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Messages - DallasSooner87

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I preordered it there. The guy said they are targeting an October ship date.

General Discussion / Re: The Eratta.
« on: July 19, 2013, 04:48:50 PM »
Is there some way in which loyal and stalwart existing owners of the game can get updated cards? I can see ALL SORTS of chaos occurring here, and I don't want marker pen on my cards...

That would be nice.

I too would be interested in something like this. I know I won't be able to remember if I don't mark my cards, and I have a less than 0% desire to do so because they look so good.

Rules Discussion / Re: New player, have 2 questions
« on: July 10, 2013, 11:47:45 PM »
I did not know that about reverse magic. Learn new stuff every day. Thanks pious.

Rules Discussion / Re: New player, have 2 questions
« on: July 10, 2013, 03:21:55 PM »
Welcome to the game.

When using the wand you pay for the wand first and bind a spell too it. When you cast the bound spell you only pay the bound spells cost.

As for question 2. I do believe you are correct. You get to pick the equipment and it costs your opponent the cost printed on said equipment.

Hey Dallas- I bought an extra core set just to have all 8 mages built at once. It was worth it IMO for the extra tokens, 2 boards for 4 player games, player sheets + cubes, 2 spell books to put the mages in, plus other customization.

That is good. If I find a few more players in my area (as I no longer live in Dallas) I may consider it for the 4 player element. However, right now it just doesn't make sense for me to drop $40-$60 for 18 cards that I would like to have.

I honestly might have tweaked the new Beastmaster a little to minimize overlap. Swap out the timber wolves, gorilla and the Falcons for 2 Dire Wolves and Galador. With 2 spiders throwing webs everywhere I guess I don't see the need for the tanglevines, too. That would free up some points to  add the deflection boots with another level 1 spell, and give people a chance to try out the new cards, which is a good thing in my opinion. As far as the Bobcats are concerned, in a perfect world, I would have liked to have seen a low level lion card (lets say a cub) in CoK to have a pride of lions style thing similar to the dog pack. I understand why more cards weren't included, though.

Really, the majority of my disappointment stems from a false assumption that I would be able to build the prebuilts with what was included in Conquest if I already had the Core, FM v WL, and Core Spell Tomes 1 & 2. All that said, I love the game and got a 1 day pass to GenCon essentially to preorder the Necromancer Vs Druid expansion and see what else is going on at the convention. I guess I am venting because I want to see the game succeed; having people need to buy either 2-3 cosmetic expansions or another core set all together to make recommended decks just seems like an unnecessary hurdle to get there.

The biggest problem I have now is all of the recommended decks can't be made at the same time anymore. I have one of every card based expansion and am 18 cards short from all 8 decks being completed. I generally build decks but when I teach someone the game I either go with the apprentice mode or the full game with starter decks. Also it is easier to store the cards, for me at least, when these decks are put together. This is really just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to my frustration about Conquest of Kumanjaro.

So in another thread I asked about that 4 bobcat thing. It is a misprint. It should be 3 bobcats and 3 Falcons. Hope that helps.

Here i the thread it was mentioned in http://forum.arcanewonders.com/index.php?topic=12601.0

Thanks for the speedy reply John. I am definitely going to try out these new mages after I get off work tonight.

Is the 4 Feral Bobcats for the new BM a misprint? With one of every card set available, you only have 3 bobcats.

General Discussion / Re: Creating the perfect set for my gaming group
« on: June 27, 2013, 08:41:03 PM »
TL;DR at bottom

It might work for the first handful of games. However, after a few games I found the pre-built decks predictable and easy to exploit. Each deck only has a couple of dissolves or dispels. So if you can bait them early your opponent has no way to deal with, for example, a curse heavy deck or a Force Master Force Field. However, making small tweaks is probably the best way to get into the deck building. Each deck will slowly start to become more personalized and you won't have to invest much time to build a deck from scratch.

That said, the deck building is awesome and only takes a couple of tries before you can make one fairly quickly. I don't theory-craft as a build a deck I just kind of guess and adjust based on what works and what doesn't. How often I used something or if I even thought about using it in game. I was worried about the deck building but making something that is yours and beating the crap out of someone really adds an extra level of pride to the game, If your group as competitive as you say they might end up loving it.

