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Topics - xFWx_FIREBIRD

Pages: [1]
Rules Discussion / Bear Strength + Doublestrike
« on: November 19, 2013, 11:14:51 AM »
I know this topic has been covered multiple times, and is explained decently in FAQs etc, but I'm confused.

I and my friends took a short break from Mage Wars (school work and such), and when we came back to it we couldn't remember how it worked!!! I'm also overthinking it, so I'm just going to try and get a definitive answer because I'm tired of reading too much into stuff.

Bear Strength Awards Melee+2, but rules also indicate that this bonus only applies to the first attack in a turn.

1) Are "attacks" and "strikes" different? Would Bear Strength award "Doublestrike" the bonus for "both strikes", or is this considered "two attacks".

2) If the above is true, what about other stuff like Incantations awarding Piercing+1 to multiple strikes etc.

3) If number 1 isn't true, what if someone with double/triplestrike is standing in the Archer's Watchtower? Does this mean that Ranged+1 only applies to the first strike (that it can be applied)? The answer seems obvious at first, but it states "only for the first attack, but the creature is only making one attack with "multiple strikes" (Ranged+X from the codex states: if making multiple attacks against the same or different objects, it gains this bonus only for the first attack it can make with this bonus). I'm also assuming that the indirect trait gets applied to every strike for that creature's attack.

Rules Discussion / "deals damage" & "damage"
« on: September 28, 2013, 01:28:51 AM »
Cards that say deals damage or damages:
I've always assumed that "does damage" meant the "Damage and Effects step" of an Attack.

For clarification, does Chain Lightning's ability "Each time Chain Lightning damages a target" mean that it has to incur loss of health, or does it simply mean that if dice are rolled and the Damage and Effects step occurs (even if no hits were made) that it does damage?

Rules Discussion / Dispel Wand "look"
« on: September 28, 2013, 01:24:47 AM »
Dispel Wand's 2nd effect says to look at a hidden enchantment. What if you target a Mandatory Enchantment with Dispel Wand? Is "look" different from "reveal"?

Ex: Priestess uses Dispel Wand to look at a target Hidden Enchantment that was cast by opponent Warlock last round. When she resolves the spell she finds that it's a Mandatory Hellfire Trap Enchantment. Does she (A) put it back facedown, or (B) Mandatory trap was "revealed", therefore it's destroyed?

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