My favorite mage is the Forcemaster because I love the positional abilities and spells she has at her disposal. I also enjoy playing the Paladin and the Priestess. I like the Holy school's ability to keep its creatures alive so that they can wreck stuff. I have fun every time I play a Bloodwave Warlord as well.
Personally, I think I'm best with the Priestess. Her combinations just feel natural to my playstyle. Her Restore ability is unbelievably underrated. Of course, given a random Forcemaster book I can probably acquit myself well also (I would be AMAZING with her if I could every have her Deflect work
I still have a bad taste in my mouth regarding Wizards. I don't like them and I probably never will.
My least favorite mage to fight against is the Bloodwave Warlord because I want him to win so badly.