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Topics - BR3AKR

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Pittsburgh Mage Wars Announcement
« on: February 03, 2013, 09:35:17 PM »
There was an interesting post today on the Mage Wars facebook:

"Attention Pittsburgh-area Mage Wars fans! Big News Coming Soon! Let me just say, Play Unplugged ROCKS. Visit www.playunplugged.com and don't forget to give their Facebook page a 'Like'."

I just so HAPPEN to live in Pittsburgh! Any ideas on what's going on? Some kind of tourney or event I'm guessing, right? Anyone else have some ideas?

After some brief investigation, I just found out that Enrico Nardini (Editor in Chief at play unplugged) lives in Pittsburgh. Hmm :)...

General Discussion / Long Turns and Game Length Limitations
« on: February 02, 2013, 08:08:50 PM »
So this is a question more directed at people who are playing in organized play settings than just simple friendly games.

If I recall correctly, Arcane Wonders recommends a 90 minute match length limit, with the tiebreaker being he who has the most damage.

I can jive with that just fine, but a concern of mine is this - can't people just tag a player and try to stall as best they can for the time limit? Has anyone had to deal with this in OP settings? Is it apparent when there is abuse?

Spells / Quicksand
« on: January 28, 2013, 10:00:30 PM »

So, quicksand was just spoiled on the facebook page. I've got to say I really like the flavor here (not sure how I feel about the card as it plays, I'd have to wait until I see it on the board). However, it brought up a couple concerns.

1st, would teleport free a creature from this spell? I don't see any reason why not, but figured I'd ask.

2nd, almost immediately there were questions as to what 2X means on the facebook page, is it 2 + the creatures level? I'm guessing it means 2 times the creatures level, but perhaps in the future if you just leave it X for any variable cost, and then specify that X is twice the creature's level that would alleviate some of the confusion.

General Discussion / Some More Love on the Main Site
« on: January 22, 2013, 03:03:19 PM »
I love this game, maybe more than any other in my collection. Short of Starcraft 2, and my various TTRPGs I have never dedicated so much time to a single game in ways other than actually playing it. I visit the site every day now, hoping to see some news, and scouring the forums for interesting conversations.

That's why it bums me out whenever I come to the main page and see the same information every day. I only just recently found out that the facebook page is really where all the action is. I can't help but to feel that really draws people away from the main page, and thus stifles some of the interesting conversation that comes up.

Is there anyone else that feels this way? Would any of you guys like to see more preview style content on the actual page? Maybe write-ups from the designers on their thoughts behind cards, or even updates on events that are being held? Anything to feed my hunger for more mage wars info?

Speaking of more mage wars info, and the facebook page - make sure to take a look at the latest three cards... O. M. G. Cannot wait  :cheer:.

Strategy and Tactics / A Few Beastmaster Openers
« on: January 21, 2013, 11:05:46 AM »
I've been working on some openers for the Beastmaster. I understand that there are spells like mana siphon, and drain mana - however I feel like that shouldn't stop you from having an opening plan.

My preferred method of play is to be a bit conservative and then attack with a few mid-large creatures buffed with enchants. However, I can't be greedy if my opponent is being aggressive so I like to give my opponent the initiative to get a sense of what they're up to and adjust accordingly. If I'm playing against a warlock who throws down a forward forge, or a beastmaster who puts on a ring of beasts and throws down a creature turn one, I know it's fightin' time and switch into my aggressive openers.

Here is what I have:

Format is my mana, hyphen, mana on my lair.

Slow - My default opener. I'll play this way if my opponent appears to be playing the long game.
19-00 Turn 01
04-00 Lair
00-00 Harmonize (on lair)

09-03 Turn 02
04-03 Mana Flower
02-03 Nullify

12-06 Turn 03
06-00 Timber Wolf (Pet)
01-00 Mana Flower

12-03 Turn 04
09-00 Thunderrift Falcon
07-00 Tooth & Nail
00-00 Staff of Beasts

Slow into Aggro - If my opponent appeared to be playing a long game, then turned on the heat quickly
19-00 Turn 01
04-00 Lair
00-00 Harmonize (on lair)

09-03 Turn 02
04-03 Mana Flower
02-03 Nullify (Not vs Beastmaster)

12-06 Turn 03
06-00 Timber Wolf (Pet)
04-00 Ring of Beasts
00-00 Bitterwood Fox

10-03 Turn 04
08-00 Bitterwood Fox
04-00 Bitterwood Fox
02-00 Enchantment

12-03 Turn 05
00-00 Redclaw

Aggro - If my opponent goes crazy aggressive and I need to keep up.
19-00 Turn 01
17-00 Ring of Beasts
13-00 Bitterwood Fox

22-00 Turn 02
07-00 Redclaw
03-00 Rouse the Beast (if in range)

12-00 Turn 03
01-00 Timber Wolf (Pet)
01-00 None

10-00 Turn 04
06-00 Bitterwood Fox (or heal)
02-00 Bitterwood Fox

11-00 Turn 05
04-00 Tooth & Nail
02-00 Enchantment

General Discussion / Mage Wars Organized Play Flyers?
« on: January 10, 2013, 03:18:32 PM »
Hey all,

I'm trying to promote a league, or some kind of organized play in the area. I'd like to make a flyer, but have absolutely no artistic talent. I've heard, however, the internet is full of people that are pretty good with photoshop. Would any of you kind sirs be so inclined to help me out for best wishes? I would truly, greatly appreciate it!

Spells / Fellella, Pixie Familiar - Useful to Beastmaster?
« on: January 02, 2013, 02:07:19 PM »
I think I like Fellella, I really do. I just... I just don't know if I can fit her into my beastmaster deck. Here is why I'm struggling:

On turn one, I feel like - unless I'm doing something very aggressive - my best option is to use the Lair, which pays for itself in 8 turns. In the meantime its freeing you up a full action per turn for doing things other than casting. That sets you all the way back to 4 mana, there are very few cool options at four mana so I tend to opt for a ring (2 mana).

On the second turn, we start with 11 mana (2 leftover, channel 9) and 2 on our lair. That's 13 to cast on a creature, or 11 on anything else. I can't help but to feel like casting Fellella here is dangerous, as you'd be left with only 1 mana to do anything.

Finally, on the third turn, is when I feel like you might (depending on your opponent's aggression) have a chance to cast Fellella. She will not pay for herself now for another 12 turns, and you have pretty much lost your chance for any kind of early aggression - maybe that's okay.

Has anyone else thought about this? Do you other beastmasters use Fel in your deck? If so, how has she done for you? Is she worth 2 foxes? 2 mana flowers?

Thank you for your thoughts :).

League / Tournament Play / Starting a League in Pittsburgh, PA
« on: December 27, 2012, 03:19:22 PM »
I'm working on pulling together a league in the Pittsburgh Area (Legions Hobbies and Games) and thought maybe some of you might be from the 'burgh. Our first meetup will be next Thursday at the store at around 7 PM. We'll be discussing how to handle the league and hopefully have a few pickup games :).

If you're interested, shoot me a PM here - or just show up at Legions on Thursday!

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