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Messages - Werekingdom

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Strategy and Tactics / Re: Paladin action generator selection
« on: November 23, 2016, 03:29:03 AM »
I think Cassiel is good, but better for a Priestess... Cassiel pushes you towards a slower more resilient game, which is something the Priestess does better.

I would like to disagree, I see Cassiel as a creature that stays in the back and cast minor heal when necessary.
If you look a her in the healer role instead of a armor/ench casting spawnpoint, then having her in a Paladin or a melee heavy Priest deck would make sense.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Best opening for: Necromance
« on: November 22, 2016, 07:39:16 PM »
Im a big fan of graveyard wispwillow t1, t2 deploy crawler then cloak of shadows and death ring, t3 deploy venomous zombie and cast minion then deploy a creature every turn or so.
Cloak lets you keep your dostance. If they close then your creatures have less diatance to walk. Deploying a crawler 1st  can be a distraction for a creature or mage. And venemous next makes them want to kill it fast. It can soak up attacks and eat up creature actions.

Thanks for the feedback drmambo23,

I'll add your opening to the list. I personally have a hard time playing the graveyard, but I can see what you mean. Could you add some more on the "Good" and "Bad" points to this style of deck, especially from your point of view. (like what do you see as the weakness of this deck, general warning signs [fire mage vs druid for example])


Strategy and Tactics / Best opening for: Druid
« on: November 22, 2016, 07:31:19 PM »
Best opening for: Druid
(I'll try to  keep this this forum updated from your feedback)

For the Druid I'm Going to assume that only the vine tree and mohktari tree are used. (if you can make a case for the Samara Tree then feel free to say it. I just can't see the advantage of the Samara over the other tree's.)

Vine Tree (Classic)
T1 (19): Vine Tree -9, Mana crystal -5,
T2 (16): Vine token from tree -1, Enchantment ring -2, FD enchantment -1 OR Creature -7 or less, Thornlasher -(6) from tree (middle zone for zone control),
      -More vines with the vine tree
      -Best zone control
      -Most versatile tree
      -Hydro immune: creatures and conjurations
      -Rooted (immune: Push and Slam)
      -Tanglevines!!! (For the guys that know my style of play, you know this is huge!)
      -In school to nature creatures (without pecks or discounts)
      -Regen: you don't need armor when you have a tree (and maybe Barkskin)
      -More actions with the spawnpoint (One of the best style of decks to use Meditation Amulet)
      -Weak vs fire
      -Rooted / Lack Mobility (uproot)
      -Little Armor on Plants (only plants with armor is Kralathor and Togorah [and Togorah is not a vine creature])
      -High spell book points for weak vine creatures

Mohktari Tree
T1 (19): Mohktari Tree -8, Mana crystal -5,
T2 (17): Enchantment ring OR FD enchantment -2, Creature (usually animal) -15 or less,
      -More armor on tree (3 with tree bound instead of 2 with the vine tree)
      -Animal heavy decks: More mobility, more versatile, better options
      -Great for Range decks (stay in the Mohktari Tree  zone and you get Regen and Lifebound without any enchantments)
      -Ability to use creatures the Druid or Beastmaster would never normally use: Wolf Spider, Lighting Beetle, Togorah, ect. (insects, non-vine plants and other nature non-animal creatures)
      -No spawnpoint
      -Tend to have closer to the middle to use Regen ability on creatures (more likely to be attacked)
      -Lose some zone control power (less vines)
      -Lose mana with Mohtari vs Vine tree
      -Lack of actions (feels like you always trying to catch up, at least until you get creature superiority [Regen tree])

Strategy and Tactics / Best opening for: Necromance
« on: November 22, 2016, 05:40:30 PM »
Best opening for: Necromance

(I'll try to  keep this this forum updated from your feedback)

Gorgon Archer
T1 (20): Mana crystal -5, Mana crystal -5,
T2 (22): Gorgon archer -16, Rouse the Best -3 OR Armor -6 OR Eneffeble -6,
      -High mana
      -Heavy creature
      -Weak: works with Plague Master
      -If you use tanglevine with zomibes then weak can keep the vine alive
      -Weak vs Swarm (Siren: Song, Paladen: Challange)
      -Most of your mana in one creature
      -Living creature in a undead mage deck (no deathlock)
      -No early Eternal Servant

