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Author Topic: The fabled Watergate Wizard  (Read 33950 times)


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The fabled Watergate Wizard
« on: September 13, 2013, 03:58:14 AM »
In my experience, this build is even stronger than the Wizzly Grizard since it aims at higher channeling early game and still benefits from extra actions. Actually, some believe this build is unbeatable in the current status of the game and after many games they still do not stand corrected ;) (edit: they do now - I played without enough caution). Time will tell. Anyway, for sure it has an amazingly high chance to win against almost every other deck, especially non wizards:

gremlin   3
hydra   3 (edit: from the last couple of games I feel like i need one gorgon archer at least. So I advice switching a hydra for a gorgon)
huginn   1
gargoyle   1
purify   1
minor heal   1
teleport   4
force push   2
dispel   6
seek dispel   2
dissolve   6
shift enchantment   1
fireball   1
geyser   1
surging wave   1
jet stream   1
nullify   4
jinx   2
regrowth   1
bulls endurance   1
rhino hide   2
transfusion   2
harmonize   1
gate   1
fog bank   1
hand of bimshalla   1
Wizards Tower   2
mana kristall   2
renewing spring   1
arcane ring   1
elemental cloak   2
leather gloves   1
dragonscale Haube   2
Mage Wand   3
dispel wand   1
leather boots   1
regrowth belt   2
moonglow amu   1

Basic idea:
The gate to voltari saves actions and compared to other great spawnpoints (e.g. battleforge) it has +1 /+2 channeling. Unlike battleforge, your mage can move freely in each zone of the arena and still use the gate. Its also important to note that with the gate you save a full cast whereas with the BF you do save a quick cast only. Therefore, its easier to summon creatures while running away in case your opponent focuses your mage early.
The downside of the gate is that it can only summon arcane creatures. But gremlins and hydras (if supported with teleport) are really nice creatures and gargoyles/gorgon archers arent bad as well (still I dont use gorgon archers atm because in the majority of games hydras are the better way to go IMO). Hydras had a bad reputation lately because of agony, divine protection and weak. But against those, six dispels, a dispel wand and purify help alot. Therefore, you dont need to be afraid to summon hydras. Although, against gorgon archers it might be tricky with only one purify.
You might think that this build is too slow to win against someone who casts big creatures early or who rushes with strong attack spells. Its definetely not. Voltaric shield together with some early casted armor and regrowth let the wizard survive any onslaught and using the wizard to zap and guard (to protect gremlins) while spawning another creature with the gate and attacking with the wizard tower, really helps to kill small/medium creatures quickly and acquiring board control much quicker than you would think of such a slow opening. Actually, I had many games in which I casted two crystals in round two (after gate+harmonize in round 1), and still got board control quickly even though the opponent casted big creatures early. It is insane how much synergy you get from voltaric shield+zap+gate+wizard tower! Not to forget that gremlins are SO ANNOYING if not fighting on your side. Many opponents complained about them, because they live incredibly long for their low mana cost (especially if the wizard guards them) and with 3 dice+piercing they are something you dont want to ignore for too long.

The opening:

Round 1:
Wizard gate during first QC phase (I often cast it in my starting zone since I dont want the battle to start too early). Harmonize with normal action.

Round 2 and thereafter:
If the opponent uses a slow opening (i.e. two mana flowers or flower+battle forge), I cast mana crystals, moonglow amulet and wiz tower early to gain mana advantage. Otherwise I rely on the gate spawning 1-2 gremlins and cast rhino hide, leather boots/gloves and regrowth on my mage. The order of spells and how much defensive stuff I cast on my mage heavily depends on the opponents play style. But, I try to always have 1 armor at least before he attacks my wizard. Especially if the opponent has 16+ mana in one round, I try to have 2 armor on my wizard just in case he throws two fireballs/hurl boulders.
With the wizards basic attack+zap+ the attacks from the gremlin(s) you can dish out quite some nice damage and save mana to spawn a hydra next round. With 1-2 Hydras and teleport its often GG after a few more rounds.

Some thoughts about the spells:

Dispel: Six of these seem alot, but there are just too many annoying enchantments I want to get rid off, especially against a curse warlock. Cheap dispels is a noticable advantage of the wizard and I want to make use of that.

