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Messages - DarthDadaD20

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General Discussion / Re: New Release: Action Markers!
« on: February 11, 2013, 05:24:32 PM »
Sorry! I guess I didn't make that clear at all!  :whistle:  It does look like I suggested he got the action markers doesn't it! He got the core and tombs. I dont know why I left that part out! But I got mine for $80 at my local hobby store so I felt bad when he told me $150....opps!

Spells / Re: Forcemaster vs Warlord ****SPOILERS****
« on: February 10, 2013, 05:24:06 PM »
Whirling strike looks to be a very powerful card! I know when my opponent has been pumping up his warlock to do nine damage dice for a quick attack....I would hate to see this played on top of that! And boy look at that Galvitar, Force Blade! It makes me want to say."Whats that? Mana Siphon first turn? How cute." God I cant wait any longer for this!!!

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Actions In Mage Wars
« on: February 08, 2013, 02:06:06 PM »
After a few games I discovered that my biggest resource was my mages actions. You can have all the mana, but you can only cast so many spells. This has made me really look at the beast masters ability(summon a lv.1 animal creature as a quick action) and was one of the main focuses in my wizard deck. Having a spawn point and a familiar to use the actions to cast a spell has a huge impact on the game. Since you can pay the remainder cost with your mage, I make full use of having them, if not just the option to have them. I would say without a doubt that your actions are you biggest resource. There is so much back and forth in this game that the actions matter, when they need to matter.

Spells / Re: Forcemaster vs Warlord ****SPOILERS****
« on: February 08, 2013, 12:20:42 PM »
I don't remember them saying there were going to spoil the whole set...

Spells / Re: Forcemaster vs Warlord ****SPOILERS****
« on: February 08, 2013, 10:17:10 AM »
Wow that Thoughtspore! That's a card that will see play! I love the artwork! That is a very creative design I cant wait to see more!

General Discussion / Re: Card costings
« on: February 08, 2013, 09:28:54 AM »
Bryan Pope wrote once that he has around seventy spread sheets for finding mana cost!(I think I remember that right.) I would think it would be a collaboration of what you would think would go into finding a cards casting cost, like; anticipated tactics,overall saying power on the field,average damage per turn calculations, usefulness and flexibly,availability,synergy,I could go on but I wont. Im sure those all factor into what becomes a balanced and useful guide for coming up with the casting cost. If it is seventy spread sheets of have fun trying to crack that formula!

General Discussion / Re: New Release: Action Markers!
« on: February 07, 2013, 06:29:03 PM »
Im sorry Europe! I have been talking to people all over and a friend in the U.K. just paid $150.(mostly shipping I guess) He said it was worth it, but boy do I fell bad. I wounder If I could just buy them all up here in the states and ship them cheaper myself. If you can get a hold of a second core set you could spray paint the extra markers as I have.(Its easy, set them face down and paint.)

Mages / Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« on: February 07, 2013, 01:54:36 PM »
Enchantress: Can cast enchantments without paying the mana to play them face down.Or only paying 1) Or if thats a bit overpowered, how about if she plays them face up immediately after she plays them she ignores the face down mana cost.(effectively playing enchantments like lingering incantations) Or she could get a extra card during the planing phase as long as it is an enchantment. A special enchantment casting familiar? Pre-enchanted equipment? If I would think about it longer than immediately posting my ideas I'm sure I would have something great! :P

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: A variant that plays faster
« on: February 07, 2013, 01:42:51 PM »
A victory point system could be interesting...Maybe scoring victory points for the mana cost of whatever you kill/destroy. It would take away from the mage on mage  combat but would be a fun variant more focused on creature production,protection and destruction. Maybe one victory point for every damage put on a mage?

Mages / Re: Blood mage
« on: February 07, 2013, 01:19:11 AM »
I now see another thread with the same idea....also realizing that I should of probably posted this there, but I digress.  :pinch:  My version is much different the the one that I have seen so I will leave this up, unless a Moderator would like to move/delete this post which would be just fine.

Mages / Blood mage
« on: February 06, 2013, 10:35:14 PM »
I was thinking about a blood mage. A mage with the ability to pay with his own blood. Maybe in conjunction with or completely separate from mana. Basically a mage who can willingly take damage in place of mana to cast spells. I think it is a great idea and a concept that is already established in fantasy literature. It would add even more to the risk and reward aspect to mage wars and would be quite the unpredictable mage to play against. If I can get some comments I will work it through more, I had the idea while putting my son to sleep and would love some feedback!

Rules Discussion / Re: Attacking to remove sleep
« on: February 05, 2013, 08:07:17 PM »
Thats funny, moments ago I started a thread saying that I hope the Archmage has some sort of archenemy type deck! :blink:  If you were (or are) a Mtg player,you would know that all the different games they put out (archenemy,planechase, Commander) has had little to no effect on there "main" game play while establishing there own little niche in the community. Other games have done this to and again little to no effect on the main game. If anything it can bring more players into it.

Arcanus: I did send you a PM, and thank you!

World and Lore / Re: Spell Schools
« on: February 05, 2013, 06:13:15 PM »
Well since mages can have more than one school, and even some a choice (wizard) I dont think a new one is needed for a long time. With all the combinations the could go on and on with new mages and the same schools.

Mages / Archmage Hopes
« on: February 05, 2013, 05:55:45 PM »
Is any one else hoping that the Archmage (a mage that is so strong that it can face three other mages) has a "Archenemy Deck" like the variant from MtG? I love Archenemy and being the archenemy (Im a sinister DM) and I would love to play the archmage with some kind of special deck for him that is activated every turn that puts "free" creatures on the board, or drain all enemy mages mana or gives the archmage extra spells for a turn. Im going to assume he will have more mana and spells than all the other mages but I hope there is a turn by turn extra deck system that will go into the game as well.

Creative / Re: Mage Wars playmats
« on: February 05, 2013, 04:19:44 PM »
Thats a great idea I would of never thought of! Make two "half" mats for each player to bring. You could make it out to be the size of the mage war board and each mage (or person rather) would have there own personal "touch" to the board. I love this Idea! Make it happen AW!

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