Mage Wars > Player Feedback and Suggestions

How to make Mage Wars faster

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What takes the most time is thinking. Something like a chessclock would reduce time a lot in my eyes.

The other huge timeproblem comes from turteling (your idea would stop that) and defensive beta.

I would not like to start in the center. That changes more or less every  beta. And I guess you would find most games ending up in fast and raw brutal beatdown.

Faster game?

Change the rules in your own Arena.

For instance, any or all of:
Enter the Arena with 3 rounds worth of static and personal spells already cast - step in already with some equipment and enchantments, with your familiar.
Have a hard limit on the number of creatures allowed in a spellbook.
Outlaw enchantments.
Reduce alll mage starting life by 25%
Start closer together.
Have a turn limit. If nobody wins by then the crowd boos and you both get the thumbs down from the emperor.
Use chess clocks for the planning phase.

There are all sorts of options. Try some and see how it goes.


--- Quote from: Obsidian Soul on January 17, 2018, 01:03:32 PM ---Exactly how slow are your games that you need to speed them up?  I generally finish my games in less than an hour, so I think that any slowness may come from a lack of familiarity with the spellbook in question rather than the slowness of the game.  Back in NC, we could get a new player to do point where they could finish games in an hour within a month, though that generally represented 10-20 games with the same spellbook.

--- End quote ---

Well my last game we didn't finish. We stopped after 2 hours or so (we did chit chat a lot, not a lot of thinking going on) I think there was about 2 hours left or so.

I played a Straywood BM book I've been playing for around 2 years now. Improved a lot :)
I played vs a book not unlike the book you just posted. A Priest that hardcasted GA´s and had a GA HA and a big Angel as well. Tuff to kill fast, even if I did a good job of ignoring the angels.

But I think most of our games in my meta, could go on longer than 90 min.
Wizard, Druid, any holy mage but even other mages with high defence and a lot of regen etc.

I personally would not like starting in the middle.  I love the positioning game.  The tactical maneuvering.  When you start next to each other you destroy the part of the game I love.  Would be hard pressed to get me to try it.

Obsidian Soul:
The problem with starting in the center two squares is that there is nothing stopping each Mage from retreating to the corner squares (it just makes it more unpredictable which corner square they end up in).


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