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Why is there a picture of a slice of cake in my profile info???


You know what- Im ok with it.....I am a huge fan of cake and all of its recent work....Sometimes I carry a fork in my pocket Just incase I have an encounter with a slice of cake. is there a slice of cake next to my age in my profile?

Is it because I am sweet?

Its under the "banana stickers" that have anything to do with it?

Did GLaDOS hack into my profile again.....because I told her that it was over. 

Wait......wait a minute- its because its my birthday isn't it?!?!?

Yep- I bet its because its my birthday.......I forgot about my birthday........

well..........At Least Mage Wars didn't' forget!

(I would feel dumb- if I wasn't so egotistical.)

Happy birthday, hope it was a good one.

Also does that mean I get cake next week?

Not if I eat it all first!!  ;D

Happy B-day to you (In advance) and thank you for your birthday wishes!  ;D ;D ;D

And yeah- it was whisky....couldn't be better.   :P

I've just had a few problems with my profile in the past and accidentally went to "Modify Profile" and thought....." that a slice of cake!?!? Why...."

Ohhhh trying to eat another gamers cake, I've seen hands cut off over that at some of these gaming conventions hehehe.

Yeah mine is a week from Wednesday. I got the core Mage Wars game as an early present the other day. Yesterday was actually my girlfriends birthday too so hey good day all around for everyone.

Tempted to keep changing my birthday in my profile so I get cake daily....


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