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Messages - Stormmaster

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Spells / Re: Wizard Tower
« on: September 09, 2013, 11:53:08 AM »
So looking at the discussion rationally what is the (non subjective) definition of something "Overpowered".  What conditions (since they are not absolutes or in a vacumm) can objectively determine that? 
What do the playtesters use when they are seeing if something is out of balance or not?

Combination of factors, but is it on a sliding scale?  Is it the potential interactions with other cards?  Various synergies and combos that are presented?

If it is a sliding scale what is the range?
Like how do you evaluate: mana cost vs spell book cost vs armor, hp, damage, effects etc etc to see if something is too good or too low?

Note: I'm totally not taking any side or even commenting on anyone elses views.  Just interested in this discussion and trying to step back from it and look at it from all angles, since this is undoubtably going to come up again and again with DvN coming out.  I KNOW someone's going to say something is OP, but I don't want the playtesters or the game developers to be afraid to make "good" cards because of it.  I'd rather have cards that range in "goodness", they don't all have to be perfectly balanced to make the game fun and interesting.  I also am not a fan of errata/nerfing or changing a card AFTER it is in print.  There are other options, such as new cards that bring things back in balance if something does get out of balance.

Rules Discussion / Re: Immunity
« on: September 09, 2013, 11:40:03 AM »
Would be kind of cool if water spells healed plants.  Instead of Hydro immune, Hydro benefit.  Not seriously suggesting they do or change anything just random musings.

Rules Discussion / Re: Immunity
« on: September 09, 2013, 08:19:03 AM »
Oh that is interesting.  So a card with 'extinguish' you can't use the extinguish effect to remove burn effects?  I too had thought it was just immune to the negative effects, and especially the damage part.  So I can't cast a water spell at hydro immune and just have it do no damage?  boo  :(

Spells / Re: Wizard Tower
« on: September 06, 2013, 04:48:06 PM »
I've only fought against the Wizard Tower a couple times but I just ranged it down each time.  It can only hit one target generally so if you hit it with 3 targets it falls down in a couple turns.  I just try to use a bow with piercing and ranged attacks with piercing (due to its armor).  Since it has such a low life total it isn't too powerful or strong.

I could see how the tower would be rough if folks play one or two big creatures, but Wizard Tower can fall to any mini swarm strategy and it only stays on the board a couple turns so it is rough but can't cause too much damage.

I suppose properly defended esp with intercept guards it might stand up to ranged piercing attacks but ways around that turtle too.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Online spell book builder?
« on: September 06, 2013, 01:08:07 PM »
Nice Fyst!  :)

General Discussion / Re: Druid vs Necro Spoilers
« on: September 06, 2013, 01:02:33 PM »
Good point.  If they've been shown on Crits Happen or elsewhere they aren't new.

I also like to see a lot more cards that are school of magic based vs specific mage based.

So instead of Necromancer only, Dark Mage only is my general preference.  It adds more flexibility of play and more variety, so you aren't locked into a specific mage.  So if there is a good dark spell the Warlock being able to cast it also adds more flavor to him.  Or Nature Mage items could also be used by the Beastmasters.

I can see how a very few specific items should be mage specific to make them unique but hopefully most cards are school based not mage based if they are limited at all.

Spells / Re: Wizard Tower
« on: September 06, 2013, 11:08:27 AM »
One thing that balances (or helps balance) Wizard tower is you need to use your mana resources EVERY time you use it.  It isn't like it casts anything for 'Free'.  It gives you action advantage, and the slight channeling, but you still can't just chain cast huge fireballs or chain lightning or anything every turn without using up an entire turn's worth of mana.  So I think it is good but the mana need to fuel it balances it.  You have to "choose" cast a big spell or a medium creature, you can't do both.  So it has it's limits.

I guess I am just anti changing cards after they have been printed.  Add new cards that can deal with them, don't change existing ones.  I don't think they should have ever changed the temples (and that isn't because I even used them much) I just think they were good but could be played around or killed.  Just like the tower.

Further to the point these "too good" cards adds a challenge and complexity to the game which I really enjoy tackling, so hope they don't nerf or get rid of fun challenges to puzzle through and play with just because folks think they are good. 

Spells / Re: Wizard Tower
« on: September 06, 2013, 10:12:59 AM »
There is a difference between "balanced properly" and "too good".

Even if it was mana free doesn't mean you couldn't kill it or deal with it. 

Yes it would be out of balance though.  Besides it just would mean everyone would put a grizzly in their deck then it kind of negates it.

