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Topics - KaneKalos

Pages: [1]
Alternative Play / Academy cards, Arena board?
« on: January 06, 2016, 10:33:50 AM »
Has anyone tried to use Academy only cards/mages on an arena board? Are there any problems that you see arising from this or could this be a way to introduce the tactical movement of Arena while keeping the smaller spell book and life points of academy? Maybe even use only half of the board like in Apprentice mode?

General Discussion / Mind Spawnpoint
« on: November 11, 2015, 11:39:35 AM »
ive been wondering for a little while what a spawn point for the force master would look like and I've got a couple ideas I'd like to throw out to see if anything sticks. (I'm attempting to make my Psylock swarm more viable.)

The idea I had would be to make the spawn point an equipment item for the force master (also an equipment/conjuration fusion crossed my mind, though how exactly that would work I'm not sure or if any cards like that are possible for MW.). Equipment could be a helmet (possibly autonomous to leave room for a psi orb?) or something that would focus the energy from the mages mind magic (it could have an ability such as "add 1 mana for every force spell you cast"). or an autonomous conjuration that was a copy of the mages brain that was floating alongside the Mage?

Just curious to know if the mind school or the force master would ever see a spawn point so I can go into a tournament and win it all with my Psylock swarm!

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