Sorry for the long read I will TL;DR this.

The prebuilds are ok for a few games but get easy to figure out.

Deck building is fun and easy.

If you want to consider building get the core spell tomes. And if they change their minds about the deck building there is an easy to use editor here http://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/85710/mage-wars-deck-cost-calculator

Rules Discussion / Re: A few questions...
« on: June 01, 2013, 07:53:18 PM »
I recently played through my first couple of games of Mage Wars. During our play, a few rule issues came up that we didn’t quite know for sure if we got it right. We’re pretty sure we got them mostly right and think I've clarified through some of the posts, but I wanted to clarify anyway. The issues are as follows:

1. If a creature has counterstrike ability and during the initial attack the creature takes enough damage to die, do they still get to counterstrike? I think I read that it does NOT occur, but I’ve read some conflicting posts.

2. If I have a burn token on a creature, I have the ability to either roll a die (to see if the creature can remove the token for free or if they take additional damage) OR I can pay 2 mana to remove the token before taking damage. This scenario would be true for any of the tokens/conditions with a stated removal cost.

3. Using the Beast Master as an example, if he attacks unaided, he uses 4 die – the stated 3d on his mage card and +1 for his melee attack bonus. If he were to use the Staff of Beasts, he would get 5d (4d + 1d). The Warlock would have a similar bonus as the other mage with the melee attack bonus.

4. If a flying creature attacks a ground based creature, that same ground based creature can counter strike during that same action, but later cannot attack the flying creature when they take their action. Similarly, none of the other opponent creatures can attack that flying creature, assuming they don’t have the flying creature.

1. They do not get to counterstrike if they die. So you were correct on that one.

2. You may remove them if you have an ability to remove them. IE You can't just play the mana, you must use something like the Priestess ability, or a spell card to remove the tokens (and also pay the mana cost).

3. Correct. BM gets +1 to any of his melee attacks.

4. Correct, I am fairly certain at least.

Enjoy the game. It hs probably become one of my favorite games since I got it.

Spells / Re: Spells you would like to see
« on: May 30, 2013, 06:42:16 PM »
Gravity Orb - mind or arcane school

Zone exclusive
Target zone and target neighbour zone: All creatures in these 2 zones loses flying until they leave the zone(s). No creature can gain flying while in the zones.

Gravikor is essentially this except it is earth school. "Legendary and Epic/ All creatures withing 2 zones lose, and cannot gain, the Flying trait." It is a dice tower promo card so sadly I don't have it (yet). Granted I can see how wanting one in another school could be of benefit.

i didnt know of this promo... there should not be 2 identical Cards in 2 different schools.

No worries. There are a hand full of cards that start as promo cards that start their life as promos for events and OP. They will be available to everyone in expansions at sometime. I am fairly certain Galador was a promo card, and it is releasing in the upcoming tome expansion.

Spells / Re: Spells you would like to see
« on: May 30, 2013, 06:10:05 PM »
Gravity Orb - mind or arcane school

Zone exclusive
Target zone and target neighbour zone: All creatures in these 2 zones loses flying until they leave the zone(s). No creature can gain flying while in the zones.

Gravikor is essentially this except it is earth school. "Legendary and Epic/ All creatures withing 2 zones lose, and cannot gain, the Flying trait." It is a dice tower promo card so sadly I don't have it (yet). Granted I can see how wanting one in another school could be of benefit.

Rules Discussion / Re: Mind Control Reveal Queastion
« on: May 28, 2013, 09:19:24 PM »
And a Pair of stickers for the swine mage.  :P

Thanks for the excellent forum moderation and giving me a new goal. Earn Banana Sticker.

Rules Discussion / Re: Mind Control Reveal Queastion
« on: May 27, 2013, 04:05:24 PM »
This was actually already answered in the previous thread. The reason Mind Control says that it can only be revealed between Action Phases is to limit it so that, unlike other enchantments, it cannot be revealed in the middle of a creatures Action Phase. So the answer to your question is B.

As Arcanus Stated: "Mind control cannot be revealed during an Action Phase of a creature. We had to do this because it can create a weird anomaly when control changes hands while acting."

Thanks Wiz-Pig. I was just misinterpreting what he was saying in the other thread, then.

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