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Forged in Fire expansion big list of questions
« on: June 06, 2014, 11:19:10 PM »
Edited: OP is long gone.

Bold statement: If you have a question about the rules or cards of the new set, and if the answer is on the forum, then its in this post. Search by the keyword like the spell name or effect. Feel free to add questions as we go too.
1) Fireweaving: EDIT july16th overrulled previous answer.
The lady Warlock cannot move burn markers onto Flame Immunity or burn-proof creatures. You choose which order [mwcard=MWSTX2FFQ01] Adramelech's Torment[/mwcard] and Fireweaving take place.
If you are immune to something you cannot have that condition on you. So If you are flame immune, you cannot have burn tokens on you. It doesn't matter how they were moved their.

2) Flame +1 applies to every attack, including doublestrike and [mwcard=MW1I02] Battle Fury[/mwcard] attacks, unlike Melee +1. It also increases your effect die roll by one. Flame -4 and tough -4 together can reduce a fire attacks effect die from 1 to -7, but attacks always roll at least one attack die.

3 & 9) Demonic Reward & [mwcard=MWSTX2FFQ02] Bloodfire Helmet[/mwcard]: If your demon has multiple attacks with one action(eg. [mwcard=MW1I02] Battle Fury[/mwcard]), and it applies a burn marker before the last attack against an object, the later attack against that creature gains the bonus.

4) [mwcard=MW1I07] Dissolve[/mwcard] and [mwcard=MW1E29] Nullify[/mwcard]: If a dissolve is nullified, you have to pay the 2 mana from [mwcard=MWSTX2FFQ05] Harshforge Plate[/mwcard], but not the 2 mana from the object having a rune nor the 4 mana from [mwcard=MWSTX1CKE01] Armor Ward[/mwcard]

5) Runes & Power Rune: Each rune specific requirements to be placed on an equipment, so read those before trying to put armour +1 on a ring of command or something. Power Rune cannot be placed on equipment which alters the cost of spells(Discount rings, [mwcard=FWQ06] Horn of Gothos[/mwcard]). The equipment must have a spell action on it. The Power Rune still gives a discount when you use a spell action to change the bound spell to spellbind equipment.

6) Battle Orders and [mwcard=MWSTX2FFC07] Gurmash[/mwcard]: Your warlord and Gurmash may both cast one Battle Order in the same round. You may stack the same order twice on the same creature, just like a [mwcard=FWI06] Power Strike[/mwcard]. Ex. [mwcard=FWC06] Goblin Slinger[/mwcard] can receive "Take Aim" twice to gain piercing+4 for his ranged attack.

7) [mwcard=MWSTX2FFI02] Conquer[/mwcard] and Walls: You cannot target walls with the spell "Conquer". You can cast a Wall with your free action from the "Conquer" spell.

7.1) By conquering and recasting an epic conjuration of which you already have a copy in your spellbook, you may end up having two copies of that Epic conjuration in play, but not two copies of a unique or legendary conjuration. Ex. two [mwcard=FWJ03] Barracks[/mwcard] spells controlled by one mage is ok, but not two [mwcard=MWSTX2FFJ04] Armories[/mwcard].

8) [mwcard=FWC04] Goblin Builder[/mwcard] and [mwcard=MWSTX2FFC09] Otto Kronig[/mwcard]: The goblin builder cannot repair walls. Otto has the same language, but includes a bracketed section stating he can target walls. There is plenty of goblin builder walls discussion elsewhere.

10) [mwcard=MWSTX2FFC10] Sardonyx[/mwcard]: You do not take two damage. You lose two MAX LIFE. Same situation as when you make a Bloodreaper. I only say this here because so many people get it wrong (including myself once upon a time).

11) [mwcard=MWSTX2FFE01] Adramelech's Touch[/mwcard]: You do not have the opportunity to reveal this enchantment between the moments when your opponent rolls his burn dice and removes burn conditions that rolled a zero.

12) [mwcard=MWSTX2FFE06] Lion Savagery[/mwcard] and Charge: You gain the Charge bonus if you move out of a zone, move into that zone, and attack over one creature's turn. Good examples are [mwcard=MW1C37] Thunderift Falcon[/mwcard], [mwcard=MW1C07] Cervere[/mwcard], and an elusive lady beastmaster.  Charge bonus does not apply to teleport movement([mwcard=MW1C05] Blue Gremlin[/mwcard]).