Dispel Wand: It might look as an overkill to have six dispels, three mage wands and a dispel wand. IMO its not. The nice thing about the dispel wand is that it can be used together with the mage wand, which is especially good if playing wizard since he does not need a melee weapon. Another benefit from the dispel wand is that you loose less spell points if it is dissolved as compared to a mage wand.

Mage Wand: Three mage wands are great since late game is often decided by who has more teleports/force push/dissolves/mage wands.

Dissolve: Six dissolves seems alot again, but equipment is soo great in the current status of the game, that you really dont want to run out of dissolves. Anyway, these dissolves are the main reason for being water wizard.

Huginn: Im not a big fan of him since the spells he casts are gone forever. Still, in this book there are plenty of incantations. Anyway, the main reason for playing huginn is him being my wizards life assurance in case the wizard gets teleported. Having an extra action to get through that jinx/nullify asap, is really important.

Renewing Spring: Im not too sure about this spells, especially since its level two out of school. Still, i think the healing is great and it cant be removed from the game too quickly (as compared to a mage wand with heal). It is the only way to remove corrosion markers (which will hurt this wizard alot) and it helps to remove weak tokens from the hydra after the purify is gone. Still, if you just keep removing those tokens while the opponents gorgon archer shoots on you, im not sure if that works well (although you would heal 5 each round on average, so your hydra wont die but you need to spend mana to remove the tokens). Therefore, I guess I would focus down the gorgon with gremlins/teleport into hydra/wizard tower-fireball before taking care of the weak tokens.

Some spells you might want to add:

Force hold: I know its a great spell to kill the opposing mage or to counter big creatures. But, if its dispelled, you loose four spell points while your opponent looses 0-2. Therefore, with this book I play force hold only if im sure it will put him under really really big pressure (like if used together with enchantment transfusion, jinx, nullify and 1-2 hydras). But, in most of my games, I managed to win without this trick and it really needs alot time for preparation. Anyway, a huginn with two force pushes is often as good as force hold, and having two more force pushes allows me to spend teleports/force pushes without mage wands for a longer time. Still, with a bit different playstayle, it might be worth to put in force hold or tanglevine.

Gorgon Archers: They can be great to slow down your opponent. The reason I do not play them atm is that they are too slow themself as compared to gremlin and hydra+teleport. In most cases I prefer to just kill the opponents creatures asap instead of weakening them. For example, if the opponent summons brogan during a round he has ini, its not too unlikely that I teleport him into my hydra this round for 4.5 damage. Next round I have ini for another 4.5 damage from the hydra and some damage from the wizard tower/my wizards QC. Therefore, if brogan is not healed, he often is dead before he could attack (and a QC nullify or jinx helps against the heal).
Btw against the necros nonliving creatures the gorgon archer wont do much ;). (Edit: As I wrote above, I put a gorgon archer in again. Against some builds its just too important to slow down the opponent, e.g. double grizzly Forcemaster.)

Wall of thorns:
Great to be used with force push. But I prefer to teleport the opponent into hydra(s) instead, since that is still efficient against targets with high armor and it costs less spell points.

I am eager to hear your thoughts about this build and hope you have fun testing/modifying it!

Edit: Just realized I posted this in Strategy and Tactics. Wouldnt mind if someone moves it to Spellbook Design and Construction ;).
« Last Edit: September 18, 2013, 07:47:09 AM by Charmyna »


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Re: The fabled Watergate Wizard
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2013, 04:14:29 AM »
You took out the Gorgons? :O

move enchantment is "shift enchantment"


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Re: The fabled Watergate Wizard
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2013, 04:49:21 AM »
You took out the Gorgons? :O

move enchantment is "shift enchantment"

Yeah, during my last iteration of this spell book I removed gorgon archer+force hold to include huginn+bulls endurance+two force pushes. As I said, I didnt summon gorgons alot since they are much slower than hydra damage wise and more vulnurable to being teleported into the opponents horde. To be honest, I need more playtesting before I can tell how confident I feel with this change.


