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Rules Discussion / Re: Enchanment Reveal
« on: October 26, 2012, 02:52:00 PM »
Thank you !

Rules Discussion / Enchanment Reveal
« on: October 26, 2012, 12:53:33 PM »
Here is the setup, I have the initiative as a quickcast action I choose to cast Magebane on an the opposing mage, but I do not reveal it even though I have the mana for it. During the quickcast the enemy mage wants to cast a spell.

The question is, can I reveal Magebane after he has said he will take a quickcast action also, in order for that mage to be damaged ?

P.S. I am sorry if this question has been asked already, if it has please direct me to the answer.

General Discussion / Re: What's your first mage going to be?
« on: September 17, 2012, 12:27:59 AM »
As far as their out of the box recommended versions go; I want to play the Wizard with air magic first. I am happy that he defaults to air in the initial box set. Lighting is my favorite elemental damage type so I will be all over those cards.

My only concern is the wizard seems to be the most difficult to play in my opinion. A lot of his spells focus on picking the right moments to foil your opponents, while the Beastmaster and Warlock can just summon away and equip and go right for the throat.

I cannot wait for my copy to arrive so I can test out my theory.

General Discussion / Re: International localized Versions of the Game?
« on: September 07, 2012, 12:37:42 PM »
That would be awesome!!! Any idea if we can help with that? There are only two big companies over here, which would (surely) jump on board: "Heidelberger Spieleverlag" and "Pegasus Spiele".

General Discussion / Re: Mage Wars Release UPDATE
« on: September 07, 2012, 08:31:38 AM »
since the mods/admins, etc. are more active in this thread...    <<<<< ^^

General Discussion / Re: International localized Versions of the Game?
« on: September 07, 2012, 08:30:51 AM »
yeah, there we go^^

General Discussion / Re: International localized Versions of the Game?
« on: September 06, 2012, 01:18:25 AM »
noone, really?

General Discussion / International localized Versions of the Game?
« on: September 05, 2012, 03:35:12 AM »
Hi there :)

i cant wait for the game to be shipped to germany :) ....but as always, its hard to find players for an english only release. So, any chance that there ll be an international (including german) version with localized Rules and Cards?

Pleeeeaaaaase!!!!!! :)

General Discussion / Re: What has you PSYCHED about playing mage wars!!!
« on: August 16, 2012, 12:44:43 AM »
Add my name to the list of people who are psyched about EVERYTHING this game has to offer.

The fact that I do not have to shuffle a deck and rely on chance to draw a spell that should be on the tip of my mages tongue is most exciting.

The artwork looks beautiful and the cards are laid out so well.

The customizability is handled wonderfully. I see this game growing bigger, and bigger.

The randomness of dice in combat adds an exciting element. I like games where a weaker creature has the chance of getting lucky and taking out a stronger one. So even if you feel on the brink of losing, you never know when your minions may get a critical blow in and slay the demon that was about to crush you.

I could go on, so I will just repeat myself and say EVERYTHING!

Spells / Re: Spells you would like to see
« on: August 12, 2012, 01:15:26 PM »
Are there going to be any dragons in this game?

I think each of the schools should have a dragon avatar that embodies their schools principals.

A holy dragon that heals, an undead dragon for dark, a sky dragon for air etc...

Spells / Re: Spells you would like to see
« on: August 12, 2012, 01:41:35 AM »
What about spells with a delayed casting time? Like over several turns? Your mage uses their full action to begin casting, and they place the card in the zone with one or more “delay” counters on it. And each upkeep you remove a counter, and when the last counter is removed, the spell finishes. So you could summon very powerful creatures that are so strong that they take a couple rounds to get gated in, or a spell that has arena wide effects when it resolves.
And the trick is when these spells are started, if the mage casting it receives damage, the spell is cancelled and discarded.

Mages / Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« on: August 12, 2012, 01:27:11 AM »
The Corruptor.

A mage specializing in both Dark and Nature magic. They use natures unending life energy as fuel for their dark spells. A corruptor will summon good natured beasts of the wilderness, and use dark enchantments to twist and transform them into vicious killers.
Their magic also wreaks havoc on their opponent’s creatures and equipment. If it can be created, it can be corrupted.

They would essentially have a lot of enchantments that give powerful bonuses to creatures that are not of the dark school. And spells that conversely severely handicap opponents creatures by reducing their battle stats and depriving them of special abilities.
Their spells can also weaken equipment and add curses to them when used.

This mage would be a dark counterpart of the Beast master.

Servus :)

so, nachdem Moodiz mich nicht nur mit dem Spiel, sondern nun auch mit dem Forum hier infiziert hat^^...musste ich natuerlich auch gleich hierherschauen!
Aus dem Münchner Raum stammend, hoffe ich sehr auf Mitspieler und vor allem auf einen guten Vertrieb des Spiels und allen kommenden Erw. in Dtld.! Ich hoffe doch sehr, dass das Spiel positiv einschlagen wird und da noch viel nachkommt - bin leidenschaftlicher Sammler^^.

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