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Topics - jcox2820

Pages: [1]
Rules Discussion / Flying, LoS, and the definition of "Ignore"
« on: February 25, 2013, 01:36:51 PM »
Do walls block LoS of a flying creature?

The rules say that flying creatures "ignore walls," which obviously means they can move past them and cannot take damage from them. Does this mean they can see past them as well?

The rule book defines the word "ignored," but only in the context of ignored creatures, and walls are not creatures.

General Discussion / Removing effects
« on: January 30, 2013, 03:51:20 PM »
How exactly does removing an effect by paying the mana cost work? Does it require an action or quickcast, or do you ust pay the mana when you feel like and be done with it?

Rules Discussion / Attacking to remove sleep
« on: January 28, 2013, 10:31:53 PM »
I believe that the rules specifically state that an attacking creature rolls the amount of battledice listed on the attack.

I don't think this is currently legal, but wouldn't it make sense to allow a player to roll fewer dice for an attack on their own creature? This makes sense to me thematically, since a mage would basically be commanding a creature to slap another one around and wake it up. Mechanically it seems sound because the player would be at a higher risk of rolling zero damage, and thus wasting that action.

Rules Discussion / Drafting Rules
« on: January 28, 2013, 09:21:14 PM »
Given that this is a LCG, I was a bit surprised that there are no drafting rules in the rulebook. What I mean by "drafting rules," is rules used to determine how two players determine what cards they can use in their spell book when there is not enough cards to go around.

Before my first game my wife and I made our books, and I made mine before she did. She felt slighted that I had both the leather boots and leather gloves, and so I gave one to her. There was also a conflict over a conjuration (don't remember which).

Are there any rules for drafting from the same box?

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