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Topics - fing80

Pages: [1]
Spells / Cerberus and Beastmaster
« on: November 26, 2014, 04:49:13 AM »
I was thinking of a beastmaster build mainly based on canine beast subtipe, and I thought it could use a Cerberus due to the obvious synergy with Red Claw Male Alpha, but I'm afraid that without dark Conjurations Cerberus would't be that good. Sadly, the only dark Conjurations not specifically tied to a dark mage are quite bad in a beastmaster deck.
Is there a way to make this work?

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Hopes for future expansions
« on: October 27, 2014, 10:11:27 AM »
Hello everyone!
I' new to the forum, but I've played the game quite a lot in the last months and I'd like to share some feedback and suggestions based on my experiece so far.
First of all I have to specify that I have all expansions except for Conquest of Kumanjaro (which I've ordered, but it's not yet in my hands), but Iv'e seen the list of cards of CoK and I think my considerations are still valid. That said, here's my two cents:

1 - I'd really like to see some cheap dwarvish-taste soldier units. I tend to build (and keep built) all the mages I've got. I know, that's not the way most people play this game, but for me is a plus having all the mages ready to play, 'cause I think playing is much more fun than deckbuilding. That means I try to build the basic orc Warlord and the Anvil Throne Warlock in a different way, as much as possible, and I do the same for the two warlocks. I gave the orc Warlord all the goblin and orc soldier units, and saved for the Anvil Throne Warlord the dwarves. The problem is that the poor Anvil Thorne guy is left without cheap cannon fodder.

2 - The last expansions came with the problem that the base spell lists for the new mages were imposible to build without unmade other decks, and I have to admit that I found this a bit annoying. Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate Arcane Wonder policy of giving only new cards in these expasions, but my question is: are these things truly in contrast? I know, spells like "heal" are very useful, but can't we imagine some thematically suitable replacement? I. e. a pool of regenerating waters as a nature mage conjuration,  or some unholy ritual for a dark mage.

3 - In general, anything that goes in a direction of a more deep differentiation of the mages, expecially the "variant" ones, and their spell tomes would be very welcome.  I mean, using the Druid or the Forcemaster you have a clear senstation of a different style of play, that you don't have with other mages. I have great expectations on the Siren in this regard.

This is a great game, but I feel that there's much potential that could be released with few adjustments, givin' new life even to the oldest material.
Hope this will be useful!

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