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Messages - Morbidsoup

Pages: [1]
Rules Discussion / Re: How does Mana drain vs mana drain +x work?
« on: November 19, 2012, 06:09:41 AM »
Thanks for the answer.I totally played that wrong.

Rules Discussion / How does Mana drain vs mana drain +x work?
« on: November 18, 2012, 06:15:27 PM »
As the topic states  how do these effects work out?I played my first game today and my opponent played a wizard and his staff (I don't remember the name) and we had no idea how this effect worked.Do you lose the amount of mana equal to the dice rolled or only what damages you?Also with the mana leech +1mana drain,does it work the same as above with an extra die,or you just lose an extra mana?


I know who you are Millertime.I'm the person who was asking about if you were going to Game o ween on Saturday.I would love to set up a game with you and also hopefully get others involved with us also.

League / Tournament Play / Re: Online Play
« on: October 25, 2012, 10:41:46 AM »
Well there are some issues with the vassal engine that I am talking to other more seasoned module builders that I am trying to figure out.First how to build a spell book off line and load into the module without reporting the cards onto vassal without your opponent knowing what you have.Second with that same issue how to do it without going through so many steps to make it easy enough to have new vassal players go through the motions and not turn them off to using vassal.And finally getting permission from AW to post a public module so all could download it. Once I figure out 1 and 2 then I will approach AW for number 3.  :cheer:

League / Tournament Play / Re: Online Play
« on: October 23, 2012, 01:15:38 PM »
A possible on-line play option is through Vassal game engine.I had mentioned this on a facebook post in the mage wars page just recently.If there is enough interest and permission from the game designers,I could look into talking with my friends that know how to build modules for vassal and see what i can do.

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