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Spells / Re: Wizard Tower
« on: November 27, 2013, 11:35:01 AM »
Sorry to jump in here.. can I ask a Wizard's Tower/Conjuration related quick question?

First off here is the Wizard's Tower.
Wizard's Tower
-Conjuration Tower
-Spellbind, Familiar, Unique, Arcane Mage Only
-Conjuration adds Nonliving, Psychic Immunity, Unmovable
-Nonliving adds Poison Immunity and Finite Life

My question is 'which' conditions apply to a card like Mage Tower.
1. Of course all types of Poisons don't work due to Poison Immunity. (Rot, Weak, Cripple).
2. Slam, Daze in the codex mention 'creature' and since this isn't a creature these wouldn't apply.
3. Burn would apply as the codex says 'Object is on fire'.
4. Stun in the codex mentions 'creature' similarly to Slam and Daze so again it doesn't look like it affects Wizard's Tower but then the rule says 'Cannot affect Conjurations'.

Now if my Stun can't affect conjurations because the codex says 'creature' then what is the purpose of adding this last line 'Cannot affect Conjurations' to the rule. Unless there are Conjuration/Creatures? .. I don't think so.

5. Lets say we had a different Conjuration just like Wizard's Tower with the same exact traits except it was 'Living' which means it didn't get Poison Immunity and Finite Life. Since this conjuration no longer has Poison Immunity theoretically conditions such as rot, weak, cripple could affect it. However looking closer, weak mentions 'creature' so it shouldn't work, rot mentions 'object' so it should work, cripple says 'creature' so again shouldn't work.

Thinking about it logically with rules aside it makes sense for a non living conjuration to be immune to conditions such as rot, weak, cripple, on the other hand it definitely makes sense that a living conjuration would be immune to weak and cripple but susceptible to rot. Thinking about the other conditions such as burn, stun, slam this also makes sense. SO if everything works the way I outlined it.. then why does Stun EXPLICITLY say 'Cannot affect Conjurations'.

6. Corrode, this one nicely states in the codex 'creature or conjuration' hurray!

Thank you!

General Discussion / Re: Promo cards
« on: August 14, 2013, 09:27:17 AM »
The Promos will take up signifigant space in the strategy threads - threads i cannot participate in or learn from because i dont have access to discussed promos.
Okay. This point I 100% agree with. I theorycraft and theorycraft and find a flaw or a opening in a build on the forums and mention it and the response is a lot of times. "Well just use gravikor or another promo" ahahah.

So yes, the above point I agree with. However I still think it's not a big deal AT ALL to just play without promos. The decks I build are all built without even considering promos. Unless they are officially available to everyone I don't give them much thought.

General Discussion / Re: Promo cards
« on: August 13, 2013, 04:05:34 PM »
Same goes to the OFFICIAL Arcane Wonders errata cards Battle Fury, Hand of Bim-Shalla and Temple of Light. The 'official' text on these cards was changed but the text on my physical cards at home most definitely didn't. (sad face) So what prevents me or anyone else from following the old text on the cards when playing? Well the fact that the old text is 'officially wrong' and not legal in official tournament play.

Official haha

General Discussion / Re: Promo cards
« on: August 13, 2013, 04:01:45 PM »
In 99.999% of games played, promos cause imbalance. Some players have an advantage that all others don't.?
Yes, promos can give an unbalanced unfair advantage to a player that has them compared to someone who does not. HOWEVER I think that if you went anywhere in the world to play a friendly game of Mage Wars or even went to a competitive scene that if you said "We should play without promos so that our game is fair since not everyone has access to them and they are OFFICIALLY NOT ALLOWED IN OFFICIAL Mage Wars tournament play" everyone would be fine with that.

Think about Magic the Gathering for example. You could make yourself a deck from aaaallll the cards ever printed, however when you go to play, competitively or not, the majority of players will require you to adhere to the rules of a format. Lets take the "Standard" format for example.


Even though Magic has many many cards the format restricts which you are allowed to play. They even have ban lists for cards that become overpowered.

Think of Mage Wars the same way. Sure there are these promo cards but when it comes down to it, they are officially not allowed in tournament play. So when you play Mage Wars, just follow Mage Wars tournament play rules.

