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Messages - paulylol

Pages: [1]
Player Feedback and Suggestions / A Dream: All the Cards easily acquired
« on: October 31, 2012, 03:12:19 AM »
Hello fellow Mage Wars players, first things first I'm happy that I've bought this awesome game, the only problem so far I've had is the dice, but you can always think about average rolls so it lessens the luck. But to the main topic - I'm your basic enthustiastic gamer, I get hyped about new games, I wanna test them out etc etc. but there's one problem still in the ''card gaming business'' even though the classical collectible card game format is dropped. I'm talking about not getting all the cards for reasonable price. I've had this same problem with Fantasy Flight Games Warhammer Invasion and Android Netrunner.

So what I'm asking is, please, be the first company to make it easy to get all the cards and for reasonable price. The problem is for hardcore gamer like me that you can include six level one spells and four of higher level spells. I would need to buy probably four (or more even?) boxes of Mage Wars.

I do realize that selling cards cheaper / in more affordable collection box seems quite risky. But there are probably many players who don't get into card games like this because ''oh I can get in with just 50$ BUT if I want to be competitive I have to spend 300$''.

So make a man's dream come true and make a box compatitible with the core box which would give max ammount of all cards - even better would be the ammount for two players  :)

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