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Messages - flamespeak

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Academy
« on: November 18, 2015, 11:55:07 AM »
So, is it out Today?

Cause I am not seeing it anywhere yet.

General Discussion / Re: NPE - Could it defeat the purpose of Academy?
« on: November 12, 2015, 10:08:41 PM »
Sorry, I have been away from the Arcane Wonders forum for a long time.

The problem with a mana denial mechanic causing a NPE is because it is a tactic that only really works by screwing with another players tactics. Sure, people aren't mad if you banish a card or kill a creature in combat or by using a tricky spell up your sleeve, but if your main tactic is to keep your opponent from actually realizing their ability to play effectively, well, it feels like more a dick move than a smart one.

To put it into perspective, it would by like tying someone's shoelaces together stealthy before the 100 meter dash in the Olympics. The person who lost isn't really mad they lost, they are mad at how they lost and the victory is extremely hollow to a true athlete.

Maybe an easier way to counter a drain ability is to offer the ability to give it a choice of draining mana or health to the person being affected by it. It is nuisance, but it does allow you the drain to do something each turn so it isn't a waste for the person utilizing it and when the game gets down to the late game, losing that mana is far more tempting than losing that life point. That's just a thought. I don't know how much that will effect the game though, maybe one of you people who actually have Academy can try that as a variant and see if it helps out if the current play is troublesome.

General Discussion / Re: Arcane Duels - Domination 3 For All!!
« on: July 01, 2015, 06:27:55 AM »
I haven't played a single game of Mage Wars where either myself or my opponent haven't made some kind of mistake or another.

That is one of the biggest problems that I have with teaching the game to new players, to be honest with you. The amount of upkeep each round in the late game and rule changes with different attacks and such wear on newbies. The apprentice mode helps somewhat but even that is a little too micro-management heavy for someone coming in from other games. Amazingly enough, I am mainly talking about Magic and Android players here, war gamers get a hang of micro management quiet easily. Then again, it IS war gamers.

I am sincerely hoping that Mage Wars Academy addresses this issue quite a bit. I am hoping the progression could be Mage Wars: Academy. Mage Wars: Arena Apprentice, Mage Wars: Arena full stop, Mage Wars: Domination (let's get crazy).

Definitely one of the deepest games I have played in terms of what can be done on any given turn and I still recommend it to many folks but that box sitting on my shelf scares people something fierce no matter how gentle I am with teaching it to people.

Mages / Re: Alternate Necromancer
« on: July 14, 2014, 12:03:44 AM »
An edlritch abomination focused type necromancer to expand on the illithid larva mechnic would be a nice touch or something to deal with heavy with the vampire theme, a lot of vampiric strike creatures  and the like.

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Johktari Weapon
« on: July 13, 2014, 11:53:49 PM »
You mean like equipping any mage with an elemental wand with a low cost spell and enchanting them to be fast? The argument that sIKE is making is something that I have encountered numerous times.

My buddy's opening moves are usually equipping his warlock with a lash of hellfire, and an elemental wand. Next turn is the ring that boosts his fire attacks (whose name escapes me) and cheetah speed, third round is him slapping on bear strength as a quick spell. You now have a mage that is running around dealing 8 dice of damage in melee combat or 7 attack die of damage for five mana each turn with no real way to get away from him. Plus all those burn markers that are a pain in the ass to remove with the new FiF cards that can be exploded all over your face.

Except by summoning up something bigger as a decoy or that is fire proof, dissolving his euqipment, disenchanting him, or a plethora of other options that are easily agains a powered up Joh Beast master.

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Johktari Weapon
« on: July 13, 2014, 03:01:27 AM »
Yes, and forgo summoning a creature, it can be destroyed with dissolve, and there are plenty of ways to minimalize the effects of it. It wouldn't be game breaking at all. Heck, a Warlock with Lash of Hellfire enchanted with the fast trait offer is just as 'game breaking' but it is something I have to shut down every other game because I have a friend who loves to play the Warlock. It would go a long way to improve the Joh Beast Master because when it comes to mobs she is drastically inferior to the original Beast Master with his quick summoning ability and it would play to her strengths a lot more.

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Johktari Weapon
« on: July 13, 2014, 12:13:29 AM »
I fail to see why she can't move and shoot in one turn with a decent bow, especially considering the Lash of Hellfire basically offers the same thing and can be quite overpowered basically right out the gate.

Mages / Re: Mage suggestions
« on: July 11, 2014, 01:49:04 AM »
Steampunk Gnome. Heavily focused on living conjurations like steam powered golems, clockwork hounds, and similar ideas. Give him a mobile spawn point like a walking fortress or something.

Unstable Necromancer variant. Turn the undead into living bombs. Plague bombs for zombies to poison folks and the skellys do bone shrapnel damage.

