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Messages - Nihilistiskism

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Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Online spell book builder?
« on: October 10, 2012, 08:01:50 PM »
Quote from: "Rumsey" post=2005
While I would love to have access to the cards in a digital format, I can see that people would be all too tempted to print their own proxies.  This can kill the sales of the game itself as people would just make their own cards and would have no need to purchase anything, especially if their friend already has a copy of the full game.

Utterly untrue. By all record, games that find their way onto cardgamedb show a quantifiable increase in sales.


Spells / Re: Is it just me, or is Bear Strength kind of busted?
« on: October 08, 2012, 06:05:50 PM »
If everything in this game was based purely on numbers, then this would be a dull game. Yes; please rush your Beastmaster into my face so that I can stun him, dispell his STR bonus, and then beat him to a pulp.

This is a game of counters upon counters. Bear Strength is no less counter-able than any other enchantment in the game. Enjoy spending your whole full action to run across the board only for me to spend a few mana to push you backward, then shoot you down with Archers. It's a game of checks and balances.

IMO, in no way, is Bear Strength "busted" any more than, say, highland unicorn, which isn't busted at all.


General Discussion / Re: Best mages to start with?
« on: October 08, 2012, 05:58:46 PM »
Quote from: "Shad0w" post=1932
The reason I picked those was they are the most simple ideas. I was not looking at overall play style just simple concepts.

Priestess is  methodical strategist while the Wizard is a toolbox  not always easy comcepts for easy people to get into.

I see your reasoning, here. I was just trying to illustrate the concept that the "easiest" to learn with can very readily be the one who's style of play most conforms to your own predilections in gameplay.



General Discussion / Re: Laid back or aggressive?
« on: October 08, 2012, 04:47:00 PM »
Quote from: "Klaxas" post=1937
i plsyed against a priestess build and for some reason i couldnt finish her off.  she had 4 heals and 6 minor heals.  i was hitting her with everything i had.  she had over 40 life by the end of the game and ended up squeeking out a win

IMO the priestess build wasn't very well-rounded, because in all my games I've never needed that much healing by merit of doing other, more important things, like generating creatures, throwing attacks, and enchanting the battleground. The best defense is a good offense they say...

Notice I didn't call the other priestess build bad. It won. It's probably a perfectly good build. I said it wasn't well-rounded. Dedicating that much of a spellbook to healing seems, to me, counter-productive, when those points could be dedicated to something more proactive.


General Discussion / Re: Laid back or aggressive?
« on: October 08, 2012, 03:29:25 PM »
My personal Priestess Spellbook currently has 2 Heal, 2 Minor Heal, 1 Resurrection, 1 Group Heal (forgot name?). I rarely use all of it in a game. In fact...I'm not sure I've ever used all of it in a game. I really hope that future sets see more Holy Incantations that aren't healing-related. As it is, I have to pull heavily from other schools for my incantations, because the Holy Incantations are just lackluster healing cards. The ONE time I've needed to use healing in any real capacity was in a game against a Warlock Item tank, and that was only because my spellbook at that time lacked any means of destroying items.


Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Online spell book builder?
« on: October 08, 2012, 03:13:51 PM »
Quick Solution:

Simply publish the PDF's that you sent to the printers online. It doesn't need to be wrought with functionality...just PDF's of the cards. It would give people a visual spoiler.

Then you can take your time to really work on a visual online deckbuilder. I'd get in touch with and see what steps need to be taken to register and have the deckbuilder through them, as they are:
a) already well-known and recognized in the gaming community
b) already have a very stable platform for the database.


General Discussion / Re: Best mages to start with?
« on: October 08, 2012, 03:09:28 PM »
I agree to a point:

It really depends on what kind of player you are that dictates what mage is easiest to learn/play. If you are a careful/calculated player by nature, then running up and throwing fireballs will not come naturally to you. Similarly, if you are, by nature, an "all eggs in one basket" kind of player, then swarming the opponent with multiple creatures will not fit with your playstyle.

For example: I went straight to the Priestess because that is what is natural to me. My natural instincts have led me to a solid spellbook build because I am comfortable with the style of play presented by that particular mage.


Spells / Re: Why Jinx?
« on: October 08, 2012, 12:28:15 PM »
I thought that was what Decoys were for! :-P


General Discussion / Re: Master Set - 6 of each card
« on: October 08, 2012, 12:25:55 PM »
Oh, hi. Sorry. I meant to update this before, but forgot. I received the cards I ordered some days ago.


General Discussion / Re: MW Facebook survey - Getting more cards
« on: October 08, 2012, 12:24:59 PM »
I like the school option. I don't think a singles is necessary. As the game grows in popularity, there is sure to be a secondary market crop up (I've already ordered and received from one site that seems to be going this direction). Secondary markets are good for games because those dealers often buy a lot of product to fill their stores. I would think that selling singles directly from the developer would kill any chance of a secondary market, which is, IMO, not good for the game, overall.