But you are right balance is key.  There are some cards a LOT of people use in a lot of decks, and there are some cards that hardly get dusted off.  Every card should get used some time, but I know some cards rarely do.  Maybe those are "too bad"?  No one talks about those cards, just the "too good" ones.  All subjective.

Spells / Re: Wizard Tower
« on: September 06, 2013, 09:22:31 AM »
Every card has a weakness and can be taken down.

When I read that, it sounds like you mean that no card could ever be too good. Is that really what you mean?

That is pretty close to what I mean yes. 

Every "too good" card I've seen just adds challenge to the game.  It makes me think of ways to take it down, which makes the game a challenge.  There is always a way, it might just be harder or more difficult.  Who wants it too easy?  That is boring.  More powerful the better bring it on. Gives a challenge.

I suppose there is an outer threshold to the argument that indeed there might possibly be something so out of balance that it is just unkillable there is NO way to win a game when that card hits the table, but I have yet to see that card exist. 

Spells / Re: Wizard Tower
« on: September 06, 2013, 08:28:30 AM »
Every card has a weakness and can be taken down.  I agree just because a card is good doesn't mean it is broken, do we want a bunch of "not good" cards?  What it does provide in the game is a challenge.  Just like there are ways to deal with Temple builds (so didn't need to be nerfed), there are ways to deal with a Wizard Tower. 

Just toss some resources at it and blow it up, it dies like everything else.  What is the big deal with it?

Yep it has good armor but it doesn't have a ton of life, so piercing attacks are great.
A) melee swarm it, take it down.  If it is running single target spell it can only push/nuke one of you
B) range swarm it, take it down.  If it is running AE nuke spell then put archers and mage 1-2 zones away and shoot it down (again with piercing it only takes a couple hits, it doesn't have high life).

So if folks don't like the Wizard Tower in their arena destroy it!  It's good but not broken or unkillable by any means.

General Discussion / Re: Druid vs Necro Spoilers
« on: September 05, 2013, 04:00:17 PM »
Cantrip makes it worth almost anything, never worry again about being caught without armor, even after everything has been dispelled/destroyed this can come back out.  Me personally I wouldn't pull it out early and would favor non upkeep forms of armor first, 2 mana per turn (early on) is just too costly, but later game wouldn't matter as much.

General Discussion / Re: Druid vs Necro Spoilers
« on: September 05, 2013, 02:27:13 PM »
Wow, Barkskin is really good for 4 mana.  Really good. 

Not sure what the Zombie marker will give creatures, but I assume it will add the Lumbering and Resilent traits, but we'll see.

If Vigilant allows you to add a Guard marker every round then that's really good too.  Wow.

But Barkskin could cost you 6, 8, 10, 20+ mana depending how long you leave it on.  2 mana upkeep is steep, it's a cool card armore + regen is awesome but 2 mana every turn for it.  I guess it is worth it to pay 2 mana to heal 2 points each turn but there are other regen items that don't cost mana.  Cantrip is cool though, at least you will always have the option of armor and regen.

Would be cool if Vigilant was like the Vigilance trait in MTG which lets the creature attack and still block/guard.  Not saying they should copy Magic by any means just saying Vigilance is one of my favorite traits in that card game, so I'm eager to see how they implement it here.

General Discussion / Re: DVN Preview #2 - Zombie Minion
« on: September 05, 2013, 09:42:01 AM »
What about tainted?  Can you toss tainted conditions on them for the -3 life?
Like from the spider or from Drain Soul.  I know Drain Life wouldn't work, but would Drain Soul?

Creative / Re: The Status Board Issue
« on: September 05, 2013, 07:48:01 AM »
The big problem is the life part.  Frequently my total life is higher than the amount available on the board.  For MTG they have round slider type things to keep track of life totals, as the value goes up or down you simply twist the life counter to reveal the correct number.  I love the board itself and it works pretty well for the other stuff (although I have gone over the max mana on the board periodically also), but not as much as the max life.

For our status boards we have magnetized them and attached to small magnetic white boards.  The status markers are color coded magnets, so no worries about bumping the board and things moving, you can even hold the status board upside down or sideways and the markers for channeling, mana, life stay put.  So since it is on a white board we just write down what our total life is, when it is greater than the amount the status board allows.  It works but would still love a slide wheel.  Although now that I think about it I suppose I could just stick the MTG slide wheel on top of the life part of the status board.  The slider is pretty small/compact.

General Discussion / Re: Druid vs Necro Spoilers
« on: September 04, 2013, 01:48:03 PM »
Well they do want to sell the product and without letting people know at least some of what they will be paying money for it is difficult.  It generates interest and provides information.  If I want total mystery and to have no idea what I am purchasing I can ignore the spoilers.  For me I like to get a taste of what I am buying.

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