Muscle Wizard (forcemater variant). Unable to use equipment, but enchantments have double (both positive and negative) effects where applicable. His life and basic melee damage are high, his channelling is total garbage.

Mages / Re: Who's the hardest Mage to get right?
« on: July 11, 2014, 01:38:07 AM »
Forcemaster is pretty easy, just plop down one piece of decent equipment or a mana crystal each turn while sticking back. When you are ready to move? Teleport right into the opponent mage's zone for a quick cast action and then beat them silly. Work a ridiculous number of times to be honest. A couple of walls hinders it greatly if you wait too long.

Throwing down a watch tower in one of the corners and then a few walls to block yourself off to build up defensive creatures, and spam long distance attacks is a great tactic not many can counter too, but if both are turtling it makes the game kind of endless.

The hardest mage for me though was playing as the Warlord the way the expansion recommended I play with him. It is darn near unwinnable to play that way, it is really easy to win with him a lot of the time by simply summoning up some higher cost stuff like a couple of iron golems and then walking across the map with your crew and beating the opponent down with the Warlord throwing down some buffs and swinging his big ol' hammer of hurt.

Forged in Fire's new Warlord seems to bring a much better mix to the table, but I just got the expansion yesterday so I haven't had a chance to mess with it yet to know for sure.

Rules Discussion / Re: DvN rules questions
« on: April 06, 2014, 12:43:41 AM »
Got a question about the Altar of Skulls. Me and a buddy did a necro and druid run the other day and made up our rules to fill in the gaps on the fly for what we thought made the most sense, but an official ruling would be appreciated.

When the altar of skulls is activated, does the 2 direct poison damage to all living creatures on the board affect his plants that are conjurations and have life totals? Does it affect his vines?

We decided that it did because poison effects all living thing including plants and it was a way to effectively clear the board of his vines and plants. Not quickly at all mind you, but it did turn the tide greatly toward the end of the game. We decided any living thing with life total that was living would be affected by the poison markers be they conjurations or creatures, however, anything without a life total or non-living would not be affected. For example, his trees would get smacked by poison damage, however, a warlords barracks and towers wouldn't.

You know, keeping with the whole smiting of living things theme.

It would be nice to get an official stance on this if I ever do any kind of tournament play, but we will probably keep the local rules the same because it made the most sense thematically.

General Discussion / Additional tokens
« on: April 05, 2014, 01:50:54 PM »
Hey, is there anyway I can get some more tokens for damage and such without having to drop cash on a whole new game set?

When playing Druid vs Necromancer on 3 separate occasions me and my gaming bro have had to start using other tokens like veteran tokens and melee plus 1 tokens to represent damage and it got a little wacky. It was going pretty well each game until I activated the Altar of Skulls and everything kept taking damage left and right.

I find it kind of funny how we were tripping over slam tokens, burn tokens, and the like but the damage and mana tokens were in really short supply in late game sessions.

What do you guys use when you run out of tokens?

General Discussion / Re: Rubber play mats.
« on: August 31, 2013, 04:20:02 AM »
Oh, I was already going to do that with a piece of leather and a wood burner to mark the zones and what not. Was thinking about making a travel box out of wood with different removable compartments for the tokens, dice, cards, etc and putting the spell books wrapped up in leather at the bottom with the mage boards. Slap a lock on the whole thing and I should be able to make it a lot more mobile. Either burn or carve the box on the outside to and put a simple latch on it to give it some flare. Just some nice little down time creation stuff with a purpose you know?

General Discussion / Re: Rubber play mats.
« on: August 30, 2013, 01:04:52 AM »
Back to the mats.

A nice cloth or leather mat would be preferable to me, personally. Plenty of space to wrap it around the spell books and a few low profile pockets to hide the dice, markers, and tokens when folded and it would make the game a lot more portable. Still kinda bulky, but easy enough to throw in a backpack for easier transport to a friend's house for gaming if you are walking, riding a bike or motorcycle, taking public transportation, etc.

Custom Cards / Re: Dresden
« on: August 27, 2013, 12:53:14 AM »
Well, Dresden was good at fire and ice (ice being better now that he is the winter knight). He has employeed demons and spirits in the past as well as a multitude of fairies, but isn't a fan of any of them. A pretty good all rounder.

Given the thematic setting of Mage Wars though it wouldn't really fit to have a leather duster wearing wizard blast a werewolf in the face with a .44 revolver. Unless we were talking a Mage Wars Modern expansion. Giving my goblin a rocket launcher and having my elf archer with a .50 sniper rifle would be pretty nice. You could employ the walking techbane aspect of the Dresden universe to keep from pumping modern tech onto the wizards as well.

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