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Messages - diceman

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Rules Discussion / Re: Playing a card during Ready Stage ...
« on: November 24, 2013, 04:27:58 PM »
Okay, thanks to you both. Makes sense now. :)

Rules Discussion / Playing a card during Ready Stage ...
« on: November 24, 2013, 11:57:42 AM »
Uuh, I just thought of something, maybe I'm a little slow and this is pretty obvious to you guys, but nevertheless I wanted to make sure whether this would be a legal move (somehow I doubt it):

The Rules clearly state, that cards that you haven't played this round, come back into the book at the beginning of the next Planning-Phase. Now I wonder why this is emphasized so much. Why then, and not at the end of the round (which would be a far more obvious rule)? Or is it perhaps because after I'll get new Mana in the next Channeling Phase I may flip my Quickcast-Marker in the Ready Stage to play that certain card, which is still lying before me?

Or maybe I'm just paranoid; still, up until now, for everything written in the Rules there was a reason, why it was spelled out exactly the way it was. So in this certain case it just struck me as odd, that they would emphasize a tiny (otherwise pretty obvious) detail this much.

General Discussion / Re: Mage Wars: intriguing, but also hard to get into
« on: November 22, 2013, 03:22:35 PM »
Wow, lots of wisdom here. I will cherish your words.  :)
Still, an awesome game. I just was the unlucky guy who had to learn the rules all by himself. MAGE WARS is a game you learn best when you play against someone who already knows the rules by heart. I noticed with my gaming partner; when I taught her, she seemed to pick up things way faster than me.

Rules Discussion / Re: Battle Rage (retarget?)
« on: November 22, 2013, 11:50:46 AM »
Oops, yes, of course I meant BATTLE FURY (have to constantly translate from the German Texts, when posting here).  ;)
And, yes, as far as I know, BF targets the Attacker. Now, what I meant was: say my Timber Wolf (with BF on it) has already resolved an attack against the Darkfenne Hydra. Now for the Bonus-Melee-Attack from BF: must the Timber Wolf again attack the Hydra (same target), or may he also choose another viable target-creature within the same zone?

Rules Discussion / Battle Fury (retarget?)
« on: November 22, 2013, 10:13:05 AM »
I think I already answered my own question, I just wanted to make sure: that extra Melee-Attack I get with BATTLE RAGE, must I use this on the same creature I've already attacked, or am I allowed to retarget? Should be legal, right?

General Discussion / Mage Wars: intriguing, but also hard to get into
« on: November 22, 2013, 08:00:45 AM »
Don't get me wrong, I really, really, really like the game, I also think it's pretty unique and really deep, but I also don't think it's that intuitive as most reviewers make it seem to be. As a person who is more used to Euro-style of Games it's sometimes hard for me to dedicate so much time into actually grasping every little detail of the rules, instead of, you know, just playing it. Actually I think that there are a lot (and I mean a LOT) of exceptions to various rules depending on various situations which make various mechanics very muddy and hard to understand. This game is hardcore (and I don't mean that in a necessarily derogative sense). What I mean is: you don't just sit down and play MAGE WARS. Getting the game and playing it, is like signing an obligation that you're willing to really dig into it. You can play 10 games and still stumble upon a situation, where just paging through the Codex won't help you and you have to go online (great Forum, btw., you guys are a very nice and helpful bunch), or you notice afterwards, that you forgot this tiny rule, forgot to flip that marker, whatever.

So, just curious:
How many matches do you actually have to play, until you're sure that you're doing it right? How long did it take you until you moved through the game's various phases fluently and didn't get stalled by rule-discussions anymore?

Cheers.  :)

Rules Discussion / Re: Condition Removals
« on: November 22, 2013, 07:42:12 AM »
Okay, this actually clears everything up for me. So the part about "resolving" applies to the removal of conditions!

The thing is, that this tiny detail about conditions gained during a Counterstrike/Damage Barrier shows up under STUN in the german Codex, but not on the other condition-entrys. In the english version this doesn't show up in the Codex at all. However, the respective chapters you've cited, they are also described in the same way in the german rules; I just never noticed it.
Thanks a lot!