Stonegazed Basilike
T1 (20): Mana crystal -5, Mana crystal -5,
T2 (22): Stonegazed Basilike -12, Rouse the Best -3/Arkio Favor -3, OR Armor -6 OR Eneffeble -6,
      -High mana
      -Mid/Heavy creature
      -Cripple: works with Plague Master
      -Strong vs Melee Rush
      -Cripple! So Zombies can SLOWLY overtake the enemy mage.
      -Weak vs Range Rush
      -Most of your mana in one creature
      -Living creature in an undead mage deck (no deathlock)
      -No early Eternal Servant

Libro Mortuos
T1 (20): Death Ring -5, Libro Mortuos -(10-1=9),
T2 (16): Cloak of Shadows -6, Skeletal Minion -(5-1=4) form spawnpoint, Creature cost 8 or less,
      -Early Eternal Servant creature
      -Two creatures by turn 2
      -Cloak of Shadows: Anti-attack spells if you can Tanglevine/Eneffeble 2 spaces away
      -Strong vs Range Rush
      -Discount ring vs mana crystal (limits your options)
      -Skeletons are fragile
      -Can fair badly against mid/large creatures (wolf-bear)
      -Weak against melee rush

Battle Forge Libro
T1 (20): Battle Forge -8 Libro Mortuos -10,
T2 (12): Death Ring -(5-1=4) from BF, Creature cost 5 or less from Libro, Enchant Ring -2, Brace yourself -1 OR other FD enchantment.
      -Early Eternal Servant creature
      -Battle Forge: heavy armor
      -Ability to adapt (BF, Libro, mage = 4 actions by turn 2)
      -Heavy spending on economy
      -Fragile Eternal Servant
      -Can fair badly against mid/large creatures (wolf-bear)
      -Weak against Rush

"Brute-al" (Thanks to drmambo23)
T1 (20): Wispwillow -3, Graveyard -14
T2 (14): Zombie Crawler -3 from Graveyard, Cloak of shadows -6, Death Ring -5,
T3 (11): Venomous Zombie -5 from Graveyard, Zombie Minion -6,
      -Spawnpoint: getting mana equal to the first destroyed creatures Lv, (the Cloak of Shadows means that the enemy mage will need to get close, so slow Zombies can be used).
      -Swarm: creatures can take a lot of attack spells, also the resilient swarm in the arguably the most mana effective aggro
      -Zombies - resilient and the enemy mage will always trigger bloodthirsty (Bigger attack power on already great creatures)
      -Cloak of Shaddow: prevents early rush of attack spells and gives you more time to react to opponent
      -Willowwisp: More versatility to adapt, early mana, (the 2 mana gain can make the differences between a Brute and a Plague Zombie)
      -Meat shield: Deploying Zombie Crawler and Venomous Zombie can act as a meat shield for the incoming attacks (Adding the Venomous Zombie means that he will often be the focus of attacks instead of you.)
      -Cheap and Early Eternal Servant
      -Slow: so slow...
      -Druid: deploy vine creature and conjurations anywhere (a wall in you way, Vinesnapper, ect.)
      -Johktari Beastmaster can make the Cloak of Shadow worthless. She can run circles around you, especially if she has Mongoose Agility
      -Flyiers, need: maim wings, gravikor, another flyer, or knockdown (Since Zombie Archer's eye hand coordination is somewhat lacking.....)
      -Can fair badly against mid/large creatures (wolf-bear)
      -Weak against Rush
      -Bloodthirsty can limit what you can do since zombies are stuck in a zone with a damaged creature. (this drive me insane)
      -Burns and acid ball do direct damge to zombies
      -Necro mirror match (All the poor zombies with no brains in sight)
      -Wizard Jelly, (I think is the zombies worse nightmare)

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Paladin action generator selection
« on: November 16, 2016, 01:30:09 PM »
Goblin Builder
- Can cast the Temples, Battle Forge, ect.
- Can repair damaged conjurations. (only worth it on high armor conjuration)
- Good at late game protection for your paladin/annoyest. (I keep the goblin near my mage, so that he can build pike walls, caltrops and other conjurations)
- Price, at 5 mana.
- Don't generate mana
- Cost to build is a full action
- Easily to kill
- Little flexibility (Casting a Conjuration cost a full action)

