that stands out for the Johktari Beastmaster is:

Turn 1 (19): Double Move -> Lair -> Enchanter's Ring (2)
Turn 2 (11) [2]: D Bitterwood Fox -> Ivarium Longbow -> BM Attack Sslak (0)
Turn 3 (9) [2]: D Bitterwood Fox -> BM Attack Sslak -> Fox Activate Orb -> Galaxxus (0)

Or, if the Sslak doesn't get killed by the second bow attack, you do this:

Turn 3 (9) [2]: D Bitterwood Fox -> BM Attack Sslak -> Battle Fury -> Wounded Prey -> Fox Attack Sslak -> Fox Activate Orb (3)

What do you think of that opening?

General Discussion / Re: Arcane Duels - Domination 3 For All!!
« on: June 29, 2015, 05:08:22 PM »
Battle Fury used to be considered part of a separate attack action, and would have benefited from the melee +1 trait. Since the errata, it does not benefit from the melee +X, since the attack is considered part of the same attack action.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Domination Strategy Speculation
« on: June 21, 2015, 02:57:53 PM »
It sounds like I wasn't thinking enough about Galaxxus. Without Galaxxus I don't think those types of orb rushes would be nearly as good. With it, I'll have to see how I feel about orb rushes once I get my hands on a copy of Domination.

It makes sense to me that people would pay less attention to defense for two reasons. One, as they secure orbs, they get healing as an additional buffer against aggression. Two, the game is much less focused on directly attacking the enemy mage, and committing too many resources to defense when your opponent is busy grabbing all of the orbs will just ensure that you lose.

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