General Discussion / Re: Promo cards
« on: August 13, 2013, 11:40:57 AM »
I do wish I had a Gravikor though... grrr...

General Discussion / Re: Promo cards
« on: August 13, 2013, 11:38:19 AM »
There are two reasons why I don't mind the fact that there are promo cards.
1. As DeckBuilder pointed out. "These were promo cards and I read that they will be released eventually."
2. As Doma0997 pointed out. "The promo cards are not legal for tournament play until they are released to everyone."


Mages / Re: Necromancer balance
« on: July 30, 2013, 09:51:09 AM »
I'm just going to throw this out there.... Ahlano...well... YOU TOTALLY STOLE MR. SHAD0WS AVATAR! SHAME ON YOU!

General Discussion / Re: Index and Organized Spell Document
« on: July 25, 2013, 02:26:34 PM »
All hail Thessial and pixelgeek.


General Discussion / Re: 2 core sets?
« on: July 20, 2013, 09:18:52 PM »
After I posted my last reply I read over your question again and realized that you aren't deciding between 1 core set or two core sets (which is what my original reply goes into) but rather between 2 core sets versus 1 core set, the two spell tomes, the binders and the action markers.

Well, given you have decidied that you want more than just 1 core set I would 1000000% recommend getting 2 core sets compared to 1 core set, two spell tomes, the binders and the action markers.

Here are the reasons.
1. 2x 'Mage Wars Core Set' is cheaper than 'Mage Wars Core Spell Tome', 'Mage Wars Core Spell Tome 2', 'Mage Wars Spellbook Pack 1' and 'Action Marker Set'.

The biggest reason I would recommend the 2x Core sets is because a single Core set comes with 322 Spell cards however the two Core Spell Tomes combined only come with 222 Spell cards. Which means you are actually getting a lot more copies of cards with a 2nd core set.

3. With 2x Core sets you have 2 copies of each of the base mages (Wizard, Warlock, Beastmaster, Priestess). So if you do decide to play with your friends who don't have their own cards you can most definitely play the same mage if you want to.

4. Although as I mentioned in my first post the extra tokens aren't necessary but having them can't hurt either ;).

5. A second game board! If you plan on playing with more than 3 people this could come in handy.

6. More Dice! (Attack Dice and Effect Die (d12)). When I enter the arena.. the last thing I want to do is share my battle dice with my opponent!

7. I see 2 (very minor) reasons why getting all of the seperate stuff would be beneficial. 1) The spell binders you get look different... (Very minor). 2) The action markers have a different color. (This can be very nice when playing with more than 2 people. VERY nice but comparing this to points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 this really doesn't matter that much.


General Discussion / Re: 2 core sets?
« on: July 20, 2013, 09:02:43 PM »
Let me share my thoughts.

1. In a custom built spell book, "You may include up to 6 copies of each Level 1 spell in your spellbook, and up to 4 copies of all higher-level spells." (Mage Wars Rulebook page 36).

This is most likely the biggest reason why a 2nd core set is handy. So that you have access to more copies of the same card. Certain strategies could definitely include/require a lot of the same card.

2. How many people will you be playing with and will they have their 'own' core set? If you need to share your core set with another person or if you plan on trying out some 4 player games and those people do not have their own set then of course in this situation having a 2nd core set could be very helpful in creating multiple spellbooks.

3. In my opinion the extra tokens won't make much of a difference. I have never had a big issue with running out of tokens.

4. The extra binders are nice but again this depends on if you will be sharing your core set with other people as mentioned in point 2. If you will be using the core set for yourself then I think 2 binders are quite sufficient. Please also note two things. 1) The 'Mage Wars Forcemaster Vs. Warlord Expansion' also comes with two spell binders and I'm confident the future expansions of Mage Wars will also have this. So if you decide to start 'expanding' in the future, you will also be getting extra spell binders. b) Arcane Wonders also sells a 'Mage Wars Spellbook Pack 1' which comes with 2 extra spell binders. So if you are specifically looking for more binders then this might be a better route for you.

