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Topics - morpheusdelpozo

Pages: [1]
Hi! Our group finds confusing the card "Forked Lightning", we do not know if it

a) It targets 2 objetcs and attacks both with sweeping (thus potentially attacking 4 times)


b) It targets 1 object and attacks with sweeping (thus potentially attacking twice)

Rules Discussion / Valor and attack spells
« on: November 25, 2016, 07:20:04 AM »
I have a couple of questions about the Paladin gaining Valor when the challenged enemy is the advesary mage and he casts an attack spell. Sorry if it has been answered before but I haven't found it.

1. If the adversary mage casts an attack spell targeting a creature other than the Paladin, does the Paladin gain valor?

2. If the adversary mage casts a zone attack spell, does the Paladin gain valor?

3. If the answer to the second question is yes, how much valor does the Paladin gain? Just one or one for each attacked creature different from the Paladin?

I think that the answer to first question is yes and the second is no, but I would appreciate confirmation.

Thank you very much!

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