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Re: The fabled Watergate Wizard
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2013, 06:56:58 AM »
There is quite some irony within. This build was undefeated for over 40 games and the first game after I made it public I lost ;). It was against a really unusal FM build that I never played against before. He casted no channeling stuff at all, but two grizzlies and a deathlock, supported by four teleports, force pull, jinx and hurl boulder. I guess I could have outlast that if I didnt use three actions for arcane ring and two crystals (in addition to gate+harmonize). I felt too confident after my last games went so well. Should have sticked to my own rules, which tell me not to cast too many things focused on channeling if the opponent does not. If I had spent a few more actions for increasing armor, casting nullify etc instead of arcane ring + crystal, it would have gone alot better. Well, it was the first time I faced a FM with two grizzlies and deathlock ;), which really is a nasty combo.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2013, 07:04:35 AM by Charmyna »


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Re: The fabled Watergate Wizard
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2013, 07:54:01 AM »
Looks like an awesome build.  As I mentioned Wizard is my favorite Mage since there is so much versatility and options and different ways you can play it.  I have done Earth Wizard, which is OK but my main is an Air Wizard.  I've actually never tried a Water Wizard so I will give one a shot.  LOTS of control here with all those dispells and dissolves.  Will be interesting with Acid Ball and some other Water spells coming out too.

My only tough sell for me is giving up my beloved Gorgons.  I just love those things!  There is something to be said for just killing stuff vs weakening it, but it's especially fun when there are 4+ weak counters on enemy mage or their favored champion, and I'm like sure go ahead and hit me.  Plus the Gorgon's do a fair amount of damage.  I do see the risk of the teleport wars though.  I kind of don't mind if they focus on my Gorgon (they aren't focusing on me).  And since she is weak in same zone as opponent sometimes I give her flying so she can still shoot in the same zone as her target.  Flying Gorgon's can be fun.  That with her regen ability I just am not sure not having at least 1 (I usually run 2 Gorgons + 1 Basilisk to cripple/weak).

I was going to try the earth wizard with some hydras and a spike trap and port them in and hydra them off.  So I presume if you had 2 hydras and a wizard tower and either a tanglevine or spike trap would it be a good idea to TP mage in there and jump them? 

I realize the Wizard Tower is situational for what spell to use based on need.  But out of curiousity what is your top 1 or 2 picks for what you put on your Wizard Tower?


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Re: The fabled Watergate Wizard
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2013, 08:08:04 AM »
Looks like an awesome build.  As I mentioned Wizard is my favorite Mage since there is so much versatility and options and different ways you can play it.  I have done Earth Wizard, which is OK but my main is an Air Wizard.  I've actually never tried a Water Wizard so I will give one a shot.  LOTS of control here with all those dispells and dissolves.  Will be interesting with Acid Ball and some other Water spells coming out too.

My only tough sell for me is giving up my beloved Gorgons.  I just love those things!  There is something to be said for just killing stuff vs weakening it, but it's especially fun when there are 4+ weak counters on enemy mage or their favored champion, and I'm like sure go ahead and hit me.  Plus the Gorgon's do a fair amount of damage.  I do see the risk of the teleport wars though.  I kind of don't mind if they focus on my Gorgon (they aren't focusing on me).  And since she is weak in same zone as opponent sometimes I give her flying so she can still shoot in the same zone as her target.  Flying Gorgon's can be fun.  That with her regen ability I just am not sure not having at least 1 (I usually run 2 Gorgons + 1 Basilisk to cripple/weak).

I was going to try the earth wizard with some hydras and a spike trap and port them in and hydra them off.  So I presume if you had 2 hydras and a wizard tower and either a tanglevine or spike trap would it be a good idea to TP mage in there and jump them? 

I realize the Wizard Tower is situational for what spell to use based on need.  But out of curiousity what is your top 1 or 2 picks for what you put on your Wizard Tower?

As I said, im not sure about removing the gorgons. You are right, its not that bad if they are teleported away since its not my mage and the opponent used a teleport at least.
Teleporting a mage into a death zone is tricky since teleport is a two sided coin. He can easily teleport out there as well. So I guess u need some action advantage when doing so (e.g. using Huginn or enchantment transfusion or casting nullify on opponent a round before you teleport him).
My favourites on Wiz tower are jet stream and surging wave, followed by geyser for air targets with defence or to remove burn tokens. I do like having the option to cast a fireball/hurl boulder from the tower as well.


