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Messages - MrSaucy

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Spells / Re: Quicksand - Not Really That Great
« on: March 27, 2013, 04:27:54 AM »

I think the cost for quicksand is pretty spectacular. I used it against a Hydra that cost my opponent 16 mana. I only had to pay 8 mana to render him useless! Pretty dang efficient if you ask me.

Rules Discussion / Thorg, Chief Bodyguard
« on: March 27, 2013, 04:25:30 AM »
I have put this guy in all of my Warlord spellbooks but I have never played him. The opportunity never seemed right. Now I am thinking he is not worth the steep price of 17 mana. I understand how his Taunt works, but to me it only sounds useful against an enemy with a lot of weak creatures (like another Warlord or a Beastmaster). Is he supposed to just be a punching bag to distract all the attention from your mage?

General Discussion / Re: No Armour in War School
« on: March 27, 2013, 04:18:36 AM »

His helmet is great, I agree. I personally love putting Battle Fury on it. But the Horn of Gothos is essential because it can boost melee AND ranged capabilities AND affects the entire arena, not just one target. You can mix the horn with the helmet to do a lot of damage. Another thing I throw into my Warlord build is the Holy conjuration called Hand of Bim-Shalla. It only costs 5 mana (and 2 spellbook points), and with it you can give a living creature +1 melee until the end of the round. I played a game today where, combining Battle Fury on the helment, the charge +1 from the horn, and the +1 melee from Bim-Shalla, my Goblin Grunts were killing creatures left and right. It was crazy.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Using Attack Spells as the Warlord
« on: March 26, 2013, 02:27:08 AM »
Oh, they have flyers?
Goblin Slingers + Grimson Deadeye.
Problem solved.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Warlord vs. Flying
« on: March 26, 2013, 02:14:02 AM »
I think I can help OP.

> Attack Spells

Don't use attack spells. Focus on your creatures. Everything revolves around creatures.

> Conjurations

Use stone walls to block the line of sight of your opponent's ranged attacks.
Use pike walls against an opponent relying solely on melee.
ASAP, get a barracks with harmonize and two garrison posts to give your barracks +4 channeling.
Akiro's Hammer can wipe out enemy conjurations really quickly with its 8 dice attack; use this.
Hand of Bim-Shalla, though a Holy Spell, synergizes well with the Warlord's goals.
Quicksand is a great way of dealing with annoying creatures.

> Creatures

Make a goal of summoning a creature every turn (after turn 3), either from your mage or from your barracks.
Use Goblin Grunts to charge relentlessly forward. Don't worry about whether they die or not. Think of them as pests.
Goblin Slingers are cheap but great ranged units.
Orc Butchers can be used like your Goblin Grunts, but be more careful with them.
The Dwarf Kriegsbiel makes a great Standard Bearer. (don't use against Wizard, he has lightning +2)
Iron Golem is a solid creature, great against forcemaster. (don't use against Wizard, he has lightning +2)
Ludwig Boltstorm is very situational. I haven't been successful with him.
Grimson Deadeye, Sniper is powerful but squishy. Keep him in the corners.
Sir Corazin, Blademaster is totally awesome when you pump him up. Give him Bear Strength to get the option of a 6 dice doublestrike!!!
Thory, Chief Bodyguard is good if you are playing against a creature heavy build. Keep him in your mage's zone. He can be pretty awesome if you give him a defense and taunt creatures into his zone. (Even if they miss him, he still gets a free counterstrike since he is on guard!)

> Enchantments

Fortified Position, Standard Bearer, Bear Strength, Falcon Precision. That is what I use.

> Equipment

Be sure to have Elemental Clock and Regrowth Belt (no matter what mage you are... seriously)
Horn of Gothos is your bread and butter. Use it as much as possible. Helm of Command is also very useful.

> Incantations

Not much to know here. You need the essentials (Dispel, Dissolve, Heal). Some great command incantations include Charge, Perfect Strike, Power Strike, and Piercing Strike.

> Overall

Creatures, creatures, creatures. Summon a creature every turn. It doesn't matter if it is a Goblin Grunt, just summon it if you have nothing else to do. Don't waste time with fancy trickery and pumping up weak creatures. Focus on brute force and overwhelming.

> Useless cards

War Sledge
Mangler Caltrops
Goblin Bomber
Goblin Builder
Earthquake (too situational)
Whirling Strike (too expensive, too situational)
Hail of Stones (full action? range of 1? thanks but not thanks)

Spells / Re: Earthelemental
« on: March 26, 2013, 01:51:30 AM »
I actually think he is pretty balanced.

Let's look at his pros. He has an attack that does 7 dice of damage, an area attack that does 3 dice of damage, tons of life, he is burnproof, he has lightning -2, he has tough -2, and he is unmovable.

Let's look at his cons. He costs 20 mana, which is pretty steep for the Warlord. He isn't a soldier, which means a lot of the Warlord's abilities don't apply to him. He is slow. He doesn't have any quick actions, which limits his attack options and doesn't give him the counterstrike ability when he guards. His area attack has absolutely no range and can harm his own troops. He has no armor and can't gain any armor. He is nonliving, so can't be the target of spells that require the target to be living. Finally, no psychic immunity.


Earth Elemental doesn't seem OP to me at all, especially with all the ways to deal with powerful creatures. Just quicksand him, tanglevine him, banish him, or keep teleporting him away. It isn't like he is unstoppable. I actually find Iron Golem to be more playable in my games. Earth Elemental rarely lasts long because he becomes such a huge target.

General Discussion / Re: No Armour in War School
« on: March 26, 2013, 01:35:26 AM »

Totally agree. The Warlord should have better armor, as well as a better melee weapon. His war hammer is really pathetic.

