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Author Topic: Forged In Fire  (Read 392822 times)


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Re: Forged In Fire
« Reply #270 on: May 27, 2014, 03:03:57 AM »
I can see great synergies with sacrificial altar and/or Graveyard.

Since the only way for the enemy to deal with sardo is by chopping him down or tele him like crazy.
Combine Your mighty dragon with the new Rolling thunder, and voilá he eats them teleports like nothing. That being sad i want to mention that rolling fog works pretty good with a (zombie) necro anyways, forcing enemy to come closer to your stuff when attacking, all you want, eh?
Even if your opponents tries to chop him, if you have a graveyard out, that almost a free brute next round, nothing to laugh at either.

Am i right when turning the blight of all living to my eternal servant, that pierce +1 would add to his zone attack too?

Bit sceptical about the slow down effect of the sunfire amulet though, thats still 5 spellbook points for necro would be one of my top priority dissolves, id rather pack a drain soul or the rolling fog instead and grab another curse on top. 

I see alof of potential for this bad boy :)

Just my few cents :)
There is another option for dealing with Sardo: simply ignore him, and attrit your opponent faster.  5 dice plus piercing +2 is just not that much damage for 24 mana. 

Lets do the math.  My first thought was to compare Sardo against two midrange undead creatures totaling 24 mana, but that neglects the opportunity cost of a full round action to summon the second creature and likely mana discount for [mwcard=DNQ02] Death Ring[/mwcard].  Here is an accurate comparison:

Sardo Strategy
Turn N: full round action to meditate for +3 mana  (assumes Meditation Amulet, which is not a bad assumption for a Necromancer).
Turn N+1: summon Sardo for 23 mana (assumes 1 mana discount for Death Ring.  Sardo's net cost is 20 mana over 2 full round actions)
Turn N+2: Sardo leaps into action doing 5+2p, or possibly 5 sweeping

Alternate Strategy
Turn N: summon [mwcard=DNC22] Zombie Brute[/mwcard] (10 mana) or [mwcard=DNC14] Skeletal Knight[/mwcard] (12 mana)  (both assume Death Ring discount)
Turn N+1: Zombie Brute swings for 4+2 bloodthirsty, or Skeletal Knight swings for 5 dice.  Summon second [mwcard=DNC22] Zombie Brute[/mwcard] (10 mana) or [mwcard=MW1C32] Skeletal Sentry[/mwcard] (7 mana)
Turn N+2: Zombie Brutes swing twice for 4+2 bloodthirsty each or Skeletons swing for 5 & 4 dice (9 total).

Yes, Sardo has the advantage of massive health but the 2 midrange creature strategy has reasonable health, swings one turn earlier, and takes more actions & mana to thwart with teleport or other tricks.  Sardo is also 2-3 more spellbook points.

Some posters mentioned [mwcard=MW1I08] Drain Life[/mwcard] as a good option, but in my experience Drain Life / Drain Soul are risky.  You have to be very sure your opponent did not drop a Nullify or Reverse Magic on his mage.   

Admittedly have not played any games with Sardo, but it is hard to see how he is competitive compared to other strong options.  Perhaps the playtesters can give us some pointers.

« Last Edit: May 27, 2014, 03:21:14 AM by Dr.Cornelius »


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Re: Forged In Fire
« Reply #271 on: May 27, 2014, 05:22:08 AM »
Dr. Cornelius, you are ignoring several factors in Sardo's favor. He might not deal as much damage as the alternative that you've presented, but he is a lot more reliable in dealing his damage. He is much more mobile than the other creatures and much harder to thwart. You mention the alternative requiring more mana/actions to thwart, but the simple fact that they can be thwarted in many situations where Sardo can not is a huge deal. Thus he will be doing damage more often than the alternative, even if that damage is not quite as high.

In addition, his damage is much more likely to stay in place by the prevention of healing that comes with him. There are many other ways that the Necromancer could achieve the same effect, but they require even more mana and actions on his part. Thus, being able to do damage more often and being relatively certain the damage will remain does a lot to balance out the fact that he does not do as much damage. These benefits are admittedly hard to quantify, but they should not be ignored.


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Re: Forged In Fire
« Reply #272 on: May 27, 2014, 02:50:34 PM »
The Mage Wars fb page, when asked when FiF would be released to the general public, replied "Last week of June, but we'll know more in the next two weeks with shipments and logistics." So not at Origin's like some people thought; but a few weeks later instead. We'll know exactly when soon.
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Re: Forged In Fire
« Reply #273 on: May 31, 2014, 03:33:27 PM »
It is now june there a hard street date for FIF?


