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Messages - Sirscott13

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I think a simple answer is to get out some jinx cards. expensive, but not as expensive as nullify

Mages / Re: Why the Beastmaster isn't very good
« on: October 24, 2014, 03:20:15 PM »
Necromancer makes better for swarming, but enchanted pets is something to be feared

Mages / Re: Who's the hardest Mage to get right?
« on: October 24, 2014, 03:17:54 PM »
That card is great because again get another vine market but also giving your enemy the stuck condition is great. Especially when your creatures are rooted

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Deep Roots, a druid build
« on: October 11, 2014, 12:05:45 PM »
I don't necissarily use the wall as a constant strategy, but as another deterrent to send someone after my tree because I'll have chances to pull them back through the wall. My strategy revolves around a base for your tree and somewhere you could escape if you were badly injured. The use of bark skin and tree bond allow you to potentially regenerate 4 damage per turn, but the idea is that your tree is gonna be the bane of your opponent. It will cast all your plants for you so you can act as a supporting or ranged attack character. The walls with snatch just add another element of defense.

I see why people would want animals to counter the huge weekness to fire, but honestly I don't see the need. Not many creatures attack with fire and are usually waker. I think having your tree cast everything is the better option. Now the mage might have some fire spells, but you should have no problem loosing a few ponds every turn to slowly build your way across the map. As to how to handle the lord of fire, I think some well aimed spells of your own are all you need. The ideas is again to use many plant creatures to slowly dominate the board.

There have been many of matches where my opennent will destroy tons of my creatures, but I still end up winning with no Damage. Just keep spreading those vines and enlarging your jungle

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Deep Roots, a druid build
« on: October 03, 2014, 10:49:37 AM »
I agree with dropping the tree bonded vine tree in your starting corner. I then set up an adjacent thorn lasher surpunded by two bloodspine walls that help protect your tree because snatching through that wall is killer. Grow another bloodstone wall lengthwise to your tree to complete a good base (summon your ent to guard your tree when you can). Then whip out your vine staff and tartaree to give your tree more mana. Start having your tree summon different creatures and conjugations to creep your way across the board. The idea isn't to swarm like the beast master, or to turtle like the priestess. The idea is domination. Spread across the board with your vines and creatures and keep using vinewhip stuck conditions, strangle/tangle vines, burst thorns, and renewing rain to keep your opponent frustrated as your base and jungle slowly devour them

Strategy and Tactics / Re: zombies vs skellies
« on: September 19, 2014, 11:47:58 PM »
Zombies are gonna be good if you plan to stay in the back and just build your army and feeding your zombie pool by casting rise again and then playing with your poisons. I recommend a venomous zombie or plague zombie as your eternal servant. This way you just keep fishing out poison conditions and dealing maximum damage. Deathshrowd staff can give rot conditions too and never underestimate acid balls.

Skeletons are nice when you can create finite life for everyone using either death lock or alter of skulls. I highly recommend the alter this way you can heal yourself. Then drop reconstruction spells, Mort and your acolytes to keep your army rolling while your enemy has no way to get health. Then use skeletons to occupy enemy while you get out max armor on yourself, defenses, and veterns belt. You would be amazed at how hard it is to kill a nec this way. Your enemy will not be able to cast poison curses on you and you can go total bad ass with your skellies

Spells / zombie crawlers
« on: September 19, 2014, 01:56:06 PM »
zombie crawlers

anynone have ideas on how to best spam these guys? they're so cheap and I cannot help but feel that they might be tactually devastating for anyone who gets too close. And I already know I can feed them to Shaggoth but lets think of some original plans for these cheap buggers

Strategy and Tactics / Re: How to use the Johktari Beastmaster?
« on: September 19, 2014, 09:40:40 AM »
Yeah she seems counter productive. While the above posts do offer some strategy, it is nothing compared to my strategy with other mages. My first choice for a beast master build is a harmonized lair with a Pet wolf and Redclaw guarding it. Then Fellela enchants all my deployed animals while I am out spamming level one creatures and force pushing mages through a wall of thorns (I just get too happy when a weak force push on a mage through a wall of thorns resolves in me using 10 attack dice) 

With the Johktari beast master, I can still use mostly the same strategy, but I loose the ability to spam level one creatures and that was a key component in my strategy. Having a falcon attack with a staff of beasts boost is highly effective on ruining a mages strategy. I like the wounded prey marker but on incorporeal, skeletons, and zombies it is entirely useless. Its like trying to fight a warlock as a druid when she plays a necromancer. The archery is ok when combined with hawk eye and the ability to cause bleed with her bow, but I end up using a quick cast teleport to get me into range just so I can use the freaking attack.

