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Messages - echephron

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 29
Alternative Play / Re: Game redesign: modular board and paper miniatures
« on: October 16, 2019, 04:27:34 PM »
looks great

General Discussion / Re: Mage wars 2.0
« on: June 19, 2018, 09:15:56 PM »
I made a post like this a year or two ago. Not sure where it went.

Custom Cards / Re: Mass tanglevine
« on: March 10, 2017, 10:59:37 PM »
Not that I would, but if i were making a zonal tanglevine I'd do it this way:

Mass Tanglevine:
mana X life X nature level X
target:zone 0-1
whenever an enemy non-flying creature starts its action in this zone, they are -restrained- until the end of their action. All non-flying creatures in this zone are -unmovable-.

General Discussion / Re: Fan Site or Wiki?
« on: March 03, 2017, 03:41:31 PM »
I started one forever ago but lost interest. I put maybe 50 spells up there and tried to list inteactions.


Strategy and Tactics / Re: 2 battle forges. Is it viable?
« on: March 03, 2017, 02:42:02 PM »
If i had 2 forges, I'd play one agressively, to make the enemy target it. then a couple turns later place my second one.

Thanks for the ideas fas723. You didn't miss much in the thread :P. Unless you really like gate to hell.

RE: drefan

i said "All non-novice equipment effectively being epic sounds pretty cool" after you, so thats what he was addressing.

RE: Sike
I meant Bleed, rot, and tainted get reduced to a typeless "DOT" condition. If the attack deals any damage, and the effect roll passes, they get the DOT marker. every upkeep they take 1 damage. removal cost of 2.

Hunters bow (bleed) would have an effect: 7+ dot. Darkfenne bat (rot) would have an untyped melee attack of 2 dice with a effect: 8+ poison DOT. If the target is immune to the type, they are immune to the DOT. Untyped DOTs have the same type as the attack roll they come from.

Something simple like that.

You lose the ability to have an uptyped attack deal an untyped condition which could only effect certain typed targets(bleed and non-plant living), but not much else. Its well worth the removal of clutter to me.

I didn't mean this post to be "wizards are/aren't OP", "this spell costs too much", or randomization is bad and/or the greatest. Keep at it, if you like, but there are other more specialized thread already covering those. Respect how different people prefer different things and all that.

Following this discussion on destruction of equipment, what if all(or non-novice) equipment got the cantrip trait? Dissolves would still be an option, but you wouldn't need more than 1 copy of equipment.

A possible addition to this first idea would be adding an overpriced epic dissolve which obliterates(to cancel out cantrip).

As for conditions, downsizing would be crucial for me. Outright removing daze and replacing with slam for example would simplify without reducing depth. Stun ==incapacited as well, so just call incapacitated "stunned". The burn random damage versus the rot steady damage is something I'd like to preserve. Bleed, rot, and tainted could all be one condition though. Not to mention the time tax of combing through all those condition markers looking for another burn and all you can find are crippleds.

And subtly making 2.0 have a more narrow expected timespan would boost accessibility.

Rules Discussion / Re: vine markers
« on: April 19, 2016, 03:05:32 AM »
historically, no, you need to do 1+ damage

man, nobody likes the dice.

some posted ideas I like. All non-novice equipment effectively being epic sounds pretty cool. It would make them feel like powerful artefacts. counter balances would need to be done of course.

Something like a priestess being unable to use a dark school spell is something I've been thinking about. I'd like it to go well, but I'm not confident.

More theme reinforcement(like prohibited spells being inaccessible, costing more mana, or something like that. I don't know if the current extra sp cost does the job.) would be worth the decrease in customizability maybe. might actually increase the variety of books present.

Damage dice would be 1-3 not 0-2. Stats would have to chance accordingly.
Piercing that's higher than target's armor deals critical damage equal to the difference between armor and piercing values.
Both changes come from the fact that in current version buffed [mwcard=MW1C06]Brogan Bloodstone[/mwcard] can deal 0 damage to incapacitated [mwcard=FWC05]Goblin Grunt[/mwcard] with his attack.
I'd also thought I'd mess around with the values on the dice to eliminate the extremes.

Yeah I know apprentice mode. An expanded apprentice mode. Got it. Like how miniature games have different Pointcaps. the smaller caps make for simpler shorter games.

Your apprentice would have its own spells not valid in academy or arena? That seems unusual. Or academy which can be used in apprentice|arena and apprentice can be used in arena. How would you decide which spells go where?

@Sailor Vulcan
but -how- would you do these things, like make the game shorter? would it have less zones, lower life, damage over time, reduced healing, ect? Maybe you are saying tear it all down and try again, which would take time to figure out.

And meant more of rules/cards change than a change in promotional method. If I understand block format(which I dont since I had to google it), block format has nothing to do with the rules of the game.

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