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Re: Forged In Fire
« Reply #274 on: May 31, 2014, 03:45:01 PM »
im very worried about the release, this expansion do the burn damage very very powerfull, and druid go down, for the flame +2 trait in all his plants, i would like to know if a promo card that its a conjuration that quit all burn and flame in a zone, would be release in this pack, if not druid would be very hard to play, this game its very very well designer, but im worried because maybe this pack meaning, that every 6 months one mage would be all power and winning, and the others only boring mages that loose every game versus the new mage, i hope this dont occur because many card games do this, and i believe its bad for the game. thanks and sorry for this boring text.


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Re: Forged In Fire
« Reply #275 on: May 31, 2014, 04:23:16 PM »
im very worried about the release, this expansion do the burn damage very very powerfull, and druid go down, for the flame +2 trait in all his plants, i would like to know if a promo card that its a conjuration that quit all burn and flame in a zone, would be release in this pack, if not druid would be very hard to play, this game its very very well designer, but im worried because maybe this pack meaning, that every 6 months one mage would be all power and winning, and the others only boring mages that loose every game versus the new mage, i hope this dont occur because many card games do this, and i believe its bad for the game. thanks and sorry for this boring text.

Renewing rain?

It is now june there a hard street date for FIF?

Last week of June, no specific date yet though.
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Re: Forged In Fire
« Reply #276 on: May 31, 2014, 04:43:15 PM »
Nop, its not ren. rain (very bad card) its raincloud, a conjuration.


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Re: Forged In Fire
« Reply #277 on: May 31, 2014, 06:19:45 PM »
Nop, its not ren. rain (very bad card) its raincloud, a conjuration.

I think I misunderstood you. Thought you were asking if there was going to be a card that removes all burns, which there already are a few. Renewing rain isn't that bad though, IMO. Removes all Burns from everything in the Arena and heals all your living stuff 2, so if you have a bunch of stuff on fire or damaged, this can help quite a bit.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2014, 06:49:56 PM by Lord0fWinter »
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Re: Forged In Fire
« Reply #278 on: May 31, 2014, 09:25:12 PM »
Yeah I agree Renewing Rain is the new Warlocks worse enemy.
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Re: Forged In Fire
« Reply #279 on: May 31, 2014, 10:36:05 PM »
Yeah I agree Renewing Rain is the new Warlocks worse enemy.

That and the new Wall of Earth.
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Re: Forged In Fire
« Reply #280 on: May 31, 2014, 10:42:44 PM »
Yeah I agree Renewing Rain is the new Warlocks worse enemy.

That and the new Wall of Earth.

Aye and a wall made of dirt. Both will hurt her pretty bad. 8)
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Re: Forged In Fire
« Reply #281 on: June 01, 2014, 09:51:22 AM »
i believe renewing rain its a expesive spell lvl 3, and 9 mana for an effect very very ramdom, i prefer raindclodu to protect my treebond. becuase if it gives +1 to regenerate its as my druid would have regenerate 3, very broken, but the text of raincloud it´s not enough clear.


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Re: Forged In Fire
« Reply #282 on: June 01, 2014, 10:49:56 AM »
Regenerate does not stack, as Raincloud provides the Regenerate 1 trait vs. a trait with +1 which would stack.

I am not understanding why you think this spell is broken....
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Re: Forged In Fire
« Reply #283 on: June 01, 2014, 10:57:45 AM »
Isel seems to have an overall problem with situational spells.  He complains they are bad through use of invalid comparison. See "Togorah, a big fake?".
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Re: Forged In Fire
« Reply #284 on: June 01, 2014, 11:20:31 AM »
Regenerate does not stack, as Raincloud provides the Regenerate 1 trait vs. a trait with +1 which would stack.

I am not understanding why you think this spell is broken....

i believe its very strong give to the vine tree a flame -2, because you avoid see how a warlock throw in the second turn 2 fireball against your vine tree that throw 20 dice, renew rain its not bad spell but i believe its very situational for a lvl 3 spell for 9 mana. for burns i prefer a geyser for 4 mana and lv 1, if you havent burns you can use for daze your opponents, its more efficient, i used a druid with a wand and geyser on it and was very efficient.

it´s only my opinion, and i believe this opinion dont would disturb anyone.