Great GSweatt
You are actually #6.
1. Biblo
2. Keejchen
3. Shark
4. Shoopuff
Thats group A starting now.
Group B will start in "mid-june" whenever Jbuzzsaw79 tells us that is.
5. Jbuzzsaw79
6. GSweatt/-Starscream (OCTGN name)
If time permits we will have a final between group A and B.
Try to be pretty active here to arrange matches - we will need to drop inactive players to keep this moving forward. And its perfectly fine, if something happens - so you can´t play or respond to forum post.
But then just join the next group.
Time limit will be 3 hours per game, with everything gaining Finite Life after 2½ hours.
If nobody is dead at that time you each roll a d12 an add it to your remaining life to determine a winner.
Note that is not cut in stone. Its first try. Should make it easier to arrange matches, and play them.
Feel free to arrange longer matches or concede instead of rolling the yellow dice if you think you are hopelessly behind.
I hope this work out, so we can have regular mini OCTGN tourneys.
We are going with brackets of 4 for now, as it seems easier to manage and kick-off.
Then try to arrange matches between group A and B etc.