To conclude, I think having a 2nd core set is very valuable and a good idea. THAT BEING SAID, my recommendation to you as a starting mage would be to pick up 1 core set to start. Play the game, have some fun and from there if you decide to expand with a 2nd core set then just pick up a 2nd copy at that point in time. There is no reason in my opinion why you would have to make this decision now. Start with 1. If you are ordering the product online then there would be shipping involved so yes this would be one reason why you would want to get both in one go but consider this. If you really like the game so much that you will want to have a 2nd core set then I'm sure you'd be VERY interested in Mage Wars's Expansion sets and if this is the case a 2nd online order would be necessary anyways.

I hope this helps with your decision making.


Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Forcemaster Builds
« on: July 10, 2013, 09:39:04 PM »
I have a solid routine now. Wake up, drive to work, get a coffee followed by checking the mage wars forums SPECIFICALLY to see if Mr. Shad0w posted his build and strategy in this post. My excitement goes something like this.

Step 1. Pretty excited although super tired as I sip my coffee and enter www.magewars.com into my browser.

Step 2. I click that Forum button as my excited-ness sky rockets followed by the following.
  a) I see that the 'Spellbook Design and Construction' red ready marker is not flipped to active and I instantly jump to Step 6. (Read the rest of the post first.. don't jump to Step 6 quite yet)
  b) I see that the 'Spellbook Design and Construction' red ready marker IS flipped to active and my heart rate goes to a solid 200. (Note that I'm sitting down...). Lets move to Step 3.

Step 3. THE READY MARKER IS READY. Hit F5 just to make sure I'm not still dreaming. Okay.. still active... lets take a peek at the Last post on the right followed by the following.
  a) Mr. Shad0w was not the last person to reply to a thread... Okay okay my heart rate is down 20 points. My excited-ness is a little down. (I'm crying inside). Maybe there were sooo many posters and Mr. Shad0ws just wasn't the last one. Lets move to Step 4.
  b) Mr. Shad0w IS the last person to reply. ARE YOU SERIOUS. I do a triple front and back flip at the same time so fast that I don't even move in my chair. (Yeah, crazy I know). My heart rate is up another 20. (Is that healthy?). I then notice that last thread he posted in is not Re: Forcemaster Builds.. I feel a sharp pain in the left side of my body. My cheek feels a bit tingly.. but I have to know.. Proceed 5 spaces to Step 4.
  c) Not only is Mr. Shad0w the last person to reply... but the post is Re: Forcemaster Builds. I sprint to my cabinet that is half a meter away from me. I unlock the lock like I'm a thief from ancient days where picklocking was super cool. I grab my mage wars dice (5 of em) and my heart rate goes up by what I rolled times 2 plus 10. (Crits count double). My nose is starting to bleed at this point but who cares! CONTINUE TO STEP 5. I'M ALL IN.

Step 4. I jam my finger down onto that left mouse button clicking the glorious 'Spellbook Design and Construction' button and my hand cramps up followed by the following.
  a) The holy grail that is 'Forcemaster Builds' is missing the red 'new' square. What? no.. really? Awww man... Continue to Step 6.. DAMNIT.
  b) THERE IS A RED NEW SQUARE NEXT TO 'FORCEMASTER BUILDS'.. Yeah... totally knew today was going to be the day where Mr. Shad0w posts his build.. Why did I even doubt him... he totally told us he was going to post the build. I feel bad.. I can't believe I was a non believer. I then realize my heart rate is still maxed out, my nose is bleeding and I can't feel half my body I HAVE to finish this. Proceed with cheetah speed TO STEP 5!

Step 5. I click 'Forcemaster Builds' swiftly click page 11 and with my Stepmania trained fingers click that Page Down key like it's the hardest song I've ever clicked in my life followed... by???!!!!!!! ... There's no build. I twist my ankle and start feeling stomach pains... Step 6 is all that's left for me.. Please proceed :(.

Step 6. My dreams are shattered. My heart rate stops... what in all the world am I going to do now... WAIT, WHAT IF HE WAS JUST POSTING AS I WAS CHECKING??!! OOHHHH YEEEAAAHHH,,, PROCEED TO STEP 1 BABY!

Strategy and Tactics / Re: How can i fight the FM with my BM ?
« on: July 08, 2013, 02:45:06 PM »
Please note a few things regarding Dancing Scimitar in conjunction with the FM.

