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Author Topic: Iron Golem Warlord spellbook  (Read 6356 times)


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Iron Golem Warlord spellbook
« on: September 09, 2013, 04:35:24 PM »
Ive noticed the Warlord getting a lot of hate and people asking for more with the Warlord. I'm currently playing a Warlord that centers on his own powerful melee abilities and the use of the intimidating Iron Golem.

This book is built around using mostly a Battle Forge, Helm of Command, and your own attacks with the mage.

Battle Forge, as most of you know, is a great conjuration that allows a free card to be played every turn that strengthens my Warlord with equipment. The equipment I focus on is the Helm of Command, Ring of Command, the mighty Sledge, and armor.

The Helm of Command and Ring of Command is what really make this book run smoothly. With a focus on Iron Golems, disadvantaged with the Nonliving trait, command spells become the only way of influencing your Golems. Battle Fury and Charge become the most common Command spells played, and for good reason.

When Battle Fury is played on a Golem, you double the attack of an already strong attack of 6 dice. When used with a HoC and RoC, this card is used over and over, and only for 4 mana. Now it is reusable, saving points for spellbook constructruction, and has dice to mana cost ratio 6:4. That's very efficient and allows for even more Golems for more destruction! Also remember that if your Golem destroys and enemy, it becomes a veteran! Now 7 dice (7+6 dice when BF'ed) and 6 armor. Talk about a badass!

Charge is used because of the Golem's slow trait, cancelling it out and allowing for movement and attack, or double moving. This is important because of your opponent will typically not want to have a showdown with a creature rolling 12 dice a turn, and one that has 5 armor.

And then there is your own mage. I typically get 6-8 dice out of attacks with my mage due to powerful equipment and a Bear Strength. My Battle Forge will produce my armor, typically Dragonscale and leather boots. The piece of equipment for your hands is reserved for the Gauntlets of Strength, +1 melee, and in his hands, the Sledge. Coupled with a Bear Strength now equals 8 dice for a quick attack, or 8+4 dice sweeping and daze effects as a full action. That's great damage, control, and crowd control against lower level monsters.

Finally, there are great combinations and cards needed for certain situations. Teleport, although costly in spellbook construction, is a must have. It is vital moving your Golems and chasing down the opposing mage. The Command spell Whirling Strike has great application when dealing with swarms and zones with multiple objects. Piercing Strike is great when a mage has developed stacks of pesky armor as well.

All-in-all, I've found this to be a fun way to play a Warlord and look forward to your guys' critiques and suggestions! Thanks!



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Re: Iron Golem Warlord spellbook
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2013, 02:52:12 AM »
Hi Alec. Good post!

Like many players, I've played the Warlord least, twice precisely. The first time was zonal control (ranged units + guards). The second time was more melee orientated with Bridge Trolls and Enchanter's Ring (Bear Strength, Rhino Hide). In both cases I opted for Soldiers with Horn and Mage Staff (covers ethereal/flyer gap). So it was interesting reading your post on a mage I know so little about.

I think your build is probably the best way to play the Warlord in the current pool. I particularly applaud your insistence on spending many points as possible on Teleport (6pts each).

However, when considering your Golem Warlord build, I had an eureka moment (that many others had earlier) and morphed the build into Earth Wizard. I use a self built Excel spell point builder with drop down on Mage to instantly change costs. Allowing maximising all Arcane utility spells including 4 Teleports, I found changing the drop down to Earth Wizard did a similar strategy far more efficiently, both in spell points and mana generation, hence speed of execution. It also gave me access to Wizard's Tower.

Why chase the opponent's mage with singular Charging Golems when you can Teleport the opposing mage to your kill zone of 4 Golems with Spike Pit then Transfusion Jinx Nullify Force Hold on him to prevent him escaping?

Nobody can micro-plan their game as the opponent will disrupt their plan and anything beyond turn 1 is fuzzy. However, everybody has a game plan (which skips all the disruption turns) so the Earth Wizard kill zone "game plan" (which will be disrupted) is something like...

Arcane Ring / Mana Crystal (adj. kill zone)
Iron Golem (guard) / Mana Crystal (adj. kill zone)
Wizard's Tower (kill zone) / Moonglow Medallion
Enchanter's Ring / Harmonize self (reveal for meta bonus)
Idol of Pestilence (kill zone) / Harmonize tower (reveal for meta bonus)
Iron Golem (guard) / Nullify self
Iron Golem (guard) / Nullify golem
Iron Golem (guard) / Transfusion golem
Soike Pit (kill zone) / Jinx golem
Teleport self / Teleport opponent onto Spike Pit with 4 Iron Golems Transfusing Jinx Nullify

Other tools include Teleport Trap to extend Teleport from far corner to your corner, Steel Wall corner kill zone after Teleport, Force Hold and control tools like Mana Siphon (mana bonus, distraction), Orb of Suppression (mana bonus) or Deathlock vs. heal heavy.

Now I didn't mean to hijack your Golem Warlord build but you can see why I morphed Golem Warlord into Earth Wizard as latter starts with channel 10 that quickly accelerates to 14 (= 1 golem + set-up enchant), he has arcane and earth training (no weakness), amazing Shield and Wizard's Tower (so much utility, not even zone exclusive, what were they thinking?).

I want to reiterate that, in my opinion, your approach is probably the best Warlord build with the current pool. But the efficiency analyst in me just can't help but conclude Earth Wizard does it so much better. However, Golem Warlord is definitely far more fun as there is this horrible helpless inevitability about Earth Wizard kill zone (which is why I was first to predict its Gencon win).