Temple (from 1st set)
- Cost 10 mana
- Can generate both mana and actions.
- Not very durable
- Without a cleric, your only getting a creature every other turn
- It tend to favor smaller/cheaper creatures

Spellbook Design and Construction / Paladin Duel Spawnpoint
« on: November 15, 2016, 09:37:39 PM »
The idea behind this deck opening is simple, delay until the spawnpoints can overwhelm the opponent.
This means a lot on 4-9 mana creatures. It does include a Crusade Banner which can be used for a more powerful creature or as a detraction from the temple and mage.

Turn 1: 10+9=19.
-Move then Crusade Banner -7
-End QC Temple -10

Turn 2: 2+9=11 (works best if you have ins this turn)
-Tanglevine -5
-Astor Anchor -6

Turn 2: 0+9=9
>Cleric for temple 5-2=3 (any of the 5 mana clerics will work)
-Arcane Ward -2 (for Astro Anchor if it not despiled),
-Have a Astor Anchor or Tanglevine to keep the enemy mage locked down. If neither Tanglevine or Anchor is needed then just go in and attack.

Events / Re: ADMW Winter Special - OCTGN Tournament
« on: November 14, 2016, 11:51:51 PM »
Hello Coshade,

How many decks would you need for the tourament?
I'm going to be starting from scratch this year (An unfortunate accident with my harddrive dying), so I would like a ballpark guess on how many decks I should make.


Events / Re: Weekly Octgn Practice Night
« on: November 12, 2016, 06:51:27 PM »

I missed today's practice match, I'll try to make it next Saturday.

Thanks for setting this up CapnRedBeardIV.

Rules Discussion / Guard Dog and Terrain
« on: November 10, 2016, 10:16:33 PM »
Does anyone know if the Terrain count towards the Vigilant trait on the Guard Dog?
The wording says: ".... a conjuration you control which is not attached to any object in the zone."
So is the terrain attached to the zone, and if so then is it (not attached to any object in the zone.) or (not attached to any object in the zone Including the zone itself)?

Wow, I always assumed/thought it was demons only. Aren't pentagrams only used to summon  demons in most lore?

That's what I assumed. I'm guessing they made it dark living creatures to allow to summon Goran and any other future dark living non demons.

Dark living non-demons like:

-Naraka Vampiress
-Asto Vidatu, Angel Slayer
-Sslak, Orb Guardian   
-Usslak, Greater Orb Guardian   
-Darkfenne Bat   
-Goran, Werewolf Pet   
-Necropian Vampiress   
-Acolyte of the Bog Queen   

Rules Discussion / Does Demonic Link work with Demonhide Mask?
« on: October 26, 2016, 08:05:45 PM »
Hi Guys,

Does Demonic Link work with Demonhide Mask?

Mages / Re: Alternate Druid expansion
« on: October 26, 2016, 03:31:20 AM »
Thank you very much for your input! :D

1/ I really like the idea of a slightly evil druid!
2/ If the two Druids use different mechanics, a.k.a one with trees and one with vines, would it not make their cards more difficult to use for each other? Maybe the alternate druid would use roots (that protrude from the ground?).

1/The druids need some kind of ranged-2 unit, and an army of ever-vigilant ents is tempting.
2/ A Giant Mushroom that releases spores, a critical unavoidable zone attack with chances of stun-type conditions.
3/ I am thinking a sweeping attack, (airborne spores), that doesn't damage but hinders. Un-rooted. Incorporeal, (It is a layer of vegetation), and maybe it can deal stagger first and in lucky circumstances rot and stagger. Title: Darkfenne lichen.
4/ A: I was thinking of a bypassing regen enhancer while giving more value to the fungus.
B: Darkfenne mushroom, which releases spores that are toxic. Idol of pestilence and Deathlock in a single zone!
5/ A: It might have uproot. Not sure.
B: Two attacks;
lunging snatch with grapple and reach, with doublestrike(multiple mouths.)
Corrosive secretions with lots of corrode and triplestrike. Maybe rot?
6/ Yer right. Melee=trap enchantment, uses marker, Ranged=new druid's burst of thorns equivalent.
7/ Maybe so.