1. The Dancing Scimitar has an upkeep of 1. So not only does it cost the FM 5 to cast but to keep it around the FM has to spend an additional 1 each round. That's a plus to you.

2. The scimitar can only be used once per turn either for defending or for attacking for 3 dice. Not both. In 'most cases' FM builds try to overwhelm and kill their opponents as fast as possible. What this means is if they are using their scimitar to defend then that is essentially saving you from 3 dice of damage per turn. The longer you stay alive the better you will do against a FM.

3. Even if they decide to to defend with the scimitar they only do so on a 8+. So the chance of defending your attack is really only 42.67%. So more often than not will your creatures attack go through. Don't forget, regardless of a successful or unsuccessful defence, point 2 above comes into play. (You don't get hit for 3 dice of damage from the scimitar).

4. As mentioned the scimitar is a quick cast for 5 mana plus the upkeep of 1. Lets say on your end you cast a Bitterwood Fox (just as an example) which is also a quick cast (for the BM) for 5 mana and with no upkeep. So right off the bat it is essentially cheaper due to the lack of upkeep. The Bitterwood Fox can do 3 dice of damage. If you attack with the fox the FM has two choices regarding the scimitar.
a) Use the scimitar for a 42.67% chance to defend 3 dice of damage from the fox or
b) Don't use the scimitar to 'potentially' defend 3 dice of damage and then during the FMs action deal 100% guaranteed 3 dice with the scimitar to the BM. (Basic use case scenario, not taking into account possible damage mitigation like armor).

If I were the FM I would choose the latter. If they choose to defend that's a solid plus for you I'd say.

5. "But then the FM just turns around and kills my fox." A FM does a lot of damage. Galvitar, Hands of Bim Shalla, Strength Gloves, Battle Fury and so on. If they waste an entire turn attacking a fox dealing untold dice to the fox and killing it that means you were just saved all of that damage. Again this means you live longer and have a higher chance of defeating the FM.

6. "What if I'm not attacking with a fox but with a creature that has more dice to roll". Well regardless of how many dice you are attacking with the chance of them defending with the scimitar is still only 42.67%, so they need to decide is having a 42.67% chance of blocking even say 5 dice worth it? When compared to having 100% to dealing 3 dice of damage.

Essentially what I'm getting at is that if the FM is using the scimitar to block then in the majority of cases I would argue that's most likely a benefit to you as a BM.


Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Forcemaster Builds
« on: June 18, 2013, 08:42:28 PM »
Dear Mr. Shad0w,

Will you be posting your build and match results any time soon? I'm really curious to see what has changed from your build that was previously posted. I would also be very curious to know which wins and losses were against which mage/strategy and to understand against what kind of things you had problems with.

I've looked over your original deck list many times and in reading your succeeding comments I know about a few cards that you mentioned you usually run with such as Falcon Precision, Mongoose Agility and Teleport but my question is how do you deal with flyers? It seems the obvious answer is that you don't and instead just focus all on the enemy mage. If things get a little out of hand you have various equipments and enchantments to help you such as various armors/cloaks, forcefield, vampirisim and many other things. The problem I see is when faced against not just any flyers but the ones such as Valshalla or Samandriel. The kind that do pretty decent damage but more importantly have a fairly good chance to Daze or Stun you. It would seem Daze and Stun is just as devastating to the Forcemaster as the Weak tokens from the Gorgon Archer are. (Of course you can attack the Archer but based on your decklist you can't really do anything against those daze/stun flyers. Missing or not being able to attack a turn with the Forcemaster seems pretty huge. Not only that but if this happens it gives the opposing mage more time to 'do stuff' which is exactly what we don't want which is why we rush over there to end the game as fast as possible in the first place.

Now if some kind of flyer handling is needed then what do you think would be the best course of action? One route could be the charm, sleep or mind control route, the other could be running maim wings or eagle wings but all of these options take up quite a bit of spellbook points... Of course as you pointed out for your decklist there are only 'some' core spells and the rest are meta but when I built my own version 'based' on your deck I have a hard time deciding what could possibly be worth removing to add in these flyer handling cards.

I would really like to understand what you think about this. Thanks a bunch for your time!


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