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Topics - CurseofFeanor

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General Discussion / Bringing the Ivarium Warlord to Arena
« on: April 18, 2019, 12:22:54 PM »
Hi guys,

me and my local group of MW players are huge fans of the Arena warlords. We were thinking of a way to scale up the elven academy warlord to join ranks with his orcish and dwarven brethren and this is what we came up with:

Health - 35
Channeling - 9

Instead of his academy ability, he would get three unique battle commands applying to all soldier creatures in his zone until the end of the round:
Always prepared - gain Counterstrike
Overdraw - +1 range for non-spell ranged attacks
Alphastrike - while guarding counter attack before the attacking creature rolls its Dice

As an additional ability, we considered something like:
Hire mercenaries - the warlord may extend the range of creature spells by 1 if he pays level -1 mana

What do you think about these abilities? Do you think they are balanced?

From a gameplay and "lore" perspective, we considered the Ivarium warlord to be more of an pragmatic and flexible fighter, while the Bloodwave represents more agressive and brutish side of war and the Anvil Throne more the defensive and disciplind side of war.
To set him apart from the Paladin, which is also from Ivarium, he should be more opportunistic and less honorable.


Ps.: English is not my native language, so please excuse my spelling.

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