I wish there was an enchantment or incantation that allowed you to move and take a full action. she would be so much better

Spells / Re: Several suggestions for change
« on: September 19, 2014, 12:42:44 AM »
Skellectons have reconstruction spells. Demons are alive though, they bleed just like the rest of the living creatures. I think they should be able to be healed, but as far as renewing rain, the healing springs, healing charm, and clerics, I think they should not receive any healing.

Vampirism is awesome, but I think it should be rounded down on the dice not rounded up half the damage. I also think that it should have a high magebind cost. see also below a comment on vampirism

I only have three issues with healing powers:

 1) there should be more plant healing spells that the druid and beast masters could take advantage of. I mean regenerative is nice, but if you're facing a warlock as a druid you need a little more help.

2) Second, I think there should be a conjuration that can repair nonliving (but not undead) creatures. Like a mechanic, reconstruction circle, or factory repair station. That way you can walk Talos, Jellys, or incorporeal creatures there and spend an action to heal them.

3) I think that making a blood demon is over rated. I would be far more appealing to it if they gained the vampirism trait when they become blood reapers. (Also why doesn't the werewolf pet have regenerate or a vampiric trait??)

Strategy and Tactics / How to use the Johktari Beastmaster?
« on: September 19, 2014, 12:27:58 AM »
So the Johktari beast master seems the most controversial mage ever released

She has the fast trait, but to shoot a bow takes a full action!

Her wounded prey gives you and your animals a +1 melee when attacking, but she uses Ranged attacks!

I want to be capable of playing any of the mages, but she seems hard to get right. The regular best master with his quick summoning and Pet (good lord I love pets), seems like a way better choice.

Does anyone have any good tips on how best to use her?

Strategy and Tactics / Re: How best to deal with Talos?
« on: September 19, 2014, 12:24:15 AM »
Or destroy his alter and see the look on your opponents face when they cannot summon their best card

Spells / Re: Togorath , a big fake?
« on: September 19, 2014, 12:23:09 AM »
Well when ever I do a force master spell book I always end up having way under my maximum spell points so I put tons of filler cards in it. But the game ends before I can even use half of the cards. Forcemaster is just cool like that haha. But the only real problem I have with the force master is that most of the time I get targeted by tons of ranged spells or unavoidable attacks. She may be able to use her defenses and forcefield, but she definitely seems like the kind of mage that could benefit from a couple guards. Yes there might be better choices then Togorath, but The appeal to me is his regenerative power and ability to guard as a free action.

Consider this. Keep him in your zone at all times. I know your opponent may try to teleport or push you but do your best. Now you have a guard that can intercept all projectiles and even if a creatures has an unavoidable melee attack they have to attack Togorath. You all are talking about his weakness of not having a quick action, but combined with pulling enemy creatures into your zone with Togorath, you can have him stomp them good. Allowing you to focus on building your invincible mage and playing with your opponents creatures.

Spells / Re: Togorath , a big fake?
« on: September 18, 2014, 09:05:58 PM »
Maybe spend the points to put him with forcemaster as her personal guard. Then quick as her built in force pull and let him do his groot thing

Strategy and Tactics / Re: How best to deal with Talos?
« on: September 18, 2014, 12:29:29 AM »
ok so jellys in combination to enfeeble

Spells / Re: Togorath , a big fake?
« on: September 17, 2014, 04:54:56 PM »
The way I use him is to guard my tree bonded vine tree. He protects the tree and anyone who tries to get in there to kill them is in for a bad surprise.

He is not so much a guard as... well... a sentinel.

He is one more reason to avoid going into that zone. Do not move him unless there is nothing to protect.

Also, when the siren comes out all the druids creatures are gonna be handy

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