13) [mwcard=MWSTX2FFE02] Akiro's Favor[/mwcard]: You can reveal this after the roll you'd like to reroll. It cannot be used to reroll an enemy defense. With this card and [mwcard=MW1J09] Temple of the Dawnbreaker[/mwcard], players choose in order of initative whether to reroll.

14) [mwcard=MWSTX2FFI03] Disarm[/mwcard] & Disable: Disable on equipment removes every single thing which effects your mage(attack bars, armor, flame -2, unmoveable, ect) but maintains things that effect the spell itself(unique, cantrip, ect).

15) [mwcard=MWSTX2FFC11] Sersiryx, Imp Familiar[/mwcard] can cast [mwcard=MWSTX2FFA01] Devil's Trident[/mwcard]

16) [mwcard=MWSTX2FFQ04] General's Signet Ring[/mwcard]: If you deploy a discount ring on yourself, during that same deployment, you can immediately use the ring to discount something else being deployed. You can still discount a [mwcard=FWJ03] Barracks[/mwcard]creature if your mage didn't have to contribute mana.

17) [mwcard=MWSTX2FFQ05] Harshforge Plate[/mwcard]: you pay the extra 2 mana when you cast the enchantment and not when you reveal it. also see "4)".

18) Unstoppable and [mwcard=MW1J22] Tanglevine[/mwcard], [mwcard=DNJ10] Stranglevine[/mwcard], [mwcard=FWJ07] Quicksand[/mwcard]:  EDIT :march2015: These cannot target an uncontainable creature.

19) [mwcard=MWSTX2FFC13] Wildfire Imp[/mwcard]: Unlike other teleporting creatures, the teleport requires line of sight to the zone(but not line of sight to the burn marker) and has no range limitation. Burn markers on walls can't be used for this teleport.

20) [mwcard=MWSTX2FFQ01] Adramelech's Torment[/mwcard]: [mwcard=FWQ09] Sectarus[/mwcard] counts as an attached curse, so you can give yourself a burn marker.

21) [mwcard=MWSTX2FFI06] Defend[/mwcard]: does not count as a guard action, so [mwcard=MWSTX1CKC06] Guardian Angel[/mwcard] does not get healed

22) [mwcard=MWSTX2FFI01]Combustion[/mwcard]: Cannot be intercepted.
I'm adding a oldschool Warlock and Warlord section for the old cards which are getting misused now that ppl are trying warlock and warlord again. I'll just add them when I see them in reviews and talks n such, so dont expect much breadth here.
a) The curse sword can't kill something AND add a curse to it(ie rise again)
b) You can stack copies of the same incantation on a creature such as power strike
c) Walls: cannot be affected by anything which only targets a zone, including imp teleport, goblin builder repair, conquer, zone attacks, ect.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2015, 12:07:41 PM by echephron »
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Re: Forged in Fire expansion big list of questions
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2014, 03:33:16 AM »

1) Fireweaving: Can the lady Warlock move burn markers(such as off of herself) onto fire-immune or burn-proof creatures, thus negating those burn markers? You can choose which order "Adramelech's Torment" and Fireweaving take place I believe.

2)Flame +1 applies to every attack, including doublestrike and "Battle Fury" attacks, unlike Melee +1. It also increases your effect die roll by one.

3) Demonic Reward: My understanding is this: If your demon damages an enemy creature which already had a burn marker at the start of your attack, your demon heals one. Do you heal one if the creature didnt start with a burn marker, but gains one during your attack?
(For a month I kept reading it wrong and thought it meant "If your attack causes a burn marker to be placed on that creature, you heal one damage" )

4) Dissolve and nullify: If a dissolve is nullified, you have to pay the 2 mana from "Harshforge Plate", but not the 2 mana from the object having a rune nor the 4 mana from "Armor Ward"

5) Power Rune: It cannot be placed on equipment which alters the cost of spells(Discount rings, Horn of Gothos). The equipment must have a spell action on it. The "Power Rune" still gives a discount when you use a spell action to change the bound spell to spellbind equipment.

6)Battle Orders and Gurmash, Orc Sergeant: Your warlord and Gurmash may both cast one Battle Order in the same round, but you may not stack the same order twice on the same creature? Ex. Goblin Slinger cannot receive "Take Aim" twice to gain piercing+4 for his ranged attack.

7) Conquer: Can you target walls with the spell "Conquer"? If yes, are their any additional limitations? Can you cast a Wall with your free action of the "Conquer" spell?