Rules Discussion / Re: Condition Removals
« on: November 22, 2013, 07:00:26 AM »
Here's another issue that came up during last nights game:

Concerning STUN-condition:
My rulebook states, that when a creature receives STUN-condition during a Counter-Strike or through a Damage Barriere, the effect doesn't apply until its NEXT Action-Phase. What does that mean in detail? And I'm actually a little bit confused here, because this detail only shows up in my german copy of the rule-book, in the downloadable (english) Online-Version (2.0) it doesn't. Is this perhaps a recent Errata? Because other stuff, like the errata'd cards, are already up to date in the german edition of the game.
Thanks (again). :)

Rules Discussion / Does Rot-Condition remove Sleep-Condition?
« on: November 22, 2013, 06:40:24 AM »
Another issue that came up during last nights game:
Say, a creature, who has ROT cast on it, receives a SLEEP-condition during its turn. Wouldn't, during Upkeep, the 1 point of direct damage caused by ROT remove the SLEEP-condition? The rules don't clearly state, that it always needs to be an attack to wake the creature; they only mention damage.
Thanks. :)

Rules Discussion / Re: Chain Lightning and Reverse Attack
« on: November 22, 2013, 06:21:35 AM »
Hmm, okay, thanks. :)
So with Reverse Attack a creature CAN actually be hit twice during one CL-Attack.
As I see it, though (and the wording on the CL-card supports this), CL shouldn't be allowed to attack a creature which as revealed Reverse Attack a second time during the same CL-Attack. An attack is an attack is an attack, no matter if it has been cancelled/reversed/whatever.
This still has to be cleared up.

Rules Discussion / Re: Chain Lightning and Reverse Attack
« on: November 22, 2013, 03:53:32 AM »
Taken from page 14 of the FAQ.

If Chain Lightning is reversed by a Reverse Attack enchantment, the attack is redirected to the last target of Chain Lightning, not to the caster.

There is more information on Chain Lightening in the entry, but this is the part pertinent to the discussion.

Exactly this came up during last nights game. It's still a little unclear, though, what exactly happens: on the one hand no creature may be targeted twice by Chain Lightning. On the other hand, the FAQs state, that in the case of Reverse Attack the Attack is being redirected to the last target of Chain Lightnining (which already has been targeted). Now what happens:

1) does it actually take damage a second time?

And, more importently: how does the Attack go from there?

2) May Chain Lightning look for another viable target, which hasn't been targeted yet, or is it immediately cancelled upon revealing Reverse Attack and resolving its consequences? And in case it's not allowed to deal damage a second time, shouldn't then CL be cancelled right away?

3) Say, Reverse Attack is being revealed right on the first target. Then the Attack is being redirected at the caster, who now takes damage. But what then? Does it continue to zap to another target?

4) And when Block is revealed somewhere during Chain Lightning, does it cancel the whole Chain Lightning-Attack right away? I think it should, because the card clearly states, that CL only continues to zap, when it has dealt damage AND another viable target is around.

I'm a bit confused here. :P

Rules Discussion / Re: Do 2 rot conditions on a creature cause 2 damage?
« on: November 21, 2013, 01:19:15 AM »
The creature gets as many damage as rot markers on it, so, 2 damage! Rot and Weak are awesome!  :pinch:
Sorry to dig out an old topic, but this actually bothers me. I can't anywhere find in the rules the part, where it says, that ROT stacks. It's pretty straightforward with WEAK (lose 1 die per condition marker), but with ROT it specifically says, that you only lose 1 Direct Damage during during Upkeep. Not +1, but only 1. Sounds to me like intentional wording. Nowhere it is mentionend, that it stacks. It even says (in the part about conditions), that not all conditions stack (some of them may), but there is no specific example concerning ROT.
Please clear this up for me. Thanks.

Rules Discussion / Re: Hawkeye on Asyran Cleric?
« on: November 20, 2013, 01:12:10 PM »
Allright, that's what I thought.  :) It was a dubious theory to begin with.

Rules Discussion / Hawkeye on Asyran Cleric?
« on: November 20, 2013, 11:49:52 AM »
Hey guys, I just wondered whether the following move would be viable:

The Asyran Cleric's Special Ability (Heal) has a ranged Symbol. The question is, whether it's also considered an Attack, because then I might be allowed to cast HAWKEYE (Ranged +1) on him to get an additional die-roll when using his Special Ability to heal other creatures.

Thanks! :)

General Questions / Re: Sweeping, Battle fury and melee +X
« on: November 19, 2013, 04:45:48 PM »
All right, I didn't consider the timing-issue. And thanks again for your patient explanation; slowly but surely it'll all comes together. :)

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