In correlation, I think you have the right idea. A slightly evil druid that uses root markers, trees(+vigilant ents), and mushrooms.
Root markers to be the vine druid equivalent.
A group of vigilant ents can deal out some serious damage. Maybe OP without limiters.
I think that across-the-board spawning with mushrooms might be interesting. Especially deathshroom.

1/ If the Druid is Nature and Dark, I think he should have either dark Lv1 or Lv2 Non-creature spells. What do you think?
2/ I was thinking of having a different mechanics for the dark Druid, but I like your idea of roots more. What about the Roots (vine markers) not hinder creatures but instead they can't be targeted. Meaning you would have to use a zone attack to hit them?

1/I agree that the druids need some ranged 2 creature/conjurations. The Ent I was talking about did not have vigilant. I believe the card was: Ent Sental: Mana 13, Health 10, Armor 2, Regen 1, Atk: (full action, 4 dice at range 1-2 with +8 slam), or (full action, 3 dice melee, full action).
2/ "A Giant Mushroom" I like the unavoidable zone attack. What type of attack? most of the creatures with this type of attack are poison. If it is Poison then Daze or Stagger would fit in perfectly.
3/  "Darkfenne lichen" From what I'm hearing it sounds like the Caltrop conjuration. Would it work better to have something that hinders and attacks creatures that enter the zone, like the Caltrop or Bed of Sea Urchin?
4/ A: I don't think you really need to add value to Fungal, just find something new and interesting. Really don't worry about adding value, many people (including myself) will use the cards just because they are Fungal.
B: Darkfenne mushroom: I'm thinking this creature should be Druid only and possible Epic. Since giving Finite Life without loosing an enchantment nor affecting yourself is really powerful.
5/ A: Ok
B: lunging snatch: it may work if don't have the doublestrike/triplestrike.
If lunging snatch: basic atk with grapples, range 0-1 (don't need reach if grapple has range).
Corrosive secretions: Low dice atk, doublestrike, +9 corrode, ONLY against PREY. OR Mid dice atk, +7 corrode, ONLY against PREY.
6/ Trap enchantment: Sounds cool, now one Druid can use the Nature Trap and Water Trap and the other Mage can use the Nature Trap and Dark Trap. :)
7/ The 1st Druid has a lot of cheap no armor creatures with regen, I think the Ents will be more expensive, mid/high health, armor and regen. What about the Fungal? Armor/no armor, Lv of health, Price, flammable?

"In correlation, I think you have the right idea. A slightly evil druid that uses root markers, trees(+vigilant ents), and mushrooms."
         I think the Druid should  be trained in Dark non-creature spells (no Zombie's).  I would like to see the Roots not hinder and not be targetable. The Ent's should be the elite, but I don't think they should  all have vigilant, what about giving them great stats but only use full action attacks? It could be the defining attribute of Ent's "Slow and powerful. What about Fairies?

Any new Idea's?

Mages / Re: Alternate Druid expansion
« on: October 26, 2016, 02:33:22 AM »
On your BTW, I was intending to make the fungal trait its own thing, like the vine trait.
And some more ideas:
Redwood: high armor, high health, low regen(1). Channeling 1.
Whenever you have initiative, you may spawn a plant or fungal creature or conjuration(fungus can be symbiotic, communistic, or parasitic to trees.)
All plant or fungal object in a zone with a root marker gain lifelink 1 to this conjuration.

This fits the strategy of building up using trees and such.
It is also supportive!

I would degree with having fungal cards with only the fungal subtype.
Since it seems like a major theme on this druid has to do with fungal subtype, it would make cents to have a spawnpoint that can cast fungal cards. (otherwise you could just cast animal instead).
Now adding a third spawnpoint is too much for the druid decks. That is why I think the Sam Tree would work great (besides no one uses it now anyways), it cast tree sub-types, so you could give fungal a fungal subtype and the suntype of tree. The Sam Tree also has the Cantrip ability for the Seedpods, that is somewhat thematic (Seedpod lives, then dies and then the new seedpod grows from it's death). You could even make the Druid's ability around death: "once per turn, the first time a Tree/Fungal plant dies your mage gains mana equal to its level." Or ".... a friendly creature gains +melee equal to it's level" (think sacrifice alter).