Really good post though, Alec.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2013, 03:13:47 AM by DeckBuilder »
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Re: Iron Golem Warlord spellbook
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2013, 07:34:20 AM »
Thank you very much, I appreciate it. I definitely can't argue that the Earth Wizard is a more efficient build. Thank you for the Spike Pit idea. I don't know how I could have overlooked it!


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Re: Iron Golem Warlord spellbook
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2013, 08:25:43 PM »
I'm currently playing a Warlord that centers on his own powerful melee abilities and the use of the intimidating Iron Golem.

This book is built around using mostly a Battle Forge, Helm of Command, and your own attacks with the mage.

I put together a Warlord book based on this same theme. The Warlord gets to equip the Helm of Command as opposed to the Wizard's mage wand (probably for Teleports). I like the fact that the HoC doesn't use a Weapon or Shield slot, allowing the use of the Sledge... though I prefer the Mage Staff and Spiked Buckler (when it becomes legal). Also, I'd suggest an Armor Ward.
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Re: Iron Golem Warlord spellbook
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2013, 09:48:32 PM »
Quote from: deckbuilder
Other tools include Teleport Trap to extend Teleport from far corner to your corner, Steel Wall corner kill zone after Teleport,

I just wanted to mention that you could wall off the zone before you teleport the enemy into it if you use Teleport Trap. Unlike the Incantation, it does not require LoS to the target zone.


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Re: Iron Golem Warlord spellbook
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2013, 07:28:00 AM »
Thanks, Zuberi. I've got the T-shirt on that one...

Playing Earth Wizard in a teaching game, I had 4 Stone Golems with Pestilence Idol in my start corner trapped within 2 of my own Walls of Steel! I was in NC with Enchantment Transfusion, Force Hold and Nullify all hidden on me, enemy Priestess in his start corner with c.40 life (from Sunfire Amulet, Brogan had destroyed Deathlock and other conjurations before dying to Lightning Bolts from the toolbox Wizard's Tower). Going last, I moved to FC and cast Teleport Trap on NC then QC Teleport on his mage onto my trap which then teleported him to my corner Wall of Steel cell with 4 Golems (Teleport Trap needs no LOS). I had initiative next turn. He Early QC Eagleclaw Boots (he was 3 away from me). I moved back to NC, cast Jinx on myself then transfused all 3 other enchantments on me to his mage (Transfusion needs no LOS). Unable to escape (Force Hold now revealed), he cast his other spell Blinding Flash that did not Jinx, 3 Golems Dazed, 1 Golem Stunned (+2 vs. Nonliving). But over 2 turns of attacks from my Golems was just enough to kill him (next turn, he cast Dispel twice delayed by Jinx to break the Force Hold but the turn after, my first action Golem attack killed him just before he climbed out).

(The reason why my Golems were trapped was because he had used Divine Intervention to escape after I had walled him in)

Sticking on the LOS issue, in this thread...
I explained my local meta assumes the following:

3. Line of Sight to target is only needed for casting a spell on it or making an attack on it or if the effect text stipulates it

For all other purposes (e.g Teleport move actions, Enchantment Transfusion, Teleport Trap), Line of Sight is not needed as the text does not stipulate it

There was no furore challenging this statement so I think this has become a de facto Ruling.

However, something in the Enchantment Vaccine thread made me think of a Ruling made in that same old thread

Enchantment Transfusion is somewhat less clear, but my interpretation is that Nullify would not trigger, because there is no Counter Spell Step to revealing an enchantment, and Nullify triggers during the Counter Spell Step.

Piousflea asked about the Enchantment Transfusion into Nullify interaction, if I remember right. The ruling was as written above: there is no Step Two for the Nullify to trigger in, so Nullify does not trigger.

I don't believe we ever got a ruling on LOS with Enchantment Transfusion. I'm away from home right now, but doesn't it use the word "Target" to describe the creature receiving the enchantments? Targeting per the rules requires LoS, though it's not clear exactly from where you draw the line: if the donor creature has flying, can Enchantment Transfusion see past walls?

Thread location:

The above ruling means you can Transfuse your Nullify onto a creature with an opponent's Nullify. Normally a Nullify prevents opponent placing a duplicate Nullify on that creature. I wonder how having 2 Nullify on the same creature interacts with the Enchantment Vaccine logic that you resurrected in the thread below?

There seems to be a rules quagmire here on duplicate enchantments. I am confident your rules-logical mind will make sense of it.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 07:32:50 AM by DeckBuilder »
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Re: Iron Golem Warlord spellbook
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2013, 08:06:41 AM »
Can someone explain exactly what the enchantment question is? The version 2 rulebook seemed petty clear to me, in conjunction with the faq, but I'm going from memory:

1. You can't play an enchantment on a creature if it has a revealed enchantment of the same name attached to it already.

2. You can't reveal an enchantment on a creature if it has a revealed enchantment of the same name attached to it already.

3. That is all. I know of no provision for destroying unrevealed duplicate enchantments.  For example, two opposing nullifies on the same creature (via enchantment transfusion) don't seem to interact ever. Revealing the first won't have any effect on the second because there isn't any rule that says it would.
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Re: Iron Golem Warlord spellbook
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2013, 02:10:47 PM »
You are correct, ringkichard. Currently there is no provision stating that you must reveal the duplicate enchantment, but there is a discussion about whether or not you should have to. This is because Arcanus said it was something they were debating themselves and so would like other peoples opinions.

Here is a link to follow that discussion: