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Topics - Bjorne

Pages: [1]
I remember why I like this game so much. Tried the "new" mages Siren vs. Palladin. Siren (me) had no clue and went down easily. Going around thinking about how to build a real spellbook for her. Ah... Mage Wars!

- Björn

Events / MW Casual event in Linköping Sweden, May 25th!
« on: May 03, 2017, 07:34:47 AM »
Hi all,

I am organizing a MW event at LinCon 2017 in May. Anyone close should join for some games!


/ Björn Högberg

Events / Arraxian Bowl 2016 - May 7, Linköping, Sweden
« on: April 01, 2016, 07:33:17 AM »
Hi fellow mages!

I will be hosting a MW tournament at the convention LinCon in Linköping, Sweden on May 7.


General Discussion / Domination - first Sslak wins?
« on: March 24, 2016, 04:10:52 PM »

I just played my first two games of Domination and it appears to me that this game mode is extremely snowbally. Do you agree? The first Sslak is important to kill as fast as possible so you can get your Galaxus out and start collecting two VTar per turn. Then, killing another Sslak helps your opponent as much as you I think. You get the counterstrikes but your opponent can just walz in and take your hard earned orb. Once you're falling behind in VTar/turn, the game is basically determined. Was this intentional? Seems to almost be like "The First to kill his Sslak wins!". And Galaxus makes this even more of a problem.

Welcome! www.lincon.se

The tournament starts at 17 on Saturday 16/5

/ Björn

General Discussion / Codex that includes FiF?
« on: December 16, 2014, 04:27:20 AM »

Is there a combined pdf with all the keywords that includes Forged in Fire somewhere. The official Codex doesn't seem to include the latest keywords.

 - Björn

General Discussion / Magebane and enchantments
« on: January 22, 2013, 04:36:51 PM »
Does Magebane inflict 2 damage when casting enchantments? One for casting and one for revealing/resolving?

Rules Discussion / Jinx and spellbinding
« on: January 22, 2013, 04:29:07 PM »

In our game tonight I revealed Jinx when my opponent was using his Mage Wand with a bound spell.

After searching we found some posts that seemed to agree that the bound spell goes back into the owner's spellbook. Is this correct, any official ruling on this?

Now, if the spell goes back into the spellbook, does the mage in question have to pay 3 mana and a quick action to "change" the spell back to his/her wand or can he/she just put it back without the costs (action and mana)?

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