I really like the Redwood idea, the high armor, high health, low regen(1) and low channeling sound really interesting. (I would post it in the suggestion box and see if Arcane Wounders likes the idea as well).

Mages / Re: Alternate Druid expansion
« on: October 25, 2016, 03:18:34 PM »
Hello Guru of Mana,

It is a cool idea, I do like the idea of more fairies in the nature school.  However, the Druid already has 2 spawn points (you can have both at the same time!!). 
Since the present Druid is a vine style druid, I would suggest the next druid could be a evergreen (northern europe style) druid. You could have a antelope that gives you mage fast, smaller Ents type creatures (plant with armor!). This mage would basically major in Tree's (instead of vine) and Fairies (or animal's or bug's).

Alternatively you can use a Decomposition Druid (like you said). He could be trained in 3 nature (possible 2 nature instead) and 1 dark (instead of 1 water).

BTW: Where you thinking of making the fungal into a subtype? Since there is 2 spawnpoint where you thinking of giving the fungal cards a tree subtype?

About your proposed cards:

1/ A high level flower vine conjuration that can attack up to two zones away.
          What about a (creature) Ent that can hurl boulders, it seems more in theme. Also the present druid don't need a another vine conjuration, especially when she can hinder people from closing the distances. Having a Tree creature would kept this card from becoming too OP, since creatures cast range is 0-0, you can't use it the same turn you cast it, and it is a Tree so you can't spam it from the spawn point.

2/ A fungal mushroom creature that has an electrical ethereal attack.
          Great for Decomposition Druid. Depending on the cost I would suggest a basic(or poison) attack with a chance of Rot or Stagger. I would prefer Stagger since the nature school don't really have a good way to get it. I know you are looking for something to get ethereal in the nature school, I just don't think a mushroom is the way to go.

3/ A fungal lichen that does a ranged attack in its zone that can only deal out daze and weak.
          Depending on the life and cost, this could be a great card. Assuming this creature is going to be cheap, I will say that Daze is maybe too overpowered, You probably don't want another weak giving creature since you already have the Asp in school. Again this card really depends on what it cost, If it cost cost more, then it could have a Zone Attack that deals Stagger, OR it could cost less and have a single attack that deals Daze (but what is the point?). Would he be Rooted?

4/ A fungal glowing mushroom that lifelinks with living creatures and conjurations across the board.
          Since we already have the Etherian Lifetree, and the Druid Treebound there is no point to lifelink. You could change it around. What about a deathlock mushroom? An epic mushroom that gives finite life to a zone?

5/ A cluster of giant Jupiter fly traps that can grapple and bleed.
          Grapple cool, bleed.... no. If your thinking of Jupiter fly traps, then Grapple and reach with an acid is more in theme. Would this creature have uproot?

6/ Two plant conjurations whose sole purpose is to be a one time trap: one melee and one ranged.
          I don't like this. You could have a nature enchantment trap. But the Druid has "Burst of Thorns". The idea of a another conjuration is pointless unless it fills a need. the acid and death flowers are 0-0 range attacks, so I see no need for more conjuration attack plants.

7/ An enchantment: Tree stability. Target creature cannot be pushed or slammed, and gains the vigil trait.
          Giving a creature Vigilant is too OP (think of giving it to a Guard Angle!), All the plants have Rooted, so this would not help them, the Mage's have Eagle Claw Boots. I would not add this card, one of the nice things about plants is that they are rooted, so to give that trait away would make plants almost worthless.

First I think the Druid is doing fine with the plants she has, I tend to use animal and bugs anyways.

What I would like is:
-Small movable creature (Ent), since the vinesnapper and thornlasher are unmovable.
-A non-flammable creature.
-A Small creature that has armor, (1 or 2 armor).

What maybe fun:
-Creature with acid attack.
-A conjuration that acts like the Warlords trebuchet/ballista.
-A Flower looking creature.
-More Fairies.

you have tons of non-flamable creatures already in school, non flameable plants are kind of very unlogical

True, I was thinking more of along the line of a swamp monsters (A soggy humanoid form). Maybe a swamp Wurm would be cool (it would not be a plant).

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