7.1)By conquering and recasting an epic conjuration of which you already have a copy in your spellbook, you may end up having two copies of that Epic conjuration in play. Ex. two Barracks spells controlled by one mage. This does not apply to Unique spells, since you cannot cast one, if you control another copy of it.

8)Goblin Builder and Otto Kronig: can the goblin builder still not repair a wall bordering his zone? Otto has the same language, but includes a bracketed section stating he can target walls. Is goblin builder result an overlooked technicality(meaning I should let him repair walls in my personal games), or is it intentional. Link to previous thread: http://forum.arcanewonders.com/index.php?topic=13322.0

9)Bloodfire Helmet: If your demon has multiple attacks with one action(eg. Battle Fury), and it applies a burn marker before the last attack against an object, the later attack against that creature gains the +1 melee from this helmet. The same ruling applies to Demonic Reward's healing from damaging a burning creature I presume.

10)Sardonyx: You do not take two damage. You lose two MAX LIFE. Same situation as when you make a Bloodreaper. I only say this here because so many people get it wrong (including myself once upon a time).

11) Adramelech's Touch: You do not have the opportunity to reveal this enchantment between the moments when your opponent rolls his burn dice and removes burn conditions that rolled a zero.

12)Lion Savagery and Charge: You gain the Charge bonus if you move out of a zone, move into that zone, and attack over one creature's turn.

I can knock a few of these off:

1) She cannot move a burn condition to an object with burnproof. However, you can move it to a flame immune creature. As immunity only prevents targeting from spells and attack and the burn condition is a flame condition so the damage is prevented.

2) Correct

3) The burn condition must be present when the attack is declared and damage is dealt.

4) Correct

5) Will have to check the fine print on the ATW

6) Correct

7 & 7.1) Conquer can not be used on walls. They are not in any zone and a soldier cannot control the area between zones. It is perfectly legal to have two Epic conjurations under your control at one time. Epic is a spellbook limitation only. P.S. Two construction yards is a lot of fun.

8)As far as i know there was no update to the Goblin Builder's ability wording.

9) Correct. Melee +x applies to the first attack that creature can make with that bonus, as per the melee trait codex.

10) Correct. It is 2 off the top

11) Correct

12) "zig - zag" is all good and does grant the bonus. Does require elusive and fast if an enemy, non pest, creature is in the same zone prior to the "zig-zag"

Hope that helps


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Re: Forged in Fire expansion big list of questions
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2014, 05:28:21 AM »
why is 6 correct?

Just because you cant take "more" aim?


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Re: Forged in Fire expansion big list of questions
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2014, 03:44:58 PM »
why is 6 correct?

Just because you cant take "more" aim?

It is not

Warlord ability card states the Warlord may cast each battle orders choice once per round and only one choice may be made.

Gurmash can cast battle orders from his controlling Warlord. Gurmsah does not have that (ie. each battle orders choice once per round and only once may be made) restriction so it may cast the same order in the same round.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2014, 04:34:29 PM by Shad0w »
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Re: Forged in Fire expansion big list of questions
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2014, 05:45:34 PM »
Shadow just confused me, so I'll lay out the whole idea with battle orders:
a)Can a soldier be affected by two instances of the same battle order at the same time (the example was two instances of "Take Aim!" affecting the same creature)? I would have guessed the answer is NO since it is similar to casting two "Power Strike" command incantations on the same creature(last I checked, you can't stack duplicates of something on a creature including incantations, enchantments, equipment, ect).

If a is no, then b)Can a soldier be affected by two instances of different battle order at the same time? We all would say YES.

Shadow said YES Battle Orders can be cast more than once per round via exploiting Gurmash.
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Re: Forged in Fire expansion big list of questions
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2014, 06:39:34 PM »
Shadow just confused me, so I'll lay out the whole idea with battle orders:
a)Can a soldier be affected by two instances of the same battle order at the same time (the example was two instances of "Take Aim!" affecting the same creature)? I would have guessed the answer is NO since it is similar to casting two "Power Strike" command incantations on the same creature(last I checked, you can't stack duplicates of something on a creature including incantations, enchantments, equipment, ect).

You can stack multiple effects on the same target depending on the source. A creature can be under the effect from two Rajan's Fury or, before it was changed to unique, two hands of bim. You can even double up on the power strikes as well. You are allowed to stack unless it is stated that you cannot like with enchantments and equipment.

