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Messages - Hellkite

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: GenCon 2013 - Oh, that's you?!
« on: August 19, 2013, 04:12:21 PM »
Stephen Walters - Hellkite on the forum.

I don't post all that often(although I do read most of the threads), but if you guys want to get ahold of me you can send me a message on here or shoot me one on facebook.  Had a great time at Gencon and looking forward to next year.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: I feel the temple is overpowered
« on: June 26, 2013, 07:16:17 PM »
Using a Wall of Stone/Steel will block the ToL while you work on the other temples.  You can also use Chain Lightning to get multiple attacks on the temples.  Depending on the number of other temples he is running you might be able to ignore the ToL and the Hands, but for the most part you just have to see what works for you.  Just because one strat will work against someone playing temples, doesn't mean everyone plays them the same way.  Hope this helps.

General Discussion / Re: So...who won Origins?
« on: June 19, 2013, 03:44:26 PM »
The finals on Sunday was four rounds and I went undefeated.  First round I played against Alec who played the Warlord who got 3rd place.  2nd round I played against John who played a Beast Master (he got 2nd at Bashcon).  3rd Round I played against Dave (Pious Flea), he played his Warlock and got 2nd.  In the Final round I played my friend Tim McCurry who brought his ForceMaster that also ran 6 Hands and 2 Temple of Lights.  I will post more on the build I brought later.   8)


General Discussion / Re: So...who won Origins?
« on: June 19, 2013, 02:33:20 PM »
I have posted what I wish to post on the subject.  Break it down however you like, but I would ask you not judge so harshly unless you were actually there.  I hope to see you at GenCon!

General Discussion / Re: So...who won Origins?
« on: June 18, 2013, 07:09:12 PM »
The build seems pretty cheesy, I just don't see it working vs. people dropping big creature threats to guard/attack.  I also imagine that intercept shuts this build down completely now.

I would agree this build is pretty cheesy, however it works just fine against big creatures.  The ToL drops them fast and dazes/stuns them at the same time.  I have seen alot of big creatures not even get off an attack before they are dropped. 

If there is going to be any change to Hand of Bim-Shalla I would prefer it just slows down how fast they can be played.  If you want to limit playing 3 hands and 1ToL by turn 2 then make the hands cost 8.  I would also consider making them level 2 so 6 of them cannot be ran in the same spellbook.  This combo in particular is probably just a little too fast at the moment, but as a general rule... I am against changing cards unless it is absolutely needed.

General Discussion / Re: So...who won Origins?
« on: June 18, 2013, 04:41:31 PM »
The finals on Sunday was four rounds and I went undefeated.  First round I played against Alec who played the Warlord who got 3rd place.  2nd round I played against John who played a Beast Master (he got 2nd at Bashcon).  3rd Round I played against Dave (Pious Flea), he played his Warlock and got 2nd.  In the Final round I played my friend Tim McCurry who brought his ForceMaster that also ran 6 Hands and 2 Temple of Lights.  I will post more on the build I brought later.   8)

General Discussion / Re: So...who won Origins?
« on: June 18, 2013, 03:47:38 PM »
My Priestess won Origins.  I did have 6 Hands and 3 Temple of Lights and I also ran the Temple of Asyra.  The first 3 turns normally went like the following.

Turn 1:

Drop Temple of Asyra and Mana Necklace and move closer to opponent

Turn 2:

Drop Hand and Temple of light attack with hand for 3 dice and move closer to opponent

Turn 3:

Drop Hand and Hand and attack with 5 dice with Temple of Light.  Move closer if I need to, add armor, heal or maybe only drop 1 hand and attack for 5 dice with priestess as well... 

On turn 3 I also try to drop my first cleric out of the spawn point if I can, but this depends on what the opponent is doing and if I decided to drop 2 hands.

From Turn 4 on it is very aggressive, while at the same time slowly pumping out creatures from the spawnpoint.  I use the Hands to pump melee in the Priestess and attack with the Temple of Light.

I do not usually go after the Mage right away though.  Since I have the spawn point also doing some of the work for me I will take out their creatures to limit their actions while I start to pump out some creatures of my own.  The Priestess also ran a good amount of meta cards and some hurl boulders and battle fury's to help finish.

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