Having the mage books is not a good idea, IMO, because that forces players into situations where they are getting what the Dev team thinks should be in a Mage's spellbook, and not as open to interpretation as other options.

My two cents...


General Discussion / Re: Lower Starting Life: Tried it?
« on: October 08, 2012, 12:21:03 PM »
This is an idea I've tossed about with a friend, and I just don't think it works because of how the core mechanics are costed. You get X mana, and that is directly linked to how your mage is designed to function. You get X points in your spellbook, and that is directly linked to how the game is designed to function.

The game gets faster by natural evolution. As you learn what works and what doesn't, and begin to perceive threats as or before they occur on the board, you get faster. Very often I know a turn ahead what 2 spells I'm pulling from my book as I currently evaluate the board of this turn. I know what they are, and where they are, and if it doesn't go my way, then I learn that in such a situation I should be more aware of X options to the opponent.

I think that should probably apply to most players. Play more = get better = get faster.


Strategy and Tactics / Re: Wizard vs. Priestess...
« on: October 08, 2012, 12:16:22 PM »
Priestess Advice:

It really depends on how you've built your spellbook, and how aggressive a player your opponent is.

Example: Against a slower opponent who tries to build an attack base over 2-3 turns before moving in, I like to prioritize Temples, Mana, and an Archer or two. The Temple of Asyra and a Mana Crystal or Flower, or a Temple of Asyra and an Amulet to start the mana flowing. The Priestess doesn't have a lot of options for cheap characters, but a Temple and a Cleric is also a decent opening play.

Temple + Cleric = spawnpoint and a character turn 1.
Turn 2 you have 15 mana, so you can put down an Archer and give him a nice enchantment (Hawkeye is a good one to have on the Archer for obvious reasons), and use the Cleric to put mana on the Temple.
Turn 3 you have enough mana to put down a 2nd archer between your base mana supply and the 2 mana on the Temple.
That's an option that gives you decent board control with the Archers. It does, however, require a few turns of freedom from the opponent, which a Wizard may or may not give you, depending on the build.

If you think the Wizard is going to be highly aggressive, I might start with a Temple and hold a Pillar of Light in case the Wizard jumps over in your face, giving you a chance to stun or daze him while still getting your spawn point into play. If he doesn't jump into your face you've got 20 mana in the bank for turn two, so I'd again grab a pillar of light, and maybe put down a block or perhaps a Dawnstar Ring to increase the Pillar's effectiveness. Reverse Magic if you have it in your spellbook is a really solid play against the Wizard.


It is expensive, yeah. Not only to cast, but to include, but, in the grand scheme, I don't think it's too expensive for inclusion in just about any spellbook. The cost to cast could be problematic for or against certain mages, so that's a consideration, too, I guess...



Strategy and Tactics / Re: Good Priestess Combo
« on: October 08, 2012, 12:25:43 AM »
Saying "you'd have to be careful for counters like Reverse Attack and Block..." is akin to saying "you should know what cards exist in this game." It applies to all instances of 1 mage targeting another mage.

If someone wants to spend magic to dissolve the wand then they aren't dissolving something else, which is fine by me. Dispel Hawkeye? It just weakens the effect of the spell. If my opponent wastes a Dispel on Hawkeye I've probably already won, since the Priestess lives and breathes powerful enchantments that make for much better targets.

Basically: If the opponent actually takes time out of his or her turn to try and mess with this then he or she is a bad player, because I should be playing much more antagonizing things than this in any given turn. This combination does not warrant attention from the opposing spellbook, and, if given, you are winning in another way. This combination is crowd control, because it's exactly the kind of thing a good player will not waste resources on trying to interrupt, and yet it gains you something in the game for a very small cost/setup time.


EDIT: Upon re-reading this I think it looks kinda jerkish. I apologize, as that was not my intent. I'm not certain how to re-word it so as to not sound that way, though, so I am leaving the original message text intact. Just wanted to say that I'm not a jerk, and wasn't trying to be one. My basic premise above is that, yes, there are counters to just nearly everything in this game, but as far as pure theorycrafting goes, there are much more tantalizing targets for such counters than this particular combination of cards, which is exactly what makes it a good combination of cards, since this combination does not make a strategy, and can be cheaply included in any priestess spellbook as a simple little annoyance for the opponent that will likely stick around in the long game.

Strategy and Tactics / Good Priestess Combo
« on: October 05, 2012, 04:52:54 AM »
I've become a new fan of the following combination of cards:

Dawnbreaker Ring + Hawkeye + Pillar of Light (best if attached to a Wand)

This gives you a 2-square range, 4-dice attack with a VERY high chance to Daze or Stun the target. I'm very much loving this combo. It gives good board control and it doesn't cost much once it's set up. If you were playing against a super-aggressive player you could start throwing these on the 2nd turn if you felt pressured to control the board, a bit.



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