10 out of 11 should still be worth a bushel of banana stickers though :P


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Re: Forged in Fire expansion big list of questions
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2014, 09:09:24 PM »
Look at the old Battle Fury vs. the errata version. The last sentence was added with the errata: Only one Battle Fury spell may be cast be cast per round on the same creature. You could have your mage QC BF and a Thoughtspore cast one on to your Forcemaster or Steelclaw Grizzly and be it would stack so hi that they "had to" errata it....... 
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Re: Forged in Fire expansion big list of questions
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2014, 02:14:51 AM »
Shadow just confused me, so I'll lay out the whole idea with battle orders:
a)Can a soldier be affected by two instances of the same battle order at the same time (the example was two instances of "Take Aim!" affecting the same creature)? I would have guessed the answer is NO since it is similar to casting two "Power Strike" command incantations on the same creature(last I checked, you can't stack duplicates of something on a creature including incantations, enchantments, equipment, ect).

You can stack multiple effects on the same target depending on the source. A creature can be under the effect from two Rajan's Fury or, before it was changed to unique, two hands of bim. You can even double up on the power strikes as well. You are allowed to stack unless it is stated that you cannot like with enchantments and equipment.

10 out of 11 should still be worth a bushel of banana stickers though :P

I will get you one since you answered both the OP and this.  8)
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Re: Forged in Fire expansion big list of questions
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2014, 11:42:53 AM »
This is maybe a more general question, but revealing Brace Yourself (0 reveal cost) while having Ring of Command equipped does have no effect, right?


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Re: Forged in Fire expansion big list of questions
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2014, 01:05:17 PM »
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Re: Forged in Fire expansion big list of questions
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2014, 08:49:25 AM »
Just sementic about #1, there is no such thing as Fire Immune. It is Flame Immunity.


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Re: Forged in Fire expansion big list of questions
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2014, 08:03:12 PM »
13)Akiro's Favor: Can I reveal this after I make the roll which I'd like to reroll? I'm guessing no. The reroll effect happens at the end of the roll dice step and makes you redo the roll dice step?  With this card and temple of the dawnbreaker, I'm guessing people choose at the end of any roll dice step whether to reroll in order of initiative.

14)Disarm: What exactly does disarm not effect? I believe it only prevents "active-y things" like attacks and action bars. so armor, flame-2 ect are not effected.

sidenote: I liked the old flavor text more on Hurl Rock.
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Re: Forged in Fire expansion big list of questions
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2014, 08:11:37 PM »
14)Disarm: What exactly does disarm not effect? I believe it only prevents "active-y things" like attacks and action bars. so armor, flame-2 ect are not effected.

"Disabled objects lose all attack bars, action bars, and non-trait abilities."

Armor and Flame -2 would be affected. The equipment does not have those traits itself; it provides them to the mage as part of the text. Things not affected would be traits like Cantrip, Epic, Unique, Spellbind, etc.

Equipment objects tend not to have many functional traits, so for most equipment, everything will be disabled.


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Re: Forged in Fire expansion big list of questions
« Reply #13 on: June 09, 2014, 09:15:21 PM »
This is a handy bit of info when looking at disarm does:

Quote from: WHAT IS A TRAIT? sidebar, p. 7
What is a trait?
Spells, creatures, objects, and attacks may all have a number of special abilities called traits, printed on their card. These traits may allow you to act in ways not normally allowed, such as moving farther during an action phase.

Traits are listed at the bottom of a spell card or inside the attack bar. Some spells and abilities may also add traits to an object. For example, you might cast an enchantment to give a creature the Fast trait.

Many traits are followed by a value. For example, the Highland Unicorn has the Regenerate 2 trait. This number shows the strength of the trait. Regenerate 2 means that the Unicorn will heal 2 damage every Upkeep Phase.

Sometimes, this strength value has a plus or minus sign. Multiple traits of the same kind with plus or minus signs can be combined on the same object. So, if a creature with Lightning +1 is enchanted with a spell that gives Lightning -2, those two traits combine and the creature now has Lightning -1.

If a trait does not have a plus or minus sign, it does not combine with other traits that have the same name. Only the trait with the highest value counts. If the same unicorn was enchanted with a spell that gave it Regenerate 3, it would only heal 3 damage every round, not 5.

In these rules, and on the spell cards, traits are always capitalized. See the Codex at the end of this rulebook for a list of all trait effects.


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Re: Forged in Fire expansion big list of questions
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2014, 10:05:50 PM »
I now think of traits on equipment as something that they give to the mage, especially if it has a number. I'm guessing there aren't many non-trait words(unique/legendary/epic, cantrip, ?)
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