However, I still like the Warlord a lot. I love how he has the dirt cheap trash troops, the heavy hitters, and then all sorts of creatures in between. He even has some cool ranged units. Horn of Gothos is really dynamic and useful.

Spells / Re: Quicksand - Not Really That Great
« on: March 25, 2013, 12:39:49 PM »

Yes, you can just teleport out of it. Tanglevine restrains a creature. Restrained means that creature can't move on its turn. The creature can still be pushed or teleported. Interestingly enough, you can technically teleport a creature out of quicksand. Quicksand gives a creature the restrained trait (already discussed) and the unmovable trait, which just means it can't be pushed. Nothing says you can't teleport the creature.

Spells / Re: Quicksand - Not Really That Great
« on: March 25, 2013, 12:31:34 PM »
The math is surprisingly simple. The creature is crushed if they roll 1-7 on the first roll, 1-8 on the second roll, 1-9 on the third roll, and 1-10 on the fourth roll. That gives you (7x8x9x10) / (12^4). Calculate it and it is 0.243, approximately 25% chance of being crushed. What if the creature was crushed after having 3 load tokens on it instead of 4? In that case, the odds of the creature being crushed would be (7x8x9) / (12^3). That ends up being 0.29, so 30%. 2 load tokens would be a 40% chance of being crushed and 1 load token would be a 60% of being crushed respectively.

Odds of pissing off your opponent? 100%.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: How to use Goblin Builders
« on: March 25, 2013, 04:44:25 AM »

I just never need him to cast conjurations. Turn 1, I cast my barracks. Turn 2, I cast two outposts. Later on, cast Akiro's Hammer. For me, I am usually done with conjurations by that point. I might summon a pikewall or two, but not always. I REALLY wish his repair was better. It should have been something like "Roll 2 dice. Remove however much you roll from target corporeal conjuration in the same zone." 1 stinking damage feels like a giant middle finger. Oh, you wanted to repair your trebuchet? Well, that is just too bad!


If you play the Warlord correctly, mana isn't a problem. Your barracks gets summoning +4 (just lay down harmonize and two outposts) which helps immensely. In my opinion, laying down mana flowers is a waste of time and momentum when you are the Warlord. Also, the Warlord has a lot of cheap but efficient spells. Look at his command incantations. Most of them are dirt cheap. 3 Mana for horn of gothos too! The only expensive things the Warlord has are his Akiro's Hammer and his higher level creatures.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Using Attack Spells as the Warlord
« on: March 25, 2013, 04:34:32 AM »

Interesting, but I have to ask, why on earth (pun intended) do you use the longbow? First of all, the Warlord already has some great ranged creatures. Second of all, the bow takes up 2 hands, thus preventing you from using the Warlord's Horn of Gothos. And Horn of Gothos is absolutely essential!

When I play as the Warlord, everything focuses on my creatures. I make a goal of summoning a creature every turn after setup is complete (either from my barracks or directly from my Warlord). Between that, using the Horn of Gothos, using Helm of Command, and healing/buffing my creatures, I feel like I never have the time to use attack spells. My Warlord is rarely close to the enemy mage anyways during a game because I hate being in range of dissolve/explode. Also, that is my playstyle anyhow...harassing the enemy, forcing him to respond to my creatures, while I hide safely away. You can call it a cowardly tactic, but it seems to work out fine for me :p

Spells / Re: Quicksand - Not Really That Great
« on: March 25, 2013, 04:19:45 AM »

I did the math a slightly different way but ended up with the same result as you did.

Also, after playing a match today, my faith in quicksand is restored. I used it on a hydra that was guarding the enemy mage. The hydra escaped on the third roll, but that gave me 2 free attacks on their mage without having to worry about a guard. Not only does quicksand force them to waste actions, but it renders the target immovable and restrained, something I definitely overlooked. As an additional bonus, quicksand is a conjuration, which means there is no real way to prevent it; nullify only works on enchantments or incantations!

Long story short, I run 2 quicksands in my warlord deck from now on.

Strategy and Tactics / Using Attack Spells as the Warlord
« on: March 23, 2013, 10:17:30 PM »
I have played 4-5 games as the Warlord, and every single time, regardless of who I am playing, I rarely find a use for any of the earth attack spells (Hurl Boulder, Hail of Stones). I am always focusing so much attention on my creatures that I don't really have time to worry about attack spells I guess. My fellow Warlords (wow... that sounds nerdy), do you find yourself playing the same way? No attack spells and just creatures?

Spells / Quicksand - Not Really That Great
« on: March 23, 2013, 04:06:42 PM »

I just did the math on the Warlord's Quicksand spell and I am very disappointed. Assuming the target creature uses every action possible to escape, they have a 75% of escaping. I was hoping for something like a 50% chance! So basically, Quicksand is only effective 25% of the time.

Now, you might argue that Quicksand is effective even IF the creature escapes since you are causing them to waste their move actions. They could be using these movie actions to attack you/your creatures instead. This is true; however, if your goal is to cause a creature to waste move actions, there are far better ways of doing this!

Quicksand feels like a nerfed spell. I think they should have made the cut-off point 3 load tokens instead of 4.

Thoughts on this?

Strategy and Tactics / How to use Goblin Builders
« on: March 23, 2013, 05:04:22 AM »
Goblin Builders. I don't understand the point of them.

Removing 1 damage from a conjuration is pretty much useless; by the time my Akiro's Hammer takes any damage, removing 1 damage isn't going to help much. I understand that they can also build stuff without it taking away an action from the Warlord, but this never seems to help me, and it doesn't help that they don't channel their own mana!

What am I missing about these guys? Are they terrible? Or am I just not using him correctly?
How do you guys use Goblin Builders? Building walls? Building outposts in enemy territory? Please explain.

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