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Messages - Terrazas

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General Discussion / Re: The Mage Wars Community Self-Management Project
« on: September 04, 2018, 05:16:42 AM »
I would love to be apart of this. Better then talking about how nothing is being done. For all we know something may come from this, if not then at least we have some house rules to play with.

General Discussion / Re: Mage wars 2.0
« on: August 03, 2018, 06:15:12 PM »
The lord of the Rings Card Game is coming out on steam here soon. Making a MW digital game with the same amount of polish as this game and hearthstone could bring in a lot of people.

General Discussion / Re: Ideas for New Traits
« on: June 22, 2018, 09:03:10 AM »
I would like to see the traits we have already expanded on

General Discussion / Re: Mage wars 2.0
« on: June 22, 2018, 09:01:41 AM »
I think the big this would consistentsy with FFG. One thing I really like about the company is the hype that ty can make for their products, how they do the previews, interviews with the designers/playtesters and articles discussing the meta. All of these show that the company has interest in their own product. As for the quality I have always thought there products were very nice and high quality, you can tell a lot of work went into it. I think FFG has learned not to throw expansions at a game in a short amount of time. X-wing was damaged beyond repair because they came out with expansions to fast, they ended up breaking the game and are now making a 2.0. I really like the idea of how they do Arkham horror the card game. They have a big box release and then every month have a small pack of cards come out. Big box is about $30 and small ones are $15. I usually find them cheaper through amazon, but that’s MSRP. Imagine if AW did something like that but the big box didn’t have to be mages. Each cycle could be themed and then smaller packs deepen that theme you introduced with the big box. Maybe introduce a mage every other cycle. So now you would get nice steady amount of new content it won’t be as much at one time, but it’s constant.

One con would be that the consumer would pay more over the long term. This does turn into a pro as well since AW would possibly make more that the game would be supported more. Anyways this is how I would expect FFG to handle MW, based off their other games. I would expect expansions to be slower then games like x-wing just because there isn’t as big of a player base.

General Discussion / Re: Mage wars 2.0
« on: June 20, 2018, 08:56:44 AM »
If it went to fantasy flight we wouldn’t have complaints about expansions

General Discussion / Re: It´s 2018 -- Any news?
« on: June 20, 2018, 08:55:39 AM »
But just like we have seen in some acedemy cards where it says if this is lvl 6 mage you roll this many dice. You could  always put something along those lines so then it can work in arena. And since the acedemy expansions are seen by AW as expansions for arena this would be a better way to integrate acedemy into arena.

General Discussion / Re: It´s 2018 -- Any news?
« on: June 19, 2018, 12:48:46 PM »
That would be cool so then you can use the abilities for the acedemy mages in arena

General Discussion / Mage wars 2.0
« on: June 19, 2018, 10:19:54 AM »
I’ve been reading a couple of forms and have seen some people mention a new edition. I think this would be a really cool idea to revitalize the game. So I made this post to see what people would like to see in 2.0 or how they think it could be done. Now I know that AW doesn’t have a ton of money and the possibility of this is probably a dream. I understand that, all I want to hear is ideas on what people would like to see.

I for one would like to see a more streamlined game. I don’t have to much of a issue with the rules, but when the issues do come up they can sour the game. The biggest thing is upkeep. We housed ruled it and what we said is that you the effects are resolved in the order they appeared. Example regrowth belt was placed on a mage then foul rot was revealed. The mage would regenerate first. This is how I play. Reason being it felt right thematically in our house.

Another this is that there is to much cardboard for me now. After all the expansions I think it’s just to much. If there was an easier way to streamline it I would like that very much.

Either update or replace cards that are not competitive.

I don’t think we would need a new core box but just either new rules that get updated or a small conversion kit.

I love this game and I always come back to it. I just noticed some clunky ness after PvS.

General Discussion / Re: It´s 2018 -- Any news?
« on: June 19, 2018, 09:19:00 AM »
There is that promo drop that tony was talking about. Hopefully it’s a vol 2. That’s would satisfy me as an arena expansion. While I know we all would like new mages I don’t think new mages are as necessary as they use to be. I think expanding on the mages we have now is more important so that there are more ways of playing different mages. I think the best example of this is the force master. Before the acedmeny expansion there was only so many ways to play the force master. I can’t wait for the Druid expansion hopefully coming this year because that’s another mage that is kind of set in her ways. I think she is more fluid then the force master just because the nature school has been so fleshed out, but I would like to see more plants. It would be nice if they could add in something just a little bit different like force creatures. Where that was a new idea.

General Discussion / Re: It´s 2018 -- Any news?
« on: April 09, 2018, 10:54:50 PM »
I have to agree. I haven’t played the force master yet with her force creatures in a arena game but I plan to try this weekend. That’s the only deck that I have build to so far that I have placed more acedemy cards then arena.

General Discussion / Re: It´s 2018 -- Any news?
« on: April 07, 2018, 08:20:08 PM »
I understand that acedemy needs some love right now and the cards are compatible. I mean look at the force master expansion the allowed us to play the force master in a completely new way and was a breath of fresh air. But the there are some things missing that we don’t see that we would in a arena expansion. A big one is there has not been any new conjugations since grimore. Also, due to the way acedemy is the majority of the cards are cheap and low leveled. There are some exceptions to this but I doubt we will ever see a dragon that costs 28 mana in a acedemy expansion. If they can do what they did with the force master and put a new spin on a older mage that would be great because I wouldn”t mind expanding on old ideas. I would really like to see terrain expanded on more.

The big thing is that while you can use the same cards, an acedemy expansion is not the same as a arena expansion.  And while acedemy does need love so does arena because there hasn’t been anything out for it for awhile and there hasn’t been any news at all. And you can say the reason it is like this now is because they don’t want to drop the ball again like they did with PvS. That’s understandable to a point but to not hear anything for years? If they don’t want to add anything new that’s fine but they could also do additions to get some cards that you can’t add to acedemy and I thought that was what grimore volumes were going to be but we haven’t gotten another volume for some time.

General Discussion / Re: It´s 2018 -- Any news?
« on: April 03, 2018, 04:04:57 AM »
It would be nice just to hear that something is in the works for arena. Every time this is brought up and we get a response from tony it’s about new stuff for acedemy. I understand that the spells are compatible in arena, but you don’t see conjurations with acedemy. It would be nice to just hear something about arena so it doesn’t seem like AW has forgotten about it.

General Discussion / Re: It´s 2018 -- Any news?
« on: March 26, 2018, 05:02:50 PM »
I just want to see frost and an epic attack spell.

Creative / Re: Miniatures
« on: December 12, 2017, 08:31:55 AM »

Creative / Re: Miniatures
« on: November 05, 2017, 01:45:40 PM »
Painted a miniature of the wizard let me know what you guys think.


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