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Messages - dexmark

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Rules Discussion / Mind Control versus Pets/Blood Reaper?
« on: March 29, 2013, 12:44:43 AM »
In another thread I learned that you cannot Mind Control Thorg because he is "Warlord only".

Would that also hold true for Pet and Blood Reaper? Can they be mind controlled or because they are inherent for Warlock and Beastmaster - you can't, right?

Can somebody shine in on this?

Rules Discussion / Re: Teleport Trap combo question?
« on: March 29, 2013, 12:22:34 AM »
Will try this technique soon..

Rules Discussion / Teleport Trap combo question?
« on: March 28, 2013, 06:29:02 PM »
Does it need line of sight?

Just thinking of a Jailer combo with Teleport Trap..

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Force Master vs Swarms
« on: March 28, 2013, 06:20:14 PM »
Strategy 1: Just mind control the biggest creature of your opponent then make it run after the mage.
What will happen is if the mage cannot remove mind control, he may have to get the other creatures to kill that big beast.

Strategy 2: Then if possible do mass sleep.

Strategy 3: Charm the biggest creature.

Between the 3 strategies above, that will take away a lot of action from the BM or Warlord for you to move in.

I like the Forcemaster. He is awesome but with my playstyle I have Beastmaster way up the chain.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Beastmistress Openings
« on: March 28, 2013, 06:10:35 PM »
Quote from: "Tim" post=10009
The enchantments-stacking build is very good but with the expansion their are a few cards that can make a huge difference against this build: specially the 2 cards that destroys all enchantment in the zone and the card that destroys all enchantments on a target.
Okay, you can counter 1 with a nullify/reverse magic but it won't be enough. If I saw that your abusing enchantment I would make sure that my spell hits it target so that all your enchantments are gone. I would prepare a decoy and one of the above spells. Before I move I would use my quickcast en then as a full action I play the spell.
The above spells cost a lot of mana but its worth it.

If your opponent isn't prepared for this strategy then its a very good build/strategy.

With an enchantment based deck and your comments above, all your doing is removing enchantmens while the BM is pounding on you. Remember the Faella is constantly putting enchantments and as a quick spell the BM is also putting enchantment so in his turn he is really putting up the pain.

I tried this opening as I mentioned above, death of a mage in only a few turns. I stopped doing this strategy because it makes the game too quick. I like long strategic battles where me an my opponent have like less than 10 cards left in our spellbook because all our creatures are dead (we used up all our incantation, attack spells, equipment) and we have like 5 life each.

The weakness of this strategy is if your opponent knows how powerful this is they would kill Faella first with a one hit kill (Thunderbolt) + Unavoidable (incantation).

Rules Discussion / Re: Thorg, Chief Bodyguard
« on: March 28, 2013, 05:59:28 PM »
Quote from: "baronzaltor" post=9968
Quote from: "dexmark" post=9963
When playing Forcemaster, I wait til my Warlord opponent brings him out then I mind control him so he is definitely useful :)

Actually in one game I played against a Forcemaster being the Warlord, the Forcemaster got me to 1 health left and he quickly move a zone away. He forgot my Thorg is a zone away from that zone. During my turn that 5 quick strike attack dice sealed my win with 1 life left = haha..


Thorg is "warlord only" and thus cannot be mind controlled as per the FAQ.

Didn't know that a "Warlord only" term will not make the Forcemaster able to mind control Thorg.

Gotta remember that..

Spells / Re: Earthelemental
« on: March 28, 2013, 05:55:34 PM »
To me an Earth Elemental is a moving wall that has a passive attack trait (you move in it you get hindered and will get attacked).

Just use it to hide behind it for positioning.

- For 7 less mana you can go with the Iron Golem (which most mages run away from)

Honestly I played it and it:

- Got Quicksand
- Got Mind Controlled
- Was really slow

Overall I haven't really fully built a deck that had the EE as a centerpiece.

I am excited now. I am bringing people with me. I actually got people to buy the game because they don't trust me making the spellbook for them. Premium board wow. Sounds 'Premium' - gotta have it all :)

Rules Discussion / Re: Force Wave into Hellfire/Teleport Trap
« on: March 28, 2013, 12:46:32 AM »
I would guess all of them until somebody corrects me.

General Discussion / Re: List Your Favorite Mages
« on: March 28, 2013, 12:27:27 AM »
Tough choice?? I like all of them.

Beast Master - just too good
Wizard - very good overall - I like his specialty build (Mana Supression)
Priest - I like playing the Angels (mass Grey Angels) + Temple of Asyra (with clerics)
Warlock - lots of specialty build with curses and demons (with burns)

I ranked them based on how many times I played them or succeeded in winning with them (win streak).

Recently I have been playing the Warlord to see if I can perfect a build for him (I play him almost every other day).
It seems like he is the weakest of them all due to 3X cost for arcane spells (unfortunately all utility spells are arcane - nullify, dispel, mana crystals and others). His familiar does not channel. His weapon is too pricey for sweep that takes both hands and does not hit flying. He has the same strategy as the Beast Master except that the Beast Master has it easier (ex: quick cast to call a level 1 animal + lair is 14 with 2 channeling versus Barracks + tower at 16).

Well Forcemaster also is 3X for Arcane but they build so many force spell cards that he does not need a lot of Arcane spells (with the help of Thoughtspores) or other cards.

Rules Discussion / Re: Thorg, Chief Bodyguard
« on: March 28, 2013, 12:02:01 AM »
When playing Forcemaster, I wait til my Warlord opponent brings him out then I mind control him so he is definitely useful :)

Actually in one game I played against a Forcemaster being the Warlord, the Forcemaster got me to 1 health left and he quickly move a zone away. He forgot my Thorg is a zone away from that zone. During my turn that 5 quick strike attack dice sealed my win with 1 life left = haha..


Rules Discussion / Re: Can you push flying creatures into a wall?
« on: March 27, 2013, 11:21:11 PM »
Quote from: "DarthDadaD20" post=9954
You can bash a flying creature into a arena wall. A wall on the border of a zone would not effect flying creatures.

Thanks.  With this knowledge the Angel with the range sweeping push looks mighty fine right now.. ;)

Rules Discussion / Can you push flying creatures into a wall?
« on: March 27, 2013, 06:59:09 PM »
Just curious about flying rules:

 if a flying creature always can see above a wall (so technically they are above the wall), can you push (Force push) them to a wall or push them through a wall with a passive attack trait? My opponent may argue that they are way above the wall..

Just preparing for a battle with flying creatures. I am playing Forcemaster where I have tons of push spells. I just want to be ready with this rule.

Quote from: "DannyLR" post=9927
We are organizing a crew of Mage War players coming up from Atlanta. :-) Can't wait to meet and play with others!

Bring it on!!!  :)

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Beastmistress Openings
« on: March 27, 2013, 09:15:53 AM »

Did you try the opening with summoning your familiar (enchanter) while casting a face down cheetah speed on you while you are moving? 2nd turn may try to buff yourself and add a mana crystal while you are moving in as being aggressive. Each turn the familiar also cast a face down enchantment on you + you are are casting face down enchantment. At the third turn just reveal what buff you need to pound on the poor mage. Each turn you reveal new buff as needed. Must bring Nullify on you.

I remember that strategy really well. Death of an opposing Agressive Mage in 4 or 5 turns with my familiar doing the killing blow.

Buff/cards that will help you is Elusiveness + cheetah speed + Bear Strength + Battle Fury + Dissolve + Force Push + Teleport Trap (just in case you are facing a mage that keeps on running with Teleport spell) + Mage Wand with Teleport.+ Nullify

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