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Re: The fabled Watergate Wizard
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2013, 09:14:24 AM »
seems like a great build- The Wizard is an amazing mage- and you 6x6x3 of the dissolved/dispels/wands isn't over kill if you have the points to spare- I could see a normal control forcemaster causing this build a bit of trouble, pushing the hydras (Which is a problem when they are slow, and adds cost to teleport),holding the hydras, mind control on one hydra to take out the other- with her defence and force field she could deflect some of those attacks and attack spells. You could swarm her well with the gremlins though- those little jerks can cause a problem.

And I could see where you could have trouble against another wizard build- there would be a lot of back and forth, where someone would just have to gain that advantage in footing to gain momentum.

One huge advantage the wizard has is his arcane zap- I will zap my sleeping creatures like no other!

Do you find that cheetah speed for the hydras has no place in your build? I would think the 2 spell points would be worth it. Or even a charge? I know you have teleports and forcepush, and thats the best way to move the hydras- but sometimes it mana intensive- and I know I like to keep a back up cheetah speed for my hydras (Or really more forcepush)- just putting it out there.

I think 3 wands is a good number actually- If I dissolved two of you wands- I would just not use it on the third, I wouldn't.

Those are my initial thoughts (right or wrong), Overall I think its a great build, has a great balance of control and  "damage ramp" as you can do quick damage (That should go a long way early game) that leads up to some midgame high damage output. And you have options, for early and midgame, which is great.

Good job!
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Re: The fabled Watergate Wizard
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2013, 09:30:26 AM »
seems like a great build- The Wizard is an amazing mage- and you 6x6x3 of the dissolved/dispels/wands isn't over kill if you have the points to spare- I could see a normal control forcemaster causing this build a bit of trouble, pushing the hydras (Which is a problem when they are slow, and adds cost to teleport),holding the hydras, mind control on one hydra to take out the other- with her defence and force field she could deflect some of those attacks and attack spells. You could swarm her well with the gremlins though- those little jerks can cause a problem.

And I could see where you could have trouble against another wizard build- there would be a lot of back and forth, where someone would just have to gain that advantage in footing to gain momentum.

One huge advantage the wizard has is his arcane zap- I will zap my sleeping creatures like no other!

Do you find that cheetah speed for the hydras has no place in your build? I would think the 2 spell points would be worth it. Or even a charge? I know you have teleports and forcepush, and thats the best way to move the hydras- but sometimes it mana intensive- and I know I like to keep a back up cheetah speed for my hydras (Or really more forcepush)- just putting it out there.

I think 3 wands is a good number actually- If I dissolved two of you wands- I would just not use it on the third, I wouldn't.

Those are my initial thoughts (right or wrong), Overall I think its a great build, has a great balance of control and  "damage ramp" as you can do quick damage (That should go a long way early game) that leads up to some midgame high damage output. And you have options, for early and midgame, which is great.

Good job!

Thx for the thoughts :).
You talked about the FM pushing the hydras. The inherent force pull cant be used to push the hydras away, therefore thats no problem. But, the Forcemasters force push is cheaper spell point wise than the teleports are for me. This might be a little problem. Still, with 3 mage wands and all those teleports/force pushes I doubt it does really matter.
Chetah speed on the hydra can help for sure. The problem is that chetah speed (or charge) wont allow the hydra to move and still use its main attack. Therefore, I often prefer to just teleport her.


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Re: The fabled Watergate Wizard
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2013, 09:40:10 AM »
Looks cool, but I'm not sure how I feel about it.  It seems very beatable, but obviously I haven't played against it.  That wasn't a criticism by the way, I'm just being honest of my perception of the build at first glance.  I'm sure it's deceptively good and I'm sure you're a very good player, but I'd like to give it a play or two and see how I do against it. 

I still haven't gotten a single game in on OCTGN though :(  Every time I log on, there are no games listed, which is a shame.

