Mage Wars > Creative

Token Finding Struggle


So, one of the things that irritated me the most when I started playing the game was the condition tokens. It would of been one thing if they were all the same, meaning, all BURNS have STUN on the back, or whatever. That I could of gotten used to. But having random things on random sides, that was a quick no-go for me. So, my solution, I cut ALL condition tokens in halve using a sharp razer blade, matched them up, and glued them back together! Now this will cause some to be mis-sized, cause you to technically have less of all the tokens, but made it 100x easier for me to be able to reach into my token bin, and find/get the one I need. Be sure if you try this, to use a SHARP razor blade to cut them, but obviously, it goes without saying to make sure your being as *CAREFUL AS POSSIBLE*. The easiest way I found was to set the token on a table, hold the back side with left hand, hold the razer blade with the right, barely poke the token with the tip, and kind of roll it along the table, cutting all along the edge, and it will cut into the middle as it goes. You will get some very thin, and some thick. I just tried to match up a thick with a thin to try and keep them similar sizes. Then just normal Elmers glue or stick glue works. My first batch i did stick glue thinking it would be cleaner application, but it was not. Elmers glue takes a little longer to dry, but seemed to be able to control it better.
Let me know if you guys felt the same way about the tokens and what your solution to it was! Thanks!

Well i find the easiest solution is to have ENOUGH tokens.

And then never look for that 2nd Burn, Corrode or whatever, just put something under the first token.


--- Quote from: Biblofilter on March 29, 2020, 05:50:41 AM ---Well i find the easiest solution is to have ENOUGH tokens.

And then never look for that 2nd Burn, Corrode or whatever, just put something under the first token.

--- End quote ---

^^^^ This is much more of a simpler solution... Very good easy fix. Thanks!


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