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Coherent navigation throughout the site?


I'd love to have a way to navigate through the entire site without having to backtrack and click links buried in the page's contents. It doesn't even need to be the same everywhere (even though the current four navigations are really heterogenous), I'd just love to have a way to navigate around. And for new customers, that would make it possible to find stuff without running into dead ends.

In particular, I think the following things would improve the user experience:

* Every "home" link should go to the same page - the forums if that's central, the frontpage if that's central
* The homepage (and the downloads section as a consequence) should be reachable with navigation links from the forums
* It should be possible to reach the spellbook builder from the homepage and the forums without going into the Website section, then the spellbook builder section, then the beta thread
* There should be one place for news - currently, it's all sprad out over the forums and the front page
* I'm aware that the spellbook builder is still beta, but a link from there to the other sections (home, forums, maybe store) would be nice as well
Of course, I have bookmarks for all the things I regularly use. But...

* A new user doesn't have those and has to find their way around without prior knowledge about all the stuff there is on the site
* There is no reason for me to need them, as navigation links throughout the site are easy to implement with a bit of custom templating
* This isn't really about me at all, but about website usability
That's all  8) The attachments are just the four different navigation bars I found throughout the site, I hope I haven't missed any  ;)

The old website is going to be replaced soon so there will be a new nav for it

Very awesome  ;D


--- Quote from: haslo on January 07, 2014, 02:31:01 PM ---It should be possible to reach the spellbook builder from the homepage and the forums without going into the Website section, then the spellbook builder section, then the beta thread

--- End quote ---

The SBB isn't officially released. Once it is it will be linked to from the forums and the main site


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