I'm going to try again this weekend, and maybe I can get a game in with you.  I'd love to


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Re: The fabled Watergate Wizard
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2013, 09:48:30 AM »
Looks cool, but I'm not sure how I feel about it.  It seems very beatable, but obviously I haven't played against it.  That wasn't a criticism by the way, I'm just being honest of my perception of the build at first glance.  I'm sure it's deceptively good and I'm sure you're a very good player, but I'd like to give it a play or two and see how I do against it. 

I heard the same from other players. Gate+Hydra kinda look like what a MW beginner would play. Still, if supported with the right spells and played with caution, its a really nice strategy.

I still haven't gotten a single game in on OCTGN though :(  Every time I log on, there are no games listed, which is a shame.

I'm going to try again this weekend, and maybe I can get a game in with you.  I'd love to

I would be happy to play against you! Often, there is no game listed but there are people online willing to join your game if you open one. If noone joins, it can help to check if someone from the list of MW octgn players is online: http://forum.arcanewonders.com/index.php?topic=12862.0


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Re: The fabled Watergate Wizard
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2013, 09:49:58 AM »
Yeah- good points Charmyna- I was just overall thinking if some one was controling your creatures for the game it might cause you problems- and good point with the cheetah speed, I do end up using that quick attack alot more then I ever plan to though- Teleport and push is the best option. (I tend to run more push, or bind push on a wand myself) 

I need to try that OCTGN- but I just hate virtual play so much....but I want to play with some of you- so I am conflicted.

And Gate is the best spawnpoint IMO (As of right now!)
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Re: The fabled Watergate Wizard
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2013, 09:56:43 AM »
Yeah- good points Charmyna- I was just overall thinking if some one was controling your creatures for the game it might cause you problems- and good point with the cheetah speed, I do end up using that quick attack alot more then I ever plan to though- Teleport and push is the best option. (I tend to run more push, or bind push on a wand myself) 

I need to try that OCTGN- but I just hate virtual play so much....but I want to play with some of you- so I am conflicted.

And Gate is the best spawnpoint IMO (As of right now!)

Would be great to have more formidable players in Octgn! Sure, playing MW in RL is much better, but Octgn really helps to bring people from all over the world together :).

Gate rules!


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Re: The fabled Watergate Wizard
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2013, 10:01:01 AM »
Yeah- good points Charmyna- I was just overall thinking if some one was controling your creatures for the game it might cause you problems- and good point with the cheetah speed, I do end up using that quick attack alot more then I ever plan to though- Teleport and push is the best option. (I tend to run more push, or bind push on a wand myself) 

I need to try that OCTGN- but I just hate virtual play so much....but I want to play with some of you- so I am conflicted.

And Gate is the best spawnpoint IMO (As of right now!)

Would be great to have more formidable players in Octgn! Sure, playing MW in RL is much better, but Octgn really helps to bring people from all over the world together :).

Gate rules!

Lol, I just realized that you have the "Dark Destroyer" title now that The Dude was calling you.  Awesome  ;D

Yeah, I'd rather play IRL too, but at least OCTGN lets people play when they otherwise couldn't.  I personally have only played three games in the last three months IRL :( 

Hopefully I'll be able to get some OCTGN time in this weekend (maybe tonight).  But it will probably be rough going since I won't be familiar with the interface...so be gentle with me if I fumble my way through ;)


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Re: The fabled Watergate Wizard
« Reply #13 on: September 13, 2013, 10:06:29 AM »
Lol, I just realized that you have the "Dark Destroyer" title now that The Dude was calling you.  Awesome  ;D


Hopefully I'll be able to get some OCTGN time in this weekend (maybe tonight).  But it will probably be rough going since I won't be familiar with the interface...so be gentle with me if I fumble my way through ;)

Thats cool. I'm patient and just happy to play with someone from the forums :).


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Re: The fabled Watergate Wizard
« Reply #14 on: September 13, 2013, 10:11:51 AM »
I did download and install the OCTGN client and card packs.  I should really try that sometime.  Getting a real game in with my mentor wold be kind of cool, even if the Dark Destroyer destroys me.  That is a valuable lesson.

Honestly it is the interface thing that has been holding me back, but I guess you have to play a game or two to figure it out.  I just hate to hold people up or be that "slow" one  